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Ready to go on 2021 - EURES TMS Edition

Data dell’evento:
30 Giugno 2021
Tipo di evento:
Stato di registrazione:

133 impieghi disponibili per questo evento

Jobs recorded for this event: 335

Please note that the number of jobs displayed on this page may have decreased.

Disponibile per l’evento:

Are you attracted to the challenge of driving growth and development in an internationally operating family business and to occupy a key position in a successful company? Our client is an international family business with the goal to revolutionize both industrial and agricultural machinery technology. The core business is the production of feed mixer wagons and telescopic loaders as well as their maintenance. The company's success is essentially due to many years of gathering know-how in the agricultural sector. This results in high quality and innovative products. Several locations in Europe ...

Luogo di svolgimento del lavoro:
Competenze linguistiche:
  • English
  • Very good
  • German
  • Fluent
Fascia salariale:
Not provided
Offerto da:
Disponibile per l’evento:

Azienda settore metalmeccanico cerca un piegatore di lamiere esperto. Sede di lavoro: Matelica. Rif.: 11623 (MC) Per candidarsi: Inviare CV a Company in the engineering sector is looking for an expert sheet metal bender. Place of work: Matelica. Ref: 11623 (MC) To apply: Send CV to

Luogo di svolgimento del lavoro:
Competenze linguistiche:
  • Italian
  • Very good
Fascia salariale:
Not provided
Offerto da:
Disponibile per l’evento:

Azienda settore metalmeccanico cerca un disegnatore tecnico esperto. Sede di lavoro: Matelica. Rif.: 11623 Per candidarsi: Inviare CV a Company in the engineering sector is looking for an expert technical drawing. Place of work: Matelica. Ref.: 11623T o apply: Send CV to

Luogo di svolgimento del lavoro:
Competenze linguistiche:
  • Italian
  • Very good
Fascia salariale:
Not provided
Offerto da:
Disponibile per l’evento:

Azienda informatica cerca un programmatore web esperto e/o anche prima esperienza ma in possesso di diploma/laurea in informatica Rif.: 11626 (MC) Sede di lavoro: Matelica. Per candidarsi: Inviare CV a IT company is looking for an expert web programmer and/or also first experience but in possession of diploma/degree in IT. Ref: 11626 (MC) Place of work: Matelica. To apply: Send CV to

Luogo di svolgimento del lavoro:
Competenze linguistiche:
  • English
  • Good
  • Italian
  • Very good
Fascia salariale:
Not provided
Offerto da:
Disponibile per l’evento:

Description and Requirements TELUS International Europe is looking for passionate player support specialists for Riot Games. Join our growing TELUS team supporting League of Legends, VALORANT, Legends of Runeterra and TfT - get the job you will enjoy! A typical day: Help out our players with any issues they might have via tickets & chat only Provide the best player experience by showing case by case player oriented attitude Identify trending issues and bugs submitted by players and communicate them to the appropriate teams Collaborate with a passionate team of gamers in order to give our ...

Luogo di svolgimento del lavoro:
Competenze linguistiche:
  • English
  • Good
  • Hungarian
  • Very good
Fascia salariale:
Not provided
Offerto da:
Disponibile per l’evento:

Description and Requirements TELUS International Europe is looking for passionate player support specialists for Riot Games. Join our growing TELUS team supporting League of Legends, VALORANT, Legends of Runeterra and TfT - get the job you will enjoy! A typical day: Help out our players with any issues they might have via tickets and chat Provide the best player experience with a case by case player oriented approach Identify trending issues and bugs submitted by players and communicate them to the appropriate teams Work with a passionate team of gamers to give our support experience a player ...

Luogo di svolgimento del lavoro:
Competenze linguistiche:
  • Czech
  • Very good
  • English
  • Good
Fascia salariale:
Not provided
Offerto da:
Disponibile per l’evento:

DAS ALPENHAUS HOTELS & RESORTS ist eine junge wachsende Hotelgruppe mit derzeit drei Hotels in Kaprun, am Katschberg und Bad Hofgastein.Unter dem Motto "...vom Leben nahe den Bergen!" bietet das DAS ALPENHAUS-Konzept regionale Authentizität, zeitgemäß interpretiert. Einen Lifestyle bewusst in der Viersternekategorie mit einem umfangreichen Verwöhn- und Serviceangebot. "Wir wollen die Trachten-Lederhos¿n unter den Alpinen Lifestyle Hotels sein - gemütlich, bodenständig, regional-echt, mit zeitgemäßem und modernem Flair. Wir wollen das Ursprüngliche bewahren, Tradition tragen, unsere Herkunft ...

Luogo di svolgimento del lavoro:
Competenze linguistiche:
  • German
  • Good
Fascia salariale:
Not provided
Offerto da:
Disponibile per l’evento:

YOUR CHANCE – YOUR JOB - YOUR JOB IN EUROPE Austria is one of the places to be if you want to work where others are staying for holidays, enjoying a perfect winter landscape or the mountain paradise in summer. Every year the Austrian winter tourism e.g. generates an income of EUR 12bn. To be able to deal with the incoming flow of tourists we are looking for YOUR support! This is your ideal opportunity: - for a personal conversation with Eures-advisers from Austria - to use the possibility to gain work experience abroad - to secure your job for the summer – or winter season! You speak fairly ...

Luogo di svolgimento del lavoro:
Competenze linguistiche:
  • German
  • Fair
Fascia salariale:
Not provided
Offerto da:
Disponibile per l’evento:

YOUR CHANCE – YOUR JOB - YOUR JOB IN EUROPE Austria is one of the places to be if you want to work where others are staying for holidays, enjoying a perfect winter landscape or the mountain paradise in summer. Every year the Austrian winter tourism e.g. generates an income of EUR 12bn. To be able to deal with the incoming flow of tourists we are looking for YOUR support! This is your ideal opportunity: - for a personal conversation with Eures-advisers from Austria - to use the possibility to gain work experience abroad - to secure your job for the summer – or winter season! You speak good ...

Luogo di svolgimento del lavoro:
Competenze linguistiche:
  • English
  • Good
  • German
  • Very good
Fascia salariale:
Not provided
Offerto da:
Disponibile per l’evento:

Esperienza nell'officina meccanica in qualità di addetto alla manutenzione ordinaria e straordinaria di mezzi, preferibilmente pesanti. Inviare il cv a : Experience in the mechanical workshop as an employee in the ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of vehicles, preferably heavy. To apply send the cv to:

Luogo di svolgimento del lavoro:
Fascia salariale:
Not provided