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Total 1 jobs offered by "sweden home outfitters"

Disponibile per l’evento:

This position is based in Sweden. Wolly & Co. is a Danish design and trading company specializing in designing, developing, and selling home textiles, decor, and clothing. We collaborate with some of the largest retail chains in Europe, and our passion lies in finding inspiration worldwide for new, appealing lifestyle products. Here, you'll join 70 colleagues – 30 in Denmark and 40 in Asia. Take your skills to new heights As a Group Financial Controller, you'll act as a sparring partner for our CFO, working closely with colleagues in the finance team and other stakeholders within the company ...

Luogo di svolgimento del lavoro:
Sweden, Malmø/Skåne/Stockholm
Competenze linguistiche:
  • English
  • Fluent
Fascia salariale (Mensile):
50000 - 70000 SEK (Gross pay)