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Slovenian Cross Border Online Job Day

Data dell’evento:
08 Aprile 2021
Tipo di evento:
Stato di registrazione:

55 impieghi disponibili per questo evento

Jobs recorded for this event: 168

Please note that the number of jobs displayed on this page may have decreased.

Offerto da:
Disponibile per l’evento:

In absence of Manager, conduct shift briefings to ensure hotel activities and operational requirements are known. Prepare in advance food, beverage, material, and equipment needed for the service. Cook and serve dishes according to the restaurant’s menu. Provide direction to the Kitchen helpers, including Commis, Cooks, Kitchen Attendants, and Stewards. Clean and re-set their working area. Work with Superior and People Services Manager to ensure the departmental performance of staff is productive. Duties include: Conducting on-the-job training in accordance with the departmental standards and ...

Luogo di svolgimento del lavoro:
Competenze linguistiche:
  • English
  • Fluent
  • Italian
  • Fluent
  • Slovenian
  • Fluent
Fascia salariale:
Not provided
Offerto da:
Disponibile per l’evento:

Responsible to Head Waiter / Waitress, Supervisor, Assistant Manager, Outlet Manager. Report to duty punctually wearing the correct uniform, clean and well pressed including appropriate shoes (polished) and name tag at all times a Courteous, professional and efficient service is provided at all times. All duties and tasks are performed as per the tasks required at the outlet. Be knowledgeable of all services and products offered by the hotel. Have a thorough knowledge and understanding of all food and beverage items offered by the department assigned. Have the knowledge and understanding to ...

Luogo di svolgimento del lavoro:
Competenze linguistiche:
  • English
  • Fluent
  • Italian
  • Fluent
  • Slovenian
  • Fluent
Fascia salariale:
Not provided
Disponibile per l’evento:

Job description: - Renting accommodation units - Communication with guests - Receiving complaints - Check-in and check-out of guests - Record keeping - Billing for services - Performing work in accordance with the regulations and rules of the reception Terms of employment: - Accommodation and meals provided - Incentive rewarding - 24 hour weekly rest

Luogo di svolgimento del lavoro:
Competenze linguistiche:
  • English
  • Fluent
  • German
  • Fluent
  • Italian
  • Fluent
Fascia salariale:
Not provided
Disponibile per l’evento:

Job description: - Serving guests with food and drink - Providing efficient, prompt and polite service to guests by serving and setting tables - Receiving, accommodating and taking guests to their place - Issuing invoices to guests in accordance with departmental standards - Performing work in accordance with the regulations and rules of the Food and Beverage Department Terms of employment: - Accommodation and meals provided - Incentive rewarding - 24 hour weekly rest

Luogo di svolgimento del lavoro:
Competenze linguistiche:
  • English
  • Fluent
  • German
  • Fluent
  • Italian
  • Fluent
Fascia salariale:
Not provided
Disponibile per l’evento:

Job description: - Food preparation - Preparing food for cooking - Adherence to HACCAP standards in operation - Responsibility during work - Maintaining hygiene and cleanliness of work space and surfaces - Performing work in accordance with the regulations and rules of the Food and Beverage Department Terms of employment: - Accommodation and meals provided - Incentive rewarding - 24 hour weekly rest

Luogo di svolgimento del lavoro:
Competenze linguistiche:
  • English
  • Good
Fascia salariale:
Not provided
Disponibile per l’evento:

Job description: - Cleaning and preparation of accommodation units in accordance with the standards of Arena Hospitality Group d.d. - Providing efficient, prompt, polite and proactive service to guests - Performing work in accordance with the regulations and rules of the Housekeeping Department Terms of employment: - Accommodation and meals provided - Incentive rewarding - 24 hour weekly rest

Luogo di svolgimento del lavoro:
Competenze linguistiche:
  • English
  • Fluent
Fascia salariale:
Not provided
Offerto da:
Disponibile per l’evento:

Responsible to Restaurant Supervisor/ Assistant Restaurant Manager/ Restaurant Manager. Responsible for Waiter/ Waitress & Host/ Hostess Report to duty punctually wearing the correct uniform, clean and well pressed including appropriate shoes (polished) and name tag at all times a Courteous, professional and efficient service is provided at all times. All duties and tasks are performed as per the tasks required at the outlet. Be knowledgeable of all services and products offered by the hotel. Have a thorough knowledge and understanding of all food and beverage items offered by the department ...

Luogo di svolgimento del lavoro:
Competenze linguistiche:
  • English
  • Fluent
Fascia salariale:
Not provided
Disponibile per l’evento:

Opis del in nalog: Prevoz blaga s tovornim vozilom, nakladanje in razkladanje tovora, vožnja in skrb za vozilo, skrb za tehnično brezhibnost in varnost vozila, pravočasno, strokovno in kvalitetno opravljanje nalog, skr za gospodarno rabo goriva. Izobrazba: Srednja poklicna, področje transport alternativno: osnovnošolska. Pogodba in ostali pogoji: Pogodba za določen čas 3 mesece, polni delovni čas. Zaželeno eno leto delovnih izkušenj. Vozniško dovoljenje C in CE kategorije. Veljavna koda 95, digitalna kartica voznika. Zanesljivost, odgovornost. Prijava: pošljite vlogo po ePošti: kadrovska ...

Luogo di svolgimento del lavoro:
Fascia salariale:
Not provided
Offerto da:
Disponibile per l’evento:

Zdravnik specialist splošne medicine. Izobrazba: visokošolska 2. stopnje, visokošolska univerzitetna (prejšnja) ipd., področje medicina Pogodba in ostali pogoji: Zaposlitev za nedoločen čas s 3 mesečnim poskusnim delom, polni delovni čas. 1 leto delovnih izkušenj. Tekoče znanje slovenskega jezika. Opravljen strokovni izpit in licenca za delo. Prijava: Preko platforme ali pošljite prijavo in življenjepis preko ePošte na eNaslov:

Luogo di svolgimento del lavoro:
Competenze linguistiche:
  • Slovenian
  • Fluent
Fascia salariale:
Not provided
Offerto da:
Disponibile per l’evento:

Delo v ordinaciji medicine dela, prometa in športa Izobrazba: Visokošolska 2. stopnje, visokošolska univerzitetna (prejšnja) ipd., področje: medicina Pogodba in ostali pogoji: Pogodba o zaposlitvi za nedoločen čas s 4 mesečnim poskusnim delom, krajši delovni čas 20 ur/teden. 1 leto delovnih izkušenj. Tekoče znanje slovenskega jezika. Veljavna licenca za področje medicine dela, prometa in športa. Prijava: preko platforme ali pošljite prijava in življenjepis preko ePošte na eNaslov:

Luogo di svolgimento del lavoro:
Competenze linguistiche:
  • Slovenian
  • Fluent
Fascia salariale:
Not provided