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Pilkington has been glass manufacturer since 1826. In 2006, Pilkington was acquired by NSG Group, although former brand was maintained for some of the Group's glass products. Currently, NSG is one of the world's leading glass and glass products manufacturers operating in three main sectors - automotive, architectural and technical. 

NSG Group in Poland also comprises a Group Business Services. This is the insourcing unit, which role is to support the company's branches wordwide. Group of specialists from Sandomierz supports financial processes, procurement process, IT and data administration. In fact, Group Business Services team has enormous impact on keeping the production uninterrupted.

​Group Business Services team consist of almost 200 people and it supports as many as 20 countries from all around the world, ex. Poland, UK, Germany, Italy, USA and Brazil. 

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Uczestnictwo: On-line
24 - 25 Kwiecień 2019
Uczestnictwo: On-line