Work in Norway
76 impieghi disponibili per questo evento
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Sikkerhetskontrollør på Oslo Lufthavn 75% Arbeidsgiver: Avarn Security Aviation AS Sted: 2060 Gardermoen Ønske om å jobbe på Oslo Lufthavn Gardermoen? Avarn Security Aviation AS søker sikkerhetskontrollører til Norges største flyplass, en pulserende og mangfoldig arbeidsplass. Arbeidsoppgavene vil være sikkerhets- og serviceoppgaver relatert til reisende og andre aktører på lufthavnen. Vi har behov for flere kollegaer i deltidsstillinger 75%. Her kan du forvente at du blir tildelt en turnus med vakter basert på dag, kveld og annenhver helg. Fordeling av dagvakter og kveldsvakter er bestemt ...
- Norwegian
- Good
- English
- Good
The position is part of our Electrical Department and we want a person who is a good relationship builder with the customer and delivery in focus. In our electrical department, we are 20 committed engineers, project coordinators, skilled workers and apprentices. We have a good working environment, where the opportunities for professional and personal development are good. Job content Handling of requests Tender work Project planning Engineering Project management Calculation Autocad Working on Improvements Documentation About Bilfinger Bilfinger is an international industrial services provider ...
- English
- Very good
The position is part of the Mechanical department and we want people who can work independently and who can manage a team. If you have perseverance and understand that your attitude is decisive for the results, then we would very much like to hear from you. Job content Maintenance of proces equipment in industry Projects and teamwork Direct contact with customers About Bilfinger Bilfinger is an international industrial services provider, with more than 30,000 employees worldwide. The Group aims to enhance the efficiency of assets, ensure a high level of availability, reduce emissions and lower ...
- English
- Good
Job content general maintenance and modifications of buildings at our customers concrete work, carpenter work, painting or plumbing projects within the above-mentioned categories. About Bilfinger Bilfinger is an international industrial services provider, with more than 30,000 employees worldwide. The Group aims to enhance the efficiency of assets, ensure a high level of availability, reduce emissions and lower maintenance costs. Creating sustainable production processes for customers is becoming increasingly important. With more than 3,600 dedicated and skilled employees located at 70 ...
- English
- Good
Job content general maintenance and modifications of buildings at our customers concrete work, carpenter work, painting or plumbing projects within the above-mentioned categories. About Bilfinger Bilfinger is an international industrial services provider, with more than 30,000 employees worldwide. The Group aims to enhance the efficiency of assets, ensure a high level of availability, reduce emissions and lower maintenance costs. Creating sustainable production processes for customers is becoming increasingly important. With more than 3,600 dedicated and skilled employees located at 70 ...
- English
- Good
Sheet metal workers The position is part of the Mechanical department and we want people who can work independently and who can manage a team. If you have perseverance and understand that your attitude is decisive for the results, then we would very much like to hear from you. Job content Prefabrication and maintenance of proces equipment in industry Projects and teamwork Direct contact with customers
- English
- Good
job content general maintenance and modifications of buildings at our customers concrete work, carpentry work, painting or plumbing projects within the above-mentioned categories. About Bilfinger Bilfinger is an international industrial services provider, with more than 30,000 employees worldwide. The Group aims to enhance the efficiency of assets, ensure a high level of availability, reduce emissions and lower maintenance costs. Creating sustainable production processes for customers is becoming increasingly important. With more than 3,600 dedicated and skilled employees located at 70 ...
- English
- Good
Bussjåfør til dagkjøring og/eller kveldskjøring SSP er i dag et selskap på over 50 år som driver med persontransport. Vi har en ny og fin bilpark som består av Mercedes sprintere, Setra busser og flotte selskapsvogner som f.eks BMW 740. Vi kjører i dag oppdrag for bla Helse Nord, Troms fylkestrafikk, Tromsø Kommune og Nordlys-turisme. Hovedkontoret ligger i Tromsø og vi er ca 50 ansatte. Oppgavene omfatter transport av skoleelever, pasienter med Helseekspress, dagsenter brukere, turister og VIP-kjøring. Hos Stein Sørensen Persontransport skal du trives og sørge for passasjerenes sikkerhet ...
- Norwegian
- Good
Summer 2023 Chefs & Cooks - Scandic Destination Nordkapp HONNINGSVÅG APPLICATIONS ARE CONSIDERED ON A ROLLING BASIS I'm interested Job Description What's your next adventure? Each year more than 250 000 people from all over the world visit us at Scandic Destination Nordkapp and we're looking for team members to help us give them a memorable adventure at the North Cape. No matter what your next adventure is, whether it's to explore the Arctic, make new friends or travel the world, spending the summer season working with us in Team Nordkapp should be a memory for the rest of your life. While you ...
- English
- Good
Head Chef - Scandic Destination Nordkapp 2023 Summer Season HONNINGSVÅG APPLICATIONS ARE CONSIDERED ON A ROLLING BASIS I'm interested Job Description What's your next adventure? Each year more than 250 000 people from all over the world visit us at Scandic Destination Nordkapp and we're looking for team members to give them a memorable adventure at the North Cape. The destination includes Scandic Bryggen, a small intimate boutique hotel; Scandic Honningsvåg, a well-known landmark in Norway's northernmost town; Scandic Nordkapp, a unique hotel in the middle of nature and Nordkapphallen, the ...