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Descrizione dell’offerta di lavoro


  • Responsible for electrical maintenance on-site both corrective and preventive
  • manage a small team of technicians (elec and HVAC)
  • in charge of all electrical equipment, including the electrical generation and HVAC packages
  • responsible to assess the electrical staff for electrical safety and LOTO procedures, in fine to recommend staff for Authorized Electrical Personnel certificates.


  • Higher National Diploma or Certificate (HND/HNC (A-levels + 3 years’ study) or BTS/DUT or equivalent
  • 5 to 10 years of experience in the field of maintenance on oil and gas production installations
  • Basic Knowledge of principles of process and equipment of Oil and Gas treatment installation
  • English speaking
  • Team leadership
  • Safety minded
  • Can be a forman or a skilled technician who wants to have more responsibilities
  • Experienced in High and low voltage and power generation

Interested? Don’t hesitate to contact us or send your application as soon as possible via the link:  Electrical Supervisor, Offshore (

Applications are processed on an ongoing basis. If you have any questions please contact 

You are also welcome to send an unsolicited application if you want to be considered for other positions.

About NorSPIE

NorSPIE is a consortium of offshore specialists from SPIE Oil & Gas Services and NorSea

Requisiti professionali


  • Responsible for electrical maintenance on-site both corrective and preventive
  • manage a small team of technicians (elec and HVAC)
  • in charge of all electrical equipment, including the electrical generation and HVAC packages
  • responsible to assess the electrical staff for electrical safety and LOTO procedures, in fine to recommend staff for Authorized Electrical Personnel certificates.


  • Higher National Diploma or Certificate (HND/HNC (A-levels + 3 years’ study) or BTS/DUT or equivalent
  • 5 to 10 years of experience in the field of maintenance on oil and gas production installations
  • Basic Knowledge of principles of process and equipment of Oil and Gas treatment installation
  • English speaking
  • Team leadership
  • Safety minded
  • Can be a forman or a skilled technician who wants to have more responsibilities
  • Experienced in High and low voltage and power generation
Limitazioni relative al posto di lavoro

Offshore job

Dettagli dell’impiego
Esperienza lavorativa:
Work experience is required
Durata dell'esperienza lavorativa:
More than 5 years
Competenze linguistiche:
  • English
  • Fluent
Required skills:
heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration parts
Fascia salariale:
Not provided
Date of expiry: