The Hit d.d. Nova Gorica Company is inviting applications for the post of COOK (m/f) in the Hit restaurant facilities.
Workplace description:
The person employed at this position will be responsible for the independent preparation and prior preparation of dishes.
The candidates are expected to:
Have a post-secondary non-tertiary level of education or a short-cycle tertiary level of education in the field of hospitality;
Have work experience as Cook;
Have a passion for cooking and cuisine;
Have teamwork skills;
Take part in additional education and training;
Knowledge of Italian or German language is desirable.
For the post put herein for tender we offer:
An employment contract for a definite period with the possibility of renewal;
Full-time employment;
The possibility of professional and personal development.
Please send your curriculum vitae and a description of your proficiencies and experience so far to the e-mail address kadrovska.sluzba@hit.si or to the following mail address:
HIT d. d. Nova Gorica
Kadrovska služba
Delpinova 7 a
5000 Nova Gorica
We employ on a non-discriminatory and equal possibilities basis.