We are also searching for staff for big bakery factories – your main responsibility would be operating machines. You need a vocational training in bakery, working experience is a plus.
We expect you to have at least a basic knowledge of the German language (A2). Depending on your working place, you will need a driving licence and a car because operating hours of the public transport may not always correspond with your working time.
*What we expect:
- Completed vocational training as a baker
- Relevant first backer experience
- German – Level: A2
*What we offer:
- good salary (at least 8,50 € /h
- permanent contract with social security contributions
- full time job
- support during your first steps in Germany like help with finding accommodation and visits to the authorities
Are you interested?
Please send your application in German via Email to:
Please use the Codename: Prag16
We are looking forward to meeting you!