Ready to go on 2021 - EURES TMS Edition
O tym wydarzeniu
Benvenuti a "Ready to go on 2021 - EURES Targeted Mobility Scheme Edition" - Evento di informazione e reclutamento organizzato dalla rete EURES Italia.
Durante l'evento EURES Italia presenta il nuovo progetto EURES Targeted Mobility Scheme (EURES TMS), che unisce le esperienze dei progetti Your first EURES job (per gli under 35) e Reactivate (per gli over 35).
Stai cercando un lavoro/tirocinio/apprendistato e vorresti conoscere le opportunità e le misure di sostegno per la mobilità professionale nell'UE?
Scopri l'ampia gamma di benefici disponibili per coprire i costi per il colloquio di lavoro, il trasferimento, la formazione linguistica, il riconoscimento delle qualifiche e dei diplomi, le esigenze speciali.
Sei un datore di lavoro e vorresti saperne di più sugli strumenti a disposizione delle aziende per assumere candidati provenienti da altri Stati membri dell'UE, dalla Norvegia o dall'Islanda?
Scopri i vantaggi del nuovo EURES TMS per le aziende e come diventare un EURES Top Employer!
L'evento sarà un'occasione ideale per:
- seguire la presentazione "Vivere e lavorare" dei diversi paesi partecipanti
- scoprire le opportunità di lavoro offerte dagli espositori
- sostenere un colloquio di lavoro durante il giorno dell'evento e sino al 7 luglio
- ricevere consigli one-to-one in chat dai consulenti EURES o dagli espositori.
La partecipazione è gratuita.
Clicca qui per creare un nuovo account su questa piattaforma e registrarti all'evento come persona in cerca di lavoro o come datore di lavoro, oppure accedi al tuo vecchio account se sei già registrato.
Registrandoti come persona in cerca di lavoro potrai fare domanda per i lavori disponibili, caricare il tuo CV ed essere intervistato.
Registrandoti come datore di lavoro potrai accedere ai CV sulla piattaforma e condurre colloqui con chi cerca lavoro.
Ti aspettiamo il 30 giugno!
Are you an employer and would like to know more about the tools available for companies to recruit candidates from other EU Member States, Norway or Iceland?
Welcome to Ready to go on 2021 - EURES TMS Edition and discover the benefits of the new EURES TMS for companies and how to become a EURES Top Employer!
Participation is free of charge available online via pc or mobile device with an internet connection.
How to register
In order to participate in this online event, you need to register. Click here to create a new account as an “Employer” on www.europeanjobdays.eu and register for the event or log in to your old account if you are already registered, in this way you can access the CVs on the platform and conduct interviews with Jobseekers.
Upload vacancies
To achieve a good result with your recruitment, we recommend that the vacancies are published as soon as possible. Therefore, we advise you to access the platform frequently to check the applications received and the CVs uploaded.
Book online interviews:
During the event you can book and hold interviews with candidates who have applied for vacancies. The interview tool is integrated into the platform. You do this, by booking 15-minute interviews (so-called "slots"). You can access it at your "Dashboard".
It will be possible to conduct platform interviews until 7 July, depending on what you have scheduled yourself.
Chat with candidates during the event:
You can chat with candidates visiting our event. To do this you need a valid Skype account (not Skype for business!). You enter your Skype ID either when you register your account or later in the "Edit my organization" function in your "Dashboard". It is important that you are logged in to your Skype account throughout the event so that the candidates can get in touch with you. It is only possible to use one chat channel per account.
On the day event you can virtually attend an interesting programme of webinars. You can record a promotional video presenting your organisation, vacancies and contact details. By broadcasting the video during the event, you will be able to reach all participants. NOTE: The video should be no longer than 5 minutes and if it is in your mother tongue, it should be subtitled in English.
You will receive a broadcast programme about a week before the event day, then you know when your video is broadcasted and can take the opportunity to join the general chat in the broadcast window to promote your business.
For any information you can contact eures@anpal.gov.it
In case you may need additional assistance you can also contact European Job Days helpdesk section
Follow the updates on our social media:
FACEBOOK (@EURESItaly) and TWITTER (@ItalyEures)
We look forward to welcoming you online on June 30th on the European Job Days platform.
The EURES Italy team for europeanjobdays.eu
Are you looking for a job/internship/apprenticeship and would like to know about opportunities and support measures for professional mobility in the EU?
Come and discover how the new EURES TMS works and what it can do for you!
EURES Italy presents the new EURES Targeted Mobility Scheme (EURES TMS), which combines the experiences of the projects Your first EURES job (for under 35s) and Reactivate (for over 35s)
.Discover the wide range of benefits available to cover candidates' costs for job interviews, relocation, language training, recognition of qualifications and diplomas, special needs.
Partecipation is free
The event is an ideal opportunity to:
follow the webinars in agenda, including “Living and Working” from the different participating countries
discover the job opportunities offered by the exhibitors
have a job interview also in the days following the event (until July 7)
receive one-to-one chat advice from EURES advisors or exhibitors
To participate
Click here to create a new account on this platform and register for the event as a job seeker or log in to your old account if you are already registered. By registering as a job seeker you will be able to apply for available jobs, upload your CV and be interviewed.
For more information write to us: eojditalia2021@gmail.com
If you need further assistance, please contact your EURES advisor or help desk on the European Job Days platform
Follow the updates on our social media:
FACEBOOK (@EURESItaly) and TWITTER (@ItalyEures)
EURES ITALY Team for europeanjobdays.eu
Info Non-EU nationals
In order to be able to work in Italy and/or other European countries you will still have additional legal obligations and administrative procedures to go through to get access to the European labour market – and you’re not entitled to EURES mobility schemes.
As it is reiterated by the European Commission: Employment, social affairs and inclusion for non-EU citizens: “The freedom to move to another EU country to work without a work permit is a right for EU nationals”.
Non-EU nationals may have the right to work in an EU country or to be treated equally with EU nationals as regards conditions of work. These rights depend on their status as family members of EU nationals and on their own nationality. Due to complex immigration procedures, employers may as well decide not to go through your application.
Many of EURES' services (in particular EURES on-line services) are freely available for any user with access to the web. If you already live and work in the EEA territory or Switzerland, you can contact a local or regional EURES Adviser to get advice.
However, finding a job via EURES does not change the legal obligations and administrative procedures that may apply to non-EU citizens.
If you intend to move from a non-EEA country (except Switzerland) to live and work in the European Economic Area or Switzerland, often your own Ministry of Foreign Affairs can provide you with information on legal requirements to move abroad or refer you to useful information centres.
This Info point (prepared by EURES Italy) is dedicated to basic and first level information
for non-EU citizens interested in working in Italy,
We reiterate that the Italian Authority responsible for the entry and stay of non-EU citizens is the Ministry of the Interior.
For more information and insights, follow the presentations:
Info Non-EU nationals EURES Italy - Presentations files: Video - Pdf
Quota Agreement - “decreto-flussi” - Presentations files: Video - Pdf
Entries in Italy for study - Presentations files: Video - Pdf
The Italian government with the Quota Agreement - “decreto-flussi” 2020, (published on 12 October 2020) authorizes the entry into Italy of 30,850 Non-EU citizens to carry out seasonal and non-seasonal subordinate work and self-employed workers.
Here is in detail what the decree of the President of the Council of Ministers 7 July 2020 provides :
6,000 entries for non-seasonal subordinate work in the sectors of freight transport for third parties, construction and tourism-hotel of citizens of Albania, Algeria, Bangladesh, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Korea (Republic of Korea), Ivory Coast , Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Philippines, Gambia, Ghana, Japan, India, Kosovo, Mali, Morocco, Mauritius, Moldova, Montenegro, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Republic of North Macedonia, Senegal, Serbia, Sri Lanka, Sudan , Tunisia, Ukraine and the countries that, during the year 2020, have to stipulate cooperation agreements on migration matters.
The remaining shares are divided between entries of non-EU citizens who have completed training and education programs in their countries of origin, entries of workers of Italian origin residing in Venezuela and entries of non-EU citizens for self-employment, as well as between conversions of residence permits already held for other reasons in residence permits for subordinate work and self-employment.
They concern the entry of non-EU citizens for seasonal subordinate work from Albania, Algeria, Bangladesh, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Korea (Republic of Korea), Ivory Coast, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Philippines, Gambia, Ghana, Japan, India, Kosovo, Mali, Morocco, Mauritius, Moldova, Montenegro, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Republic of North Macedonia, Senegal, Serbia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tunisia, Ukraine.
For more information and the procedures for submitting applications:
On these Links you can find practical information about coming to work or study in the EU for more than 90 days and on how to join your family in the EU.
Info Covid-19
Situation regarding Covid-19 is in flux and guidelines change. Below you will find links to information on Covid situation in Europe and in Italy
Official source to get updated information on the COVID-19:
This tool provides an overview of the health situation in European countries, based on data from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). The information is updated frequently and available in 24 languages.
To follow the evolution of the coronavirus situation in Italy:
Please check also the guidelines in your country
Guidelines for Exhibitors
click to this link to download the Pdf Guide for Exhibitors
Register and connect profile to an organisation
- Click on “Register”
- Click on “Create account” in the exhibitor’s box
- Complete all information and connect your profile to the organisation you work for
- Click on “Create a new account”
2.1 Login with existing credentials
- Click on “Login”
- Enter your credentials: Login:
- Password:
2.2 Create jobs
- Click on “Manage my jobs” and then on “Add new job”
- Import the vacancy from EURES portal or enter manually all the necessary information below. Go to the job vacancy page and copy the unique job reference from the web address (see the screenshot below). Subsequently, paste it into the field "Job reference" below.
- Edit the part which will be used for matching vacancies related to “Job title”, “Occupation field”, “Education level”, “Education field”, “Language skills” and “Required ESCO skills”
- Click on “Save” at the bottom of the page
2.3 Schedule Time for interviews
- Click on “Set interview timeslots” on the left column
- Click on “Edit timeslots” under the event you want to schedule
- Click once on the timeslot to change it into “ONSITE”
- Click twice on the timeslot to change it into “ONLINE”
- Click three times on the timeslot to change it again into “N/A”
- Click on “Save timeslots” to save your schedule
- Click on “Job applications/interviews”
- Approve/decline jobseeker request for an interview by clicking on “Decline” or “Invite”
2.4 The online chat/interview sheduled
- Click on the left “Job application/interviews”
- Scroll down to the scheduled interviews
- (The following information can be found only on the scheduled day for the meeting with the Jobseeker) Click on “Start chat” to access Jitsi and start the video call
2.5 The online chat with exhibitors
a. online chat will be managed on SKYPE. In order to participate in one-to-one chats and/or calls during a live online event, you need a valid Skype account (not Skype for Business!). You can provide your Skype ID either when registering an account, or later on when you go to ‘Edit my organisation’ in your Dashboard.
Once provided, your organisation’s profile will be listed in the ‘CHAT WITH EXHIBITORS’ section during the live event. It is important that you are logged in to your Skype account so that jobseekers can easily reach you (see image below).
For questions, support or further information, please, get in touch with:
Guidelines for Jobseekers
Guidelines for Jobseekers
Please click https://urlsand.esvalabs.com/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fdrive.google.com%2Ffile%2… to download the Guidelines
more info: eojditalia2021@gmail.com
- Click on “login”
- Enter your credentials: Login:
- Password:
1.1 Account Management (matching information that will be seen by the employer)
- Click on “Profile settings”
- Scroll down
- Choose your Language skills (the job matching will be done on this item)
- Choose your Education fields (the job matching will be done on this item)
1.2 Retrieve the CV from EURES portal
- Click on “Profile settings”
- Scroll down the page
- Insert EURES username and account number to retrieve your CV from the EURES portal
1.3 Change password
- Click on “Edit my account”
- Enter and confirm your password
- Click on save
1.4 Manage jobs I applied for (starting from recommended jobs)
- Click on “Recommended jobs ”
- Click on the job you want to apply for (example: RESEARCH ASSISTANT, MENA)
- Click on “Apply for this jobs”
1.5 Manage jobs I applied for (starting from all jobs browser)
- Click on “Jobs” from the top of the page
- Fill in searching criteria and click on “Search” on the bottom left of the page
- Click on job that interests you
- Click on “Apply for this job”
1.6 Manage my events
- Click on “Dashboard” to go back to your profile
- Click on “My events”
- Click on “Register for another event” in order to subscribe to other available events
- Select the event you want and click on “Register for this event”
1.7 Express interest for an exhibitor
- Select the Exhibitor
- Click on the “EXPRESS INTEREST” button
1.8 Manage interviews invitations and agenda
- Click on “My job applications” and on “Interviews”
- Click on “Accept Invitation” and choose the timing for interviews with exhibitors who invited you
- Click on “Timeslots” to schedule your invitations OR click on “Pick interviews time” in “My Panel” box on the left
- Click on “Pick your interview time” to modify your timeslot
- Click on the timeslot you prefer and then click on “Change interview time” to save your new schedule
1.9 The tool used for the interview is Jipsi (very easy, it’s incorporate to the platform).During a live event the “CHAT WITH EXHIBITORS” will be on skype (not skype for business)
more info: eojditalia2021@gmail.com
About EURES TMS - Italian Project ANPAL EURES NCO
EURES - Targeted Mobility Scheme (TMS) is a project funded by the European Commission through the Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI) programme, aimed at promoting a high level of quality and sustainable employment, guaranteeing adequate and decent social protection, combating social exclusion and poverty, and improving working conditions.
EURES is a European cooperation network of employment services, launched in 1994 to facilitate the free movement of workers and covering all EU countries as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland.
EURES TMS is aimed at enhancing the match between labour demand and vacancies in all EU member States plus Norway and Iceland, fostering fair and voluntary circulation of workers and addressing labour market mismatch and skills shortage.
For futher information please visit the EURES TMS Stand
The WORK IN ITALY "Info Point" service provides general information for EU nationals and Non-EU nationals about living and working conditions in Italy.
Every citizen of the European Union has the right to move and reside freely in Italy or within the territory of another Member State other than that of which he/she is a national. Different formalities are required depending on the length of stay (exceeding three months or shorter stay).
Non-EU nationals may have the right to work in an EU country or to be treated equally with EU nationals as regards conditions of work. These rights depend on their status as family members of
EU nationals and on their own nationality. Due to complex immigration procedures, employers may as well decide not to go through your application. In order to be able to work in Italy and/or other European countries you will still have additional legal obligations and administrative procedures to go through to get access to the European labour market – and you’re not entitled to EURES mobility schemes.
As it is reiterated by the European Commission: Employment, social affairs and inclusion for non-EU citizens: “The freedom to move to another EU country to work without a work permit is a right for EU nationals”.
Many of EURES' services (in particular EURES on-line services) are freely available for any user with access to the web. If you already live and work in the EEA territory or Switzerland, you can contact a local or regional EURES Adviser to get advice. However, finding a job via EURES does not change the legal obligations and administrative procedures that may apply to non-EU citizens.
If you intend to move from a non-EEA country (except Switzerland) to live and work in the European Economic Area or Switzerland, often your own Ministry of Foreign Affairs can provide you with information on legal requirements to move abroad or refer you to useful information centres.
This Info point (prepared by EURES Italy) is dedicated to basic and first level information for EU nationals and Non-EU nationals interested in working in Italy,
We reiterate that the Italian Authority responsible for the entry and stay of non-EU citizens is the Ministry of the Interior.
If you are Non-EU nationals click here.
For more information and insights, follow the presentations: