Wersén Restaurang AB
About the organisation
Description of business: We have three different restaurants located in Åre, two at the square
and one in the slopes. Werséns is a classic brasserie with French influences and local ingredients.
Bombom, also located at the square, is a modern restaurant/bar with Californian cuisine, smaller
dishes to share, and influences from both Asia, south America, and Europe. Hummelstugan,
located in the slopes, is a busy daytime restaurant with high tempo, and lots of guests within a
short amount of time. With the restaurant located in the slopes, you have to be able to ski to get to
and from work.
About Åre:
Åre is situated in the centre of Sweden, easily accessible by road, rail or air. The village has a rich
selection of first-rate accommodation, shopping, activities, nightlife and restaurants.
Historically, the tourism in Åre begun when the railway came to the valley in 1882. Guests from all
over Sweden came to hike the mountains and to enjoy the fresh air in combination with good food
and comfortable hotels. In 1910 the funicular Bergbanan was inaugurated and in 1940 the first ski
lift was installed. From then on the winter tourism grew to be larger than the summer tourism in
the 70’sToday, Åre is northern Europe’s leading all year around tourist resort. The winter season stretches
from December to April offering alpine and cross-country skiing at all levels, snowmobiling, dog
sledding, ice driving and much more.
Hot jobs
Full job description: All applications are welcome with a minimum of three years of work
experience, and letters of recommendation from former employers.
Education/language/experience requirements:
Being able to communicate with your co-workers is very important, so speaking swedish or english
fluidly is required
No. of years of experience required: 3
Number of positions: 10
Hours per week: Approx 40 Daily hours: 6-14 depending on schedule
Start date for job: Mid december End date for job: 1 of may
Accommodation provided (monthly rent): Aprox 4000 SEK
Send your application (marked “Wersens”) as soon as possible
to: lars.y.nilsson@arbetsformedlingen.se con copia a eures.nordicos@sepe.es