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Kela is the Social Insurance Institution of Finland that provides social security coverage for Finnish residents and many Finns living abroad through the different stages of their lives. 

When you are working in Finland or move to Finland on a permanent basis, you may be entitled to social security coverage under the Finnish social security system. The Social Insurance Institution of Finland (Kela) makes a determination about whether you are entitled to coverage. You may also receive benefits from Kela.

Dane organizacji
Dane kontaktowe:


Please note that we are here to advice you, not hiring.

Instructions for using the chat room:

When you want to enter the chat room, it may already be occupied by another jobseeker and you will be placed in the lobby. Please wait until you are invited in. If possible, prepare your questions beforehand and be brief.

Event participation(s)

05 Październik 2022
Uczestnictwo: On-line