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Kjer se srečata zgodovina in sodobnost.

Pustite vsakdanje življenje za seboj in se potopite v objem pomirjujoče narave, ki vam vrača zdravje in dobro počutje ter vas sprošča. V čudovitem okolju Rimskih term se predajte užitkom v zdravilni vodi iz globin Amalijinega in Rimskega vrelca. Privoščite si najboljše, kar vam ponuja stičišče tradicije in sodobnosti.

Zdravilnih učinkov termalne vode so se zavedali že stari Rimljani, ki so leta 39 pr. n. št. prav na istem mestu zgradili bazene s toplo in hladno vodo. Minevala so stoletja, priljubljenost vrelcev s čudežno vodo pa je le še rasla. Sem so v prepričanju, da so odkrili čudežni zdravilni izvir, prihajali člani kraljevih družin. Dolgo časa so bile terme dostopne le pripadnikom višjih slojev in visokim vojaškim častnikom. Danes pa so na voljo vsakomur, ki si želi preizkusiti njihove zdravilne učinke.

Analize kažejo, da je akrotermalna voda v Rimskih termah po vsebnosti kemijskih elementov, ki blagodejno vplivajo na človeško telo, ena najbogatejših v Sloveniji. Na dobro počutje človeka pa spodbudno vplivajo tudi okolica term, kristalno čist zrak in pravljična pokrajina neokrnjenih gozdov.

Znebite se utrujenosti in stresa, svoje življenje napolnite s pozitivno energijo, uravnotežite telo in duha ter zaživite v harmoniji

Where history and present meet.

Take a break from everyday life and immerse yourself in the soothing embrace of nature that will reward you with health, wellbeing and relaxation. Surrender yourself to the pleasures of healing water from the depths of the Spring of Amalija and the Roman Spring in the beautiful surroundings of Rimske Terme. Treat yourself to the best offered by tradition and present.

Even in 39 BC, the ancient Romans, who were aware of the healing effects of thermal water, built the first swimming pools with hot and cold water at the today’s location of  Rimske Terme. Centuries passed and the miraculous water springs became more and more popular. Members of royal families visited Rimske Terme in the belief that they had discovered a miraculous healing spring. For a long time, the spa was only available to members of the upper class and to high military officers – only in the past few years the spa has become available to anyone who wishes to experience its healing effects.

Research has shown that the acrothermal water in Rimske Terme is one of the richest in Slovenia in terms of the content of chemical elements that have beneficial effect on the human body. The stimulating working environment in which the spa is located, the crystal clean air and fairy-tale landscape of unspoiled forests also contributes beneficially to a person’s well-being

Get rid of fatigue and stress, fill your life with positive energy, balance your body and mind and start living in harmony.

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suzana.srdic@rimske –
