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Finland - Norway - Sweden Day

Data dell’evento:
11 Marzo 2020
Tipo di evento:
Stato di registrazione:

87 impieghi disponibili per questo evento

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TROMSØ KOMMUNE SENTRALADMINISTRASJON Org. nr: - Stillingsident: 4192810211 Presentasjon av stillingen: De beste jobbene i verden er ledig! Vi har følgende stillinger ledig: 1 stilling som pedagogisk leder i Templarheimen barnehage. 2 stillinger til samisktalende barnehagelærere i Guovssahas mánáidgárdi. Alle stillingene er faste med tiltredelse 3. august 2020. Arbeidsoppgaver Lede og delta i aktiviteter ute og inne med barn i alderen 0-6 år Ansvar/medansvar for daglig drift av basen/avdelinga Organisere og fordele det pedagogiske og praktiske arbeidet på basen Lede og drifte sammen med ...

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Torsvåg Havfiske , Vannareid (Northern Norway) cleaners/renholdere Fishing Camp 2020 season We are looking for 2 new staff members! Torsvåg Havfiske, estbl. 2005, is a touristcompany located 2 hours from Tromsø, in the northern part of Norway. We are running a fishingcamp, with 8 apartments and 3 separate houses as well as 18 Arvor boats for rental. Our season is from April-October. For the 2020-season we need 2 cleaners. Work tasks cleaner: The main job of the cleaners will be to clean our apartments and houses. Additional to this you will have other tasks according to maintenance of ...

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Not provided
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Torsvåg Havfiske , Vannareid (Northern Norway) Serviceman Fishing Camp 2020 season We are looking for a new staff member! Torsvåg Havfiske, estbl. 2005, is a touristcompany located 2 hours from Tromsø, in the northern part of Norway. We are running a fishingcamp, with 8 apartments and 3 separate houses as well as 18 Arvor boats for rental. Our season is from April-October. For the 2020-season we also need 2 cleaners. Serviceman 100% position. We are looking for one person to have the daily maintenance of our boats as your maintask ( daily cleaning, fixing smaller problems) You need to have: - ...

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Not provided
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Saarikka is looking for: 5-10 registered nurses: Legalization as prescribed in the health care professionals act (559/1994). Understandable level of Finnish is also required. We also hire students of the field as substitutes. More information Ms. Riitta Hallberg, TEL +35844-4598946, riitta.hallberg(a) Information (in Finnish): How to apply job in Saarikka (in Finnish): Professional practice rights see more: website provided by ...

Offerto da:
Paese dove si svolge il lavoro:
Fascia salariale:
Not provided
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Perusturvaliikelaitos Saarikka is looking for: 20-30 practical nurses: Competence according to the decree (564/1994) about health care professionals and the act (272/2005) on qualification requirements for social welfare professionals and suitability for the job in question. Understandable level of Finnish is also required. We also hire students of the field and/or care assistants as substitutes. More information Ms. Riitta Hallberg, TEL +35844-4598946, riitta.hallberg(a) How to apply job in Saarikka (in Finnish): ...

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Paese dove si svolge il lavoro:
Fascia salariale:
Not provided
Disponibile per il seguente evento:

Har du lyst til å jobbe i den mest kreative og stadig voksende hotellkjeden i Nord-Europa? Er du en person som liker utfordringer og strever etter noe unikt? Nordic Choice Hotels har jobbet for innovasjon i hotellbransjen i mange år. Vi har tro på at talent kan komme fra hvor som helst. Vi er aldri gjennomsnittlig - er du? På Oppdal kommer du tett på fjellet og naturen. Oppdal har rikt kulturliv og har stort aktivitetstilbud sommer som vinter. Oppdal byr på fantastiske muligheter om vinteren, både i slalombakken og på ski i uberørt natur. Med nærheten til fjellet og flotte fiskevann så er ...

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Paese dove si svolge il lavoro:
Fascia salariale:
Not provided
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Katterjokk and Ebbes Kök is situated at the ski resort of Riksgränsen, with fantastic scenery wherever you look. It is 35 km to Abisko and 45km to Narvik. The area is excellent for all kinds of skiing and and snowmobile. During our summer season our guests enjoy hiking, fishing and biking. Ebbes Kök has 70 seats and is open 11 months per year. We serve lunch every day and dinner on weekends. Job starting Mid may until end September or end of June to end of October. Small restauarant with 70 seats. During high season we can be very busy, wich demands a person that handles stress well. We serve ...

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Paese dove si svolge il lavoro:
Fascia salariale:
Not provided