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Beschrijving vacature

Restaurant Italia in Aarhus is looking for for an educated chef that has a lot of experience within the italian kitchen. Start is soon as possible. It is important that you speak english and know how to work fast and you also have to be able to handle stressful situations. We offer you a permanent job with good work conditions, and we hope to find a chef that will stay with us for many years. Send your CV to as soon as possible. Please send your CV to this E-mail adress INSTEAD of calling. We are looking forward to receive your CV!

Arbetsort/Place of work: Aarhus, Denmark

Arbetstid/Hours per week: 37

Varaktighet/Contract: (tillsvidare- eller tidsbegränsad) (permanent, temporary): Permanent job Startdatum/Starting date: As soon as possible

Lön/Salary: Salary €2882 pr. Month before taxes (depending on qualifications) + 13,5% holiday money + pension 8%.

Ansökan/How to apply: Send your CV to as soon as possible.

Sista ansökningsdatum /Last application date: asap

Övrigt/Additional Information: (Does the employer help with acommodation, interview and/or relocation costs etc?) Assistance with room – has to be paid for

Kontaktperson/Contact person: Cecilia Capuzzi Telefon/Phone number: E-post/E-mail:


Work experience is not required
  • English
  • Very good
Salaris van/tot:
Not provided
Date of expiry:
Link for more information:

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