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Opis oferty pracy


·         Firmware development for radio frequency control systems

·         Progamming of driver software for hardware operation in electronic crates

·         Software development for the automation and protection of high power amplifiers

·         Programming of high-speed digital links and high-rate analog-to-digital convertes

·         Good team worker and good English skills


·         Very good knowledge in the construction, functionality and programming of digital hardware

·         Knowledge of FPGA technology of XILINX and VHDL programming

·         Degree in physics, electronic engineering or computer science

·         Good knowledge in the theory of system communication

·         Experience in C++ programming of front-end servers

·         Knowledge in fields like microwave electronics, optical communication or accelerator physics

<p class="\&quot;MsoListParagraphCxSpLast\&quot;" 18.0pt;="" mso-add-space:="" auto;="" text-indent:="" -18.0pt;="" mso-list:="" l0="" level1="" lfo1;="" mso-layout-grid-align:="" none;="" text-autospace:="" none;\"="" style="margin: 0px 0px 5px; padding: 0px; line-height: 1.6em; font-size: 12px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">·         Good team worker and good English skills

Szczegółowe informacje o ofercie pracy
Pole zawodu:
Doświadczenie zawodowe:
Work experience is not required
Umiejętności językowe:
  • English
Widełki wynagrodzeń:
Not provided
Date of expiry:

About organisation
