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Job and Career in Latvia

Data dell’evento:
18 Ottobre 2023
Tipo di evento:
Stato di registrazione:

67 impieghi disponibili per questo evento

Disponibile per il seguente evento:

Ieslodzījuma vietu pārvalde ir Tieslietu ministrijas padotībā esoša valsts pārvaldes iestāde, kas īsteno valsts politiku apcietinājuma kā drošības līdzekļa un brīvības atņemšanas kā kriminālsoda izpildes jomā. Amatpersona ir persona ar atbilstošu profesionālo izglītību, kvalifikāciju un speciālo dienesta pakāpi, kura devusi zvērestu un dienē Pārvaldē. Amatpersonas tiesības un pienākumus nosaka Ieslodzījuma vietu pārvaldes likums un Iekšlietu ministrijas sistēmas iestāžu un Ieslodzījuma vietu pārvaldes amatpersonu ar speciālajām dienesta pakāpēm dienesta gaitas likums. Pienākumi : Sniegt ...

Paese dove si svolge il lavoro:
Fascia salariale (Mensile):
1252 - 1370 EUR (Gross pay)
Disponibile per il seguente evento:

Ieslodzījuma vietu pārvalde ir Tieslietu ministrijas padotībā esoša valsts pārvaldes iestāde, kas īsteno valsts politiku apcietinājuma kā drošības līdzekļa un brīvības atņemšanas kā kriminālsoda izpildes jomā. Amatpersona ir persona ar atbilstošu profesionālo izglītību, kvalifikāciju un speciālo dienesta pakāpi, kura devusi zvērestu un dienē Pārvaldē. Amatpersonas tiesības un pienākumus nosaka Ieslodzījuma vietu pārvaldes likums un Iekšlietu ministrijas sistēmas iestāžu un Ieslodzījuma vietu pārvaldes amatpersonu ar speciālajām dienesta pakāpēm dienesta gaitas likums.

Paese dove si svolge il lavoro:
Fascia salariale (Mensile):
990 - 1110 EUR (Gross pay)
Disponibile per il seguente evento:

It’s pretty amazing being a part of Transcom. The world’s biggest brands have picked us to take care of their customers, and the experiences we deliver bring them to life. Right now, Transcom Latvia is looking for a Swedish-speaking Customer Service Representative for NETS, one of Europe’s most innovative, modern, and fastest-growing digital finance and payment solutions companies. This position presents you with an exciting opportunity to relocate to Latvia. Located just an hour's flight away from Stockholm, Riga, Latvia is a perfect match for you if you're looking for a relaxed and ...

Paese dove si svolge il lavoro:
Fascia salariale (Mensile):
1440 - 1800 EUR (Gross pay)
Disponibile per il seguente evento:

It’s pretty amazing being a part of Transcom. The world’s biggest brands have picked us to take care of their customers, and the experiences we deliver bring them to life. Right now, we’re looking for a Finnish-speaking Customer Service Representative for Western Union, an industry leader in global money transfer and payment services. This position presents you with an exciting opportunity to relocate to Latvia. Located just an hour's flight away from Helsinki, Riga, Latvia is a perfect match for you if you're looking for a relaxed and affordable lifestyle. Relocating to Riga will skyrocket ...

Paese dove si svolge il lavoro:
Fascia salariale (Mensile):
1400 - 1750 EUR (Gross pay)
Disponibile per il seguente evento:

It’s pretty amazing being a part of Transcom. The world’s biggest brands have picked us to take care of their customers, and the experiences we deliver bring them to life. Right now, we’re looking for a Norwegian-speaking Customer Service Representative for Western Union, an industry leader in global money transfer and payment services. This position presents you with an exciting opportunity to relocate to Latvia. Located just an hour's flight away from Oslo, Riga, Latvia is a perfect match for you if you're looking for a relaxed and affordable lifestyle. Relocating to Riga will skyrocket your ...

Paese dove si svolge il lavoro:
Fascia salariale (Mensile):
1400 - 1750 EUR (Gross pay)
Disponibile per il seguente evento:

It’s pretty amazing being a part of Transcom. The world’s biggest brands have picked us to take care of their customers, and the experiences we deliver bring them to life. Right now, Transcom Latvia is looking for a Swedish-speaking Customer Service Representative for NETS, one of Europe’s most innovative, modern, and fastest-growing digital finance and payment solutions companies. This position presents you with an exciting opportunity to relocate to Latvia. Located just an hour's flight away from Oslo, Riga, Latvia is a perfect match for you if you're looking for a relaxed and affordable ...

Paese dove si svolge il lavoro:
Fascia salariale (Mensile):
1440 - 1800 EUR (Gross pay)
Disponibile per il seguente evento:

It’s pretty amazing being a part of Transcom. The world’s biggest brands have picked us to take care of their customers, and the experiences we deliver bring them to life. Right now, we’re looking for a Danish-speaking Customer Service Representative for Western Union, an industry leader in global money transfer and payment services. This position presents you with an exciting opportunity to relocate to Latvia. Located just an hour's flight away from Copenhagen, Riga, Latvia is a perfect match for you if you're looking for a relaxed and affordable lifestyle. Relocating to Riga will skyrocket ...

Paese dove si svolge il lavoro:
Fascia salariale (Mensile):
1440 - 1750 EUR (Gross pay)
Disponibile per il seguente evento:

It’s pretty amazing being a part of Transcom. The world’s biggest brands have picked us to take care of their customers, and the experiences we deliver bring them to life. Right now, Transcom Latvia is looking for a Danish-speaking Customer Service Representative for NETS, one of Europe’s most innovative, modern, and fastest-growing digital finance and payment solutions companies. This position presents you with an exciting opportunity to relocate to Latvia. Located just an hour's flight away from Copenhagen, Riga, Latvia is a perfect match for you if you're looking for a relaxed and ...

Paese dove si svolge il lavoro:
Fascia salariale (Mensile):
1440 - 1800 EUR (Gross pay)
Disponibile per il seguente evento:

Job description It’s pretty amazing being a part of Transcom. The world’s biggest brands have picked us to take care of their customers, and the experiences we deliver bring them to life. Right now, we’re looking for a Polish-speaking Customer Service Representative for Western Union, an industry leader in global money transfer and payment services. What's in it for YOU! 4-week training paid course. The training will take place at our office in Riga, Support with the whole relocation process and settling in, Health insurance after the probation period, Work experience that boosts your career ...

Paese dove si svolge il lavoro:
Fascia salariale (Mensile):
990 - 1174 EUR (Gross pay)
Disponibile per il seguente evento:

“Maxima Latvija” ir vadošais mazumtirdzniecības tīkls Latvijā. Ik dienu “Maxima” veikalus apmeklē 300 000 klienti, par kuriem rūpējas vairāk nekā 6000 darbinieku liela komanda. Uzņēmums ietilpst holdingā “Maxima Grupe”, kas ir lielākais mazumtirdzniecības veikalu tīkls un darba devējs Baltijā, nodarbinot kopumā vairāk nekā 30 000 darbiniekus piecās valstīs: Lietuvā, Latvijā, Igaunijā, Polijā un Bulgārijā. Vairākus gadus pēc kārtas “Maxima Latvija” ir atzīta par Nr.1 mīlētāko zīmolu mazumtirdzniecībā Latvijā un Baltijā un TOP 3 mīlētāko zīmolu Latvijā kopumā.

Offerto da:
Paese dove si svolge il lavoro:
Fascia salariale (Mensile):
1040 - 1210 EUR (Gross pay)