Medical Specialist - Region of Southern Denmark
The Region of Southern Denmark is seeking specialist medical practitioners
We’re looking for medical practitioners specialising in the following areas:
Internel Medecine
For information about the tasks and requirements of the different job offers, see the following link:
We expect you to:
be a medical specialist with valid and up-to-date qualifications
be willing to relocate to Denmark and learn Danish
have good social and interpersonal skills
be independent and take the initiative enjoy working in a team
obtain authorisation to practice in Denmark from the Danish Health and Medicines Authority.
You can find information on how to apply at http://www.sst.dk
We are looking forward to receiving your application. Please send them as soon as possible to health@workindenmark.dk
We offer
An intensive specialised Danish language course
Salary:Basic pay: 82.837 Euro per year, before tax.
There will also be supplements to basic pay.
To assist with your relocation, we will provide ongoing support to you and your family and assign you a personal contact. Your partner will also receive assistance in finding a job, help is provided in finding a residence, and mentoring is provided as well as help for all other practical matters.
The Region of Southern Denmark is one of the five regions in Denmark which operate the Danish health system. The Region has 18 somatic hospitals and works with 800 general practitioners to provide free medical help, and is also responsible for providing psychiatric treatment to residents with mental illnesses.