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  • Sweden's third largest city
  • The city's population has grown for 32 consecutive years
  • Of more than 326,000 inhabitants, half are under the age of 35
  • 31 % of the city's inhabitants are born abroad
  • 177 nationalities are represented in Malmö
  • Over 150 different languages ​​are spoken in the city
  • 50 languages taught within mother tongue education
  • 80 compulsory schools
  • compulsory schools for students with learning disabilities
  • Approx 33 500 students (September 2020)
  • Around 100 after school care centres                 
  • Approx 15 300 students (September 2020)
  • 6 000 employees
  • 500 million euros/annual budget
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15 Kwiecień 2021
Uczestnictwo: On-line
26 Listopad 2020
Uczestnictwo: On-line