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OnEJob 2020 – Graduate Online European Job Fair

Data dell’evento:
27 Ottobre 2020
Tipo di evento:
Stato di registrazione:

80 impieghi disponibili per questo evento

Jobs recorded for this event: 306

Please note that the number of jobs displayed on this page may have decreased.

Offerto da:

Infirmiers ou Techniciens préleveurs (f/h) L'expertise de Laboratoires Réunis repose sur une longue expérience en médecine de laboratoire qui débuta en 1959. Société luxembourgeoise accréditée, nous proposons un large éventail de solutions de diagnostic de laboratoire. Notre renommée internationale fait de nous le partenaire privilégié des professionnels de santé pour les diagnostics spécialisés dans les domaines de la génétique, de la génomique et du diagnostic moléculaire des maladies infectieuses. Notre succès repose sur l'engagement de nos 200 collaborateurs employés au sein de nos ...

Luogo di svolgimento del lavoro:
Fascia salariale:
Not provided
Offerto da:

Médecin ou pharmacien biologiste ou médecin spécialiste en microbiologie (m,f) L'expertise des Laboratoires Réunis repose sur une expérience de plus de soixante ans dans le domaine de la biologie clinique. En tant que société luxembourgeoise accréditée depuis 2006, nous proposons un large éventail d’analyses médicales. Notre renommée internationale fait de nous un partenaire privilégié des professionnels de santé. Notre succès repose sur l'engagement de nos 340 collaborateurs employés au sein de nos différents laboratoires au Luxembourg, en Belgique et en Allemagne et qui participent ainsi à l ...

Luogo di svolgimento del lavoro:
Fascia salariale:
Not provided
Offerto da:

Certified nurses for our Customer Care Team Laboratoires Réunis can look back on many years of experience in laboratory medicine, dating back to 1959. As an accredited Luxembourg company, we cover almost the entire range of laboratory diagnostics in clinical analytics and are a nationally and internationally recognized and highly esteemed partner. We currently employ over 200 people at our sites in Luxembourg, Belgium and Germany and continue to expand in an international and dynamic environment. Our culture is characterised by our high standards of quality, speed, flexibility and innovation ...

Luogo di svolgimento del lavoro:
Fascia salariale:
Not provided
Offerto da:

Do you want to be part of a Danish social economic start-up and contribute to our journey towards upskilling and reskilling people around the world while growing your potential? If yes, keep reading. If no but still curious, then keep reading as well. Dear future Content Editor Artist, HubLearn is expanding and we are currently on the look-out for YOU who can deliver creative, relevant, and engaging videos and graphic social media posts on all our platforms. You will be working closely with the CEO and his Executive Assistant in the process, but you will be the one responsible for organizing ...

Luogo di svolgimento del lavoro:
Competenze linguistiche:
  • English
  • Fair
  • English
  • Good
  • English
  • Very good
Fascia salariale:
Not provided
Offerto da:

Traiteur « haut de gamme », présent au Luxembourg depuis plus de 35 ans, recherche (h/f) en CDI : Gestionnaire « Evènementiel (Organisation de Banquets) Horaires continus Non logés Envoyer CV et LM à : ( format PDF) ou De Schnékert Traiteur Service du Personnel Route des 3 Cantons L-8399 WINDHOF

Luogo di svolgimento del lavoro:
Fascia salariale:
Not provided
Offerto da:

Laboratoire national de santé |1, rue Louis Rech |L-3555 DudelangeT :(+352) 28 100 –314|www.lns.luLeLaboratoire national de santérecrute à temps partiel(20h/semaine), à durée indéterminée,un(e)Juristejunior (m/f)Le Laboratoire national de santé est un établissement public sous la tutelle du Ministère de la Santé à Luxembourg. Organisé en institut pluridisciplinaireetsupportépar un département administratif,le LNS comptequatredépartementsscientifiques dans les domaines dela biologie médicale, de la microbiologie, de la médecine médico-légale et de la protection de la santé, en plus d ...

Luogo di svolgimento del lavoro:
Fascia salariale:
Not provided
Offerto da:

Sommelier (H/F) Référence Localisation Leudelange Statut - Fonction Autre Contexte du recrutement et définition de poste Au sein de notre Vinothèque, nous recherchons un Sommelier (H/F) pour conseiller et servir notre clientèle composée de particuliers et de professionnels du milieu de la restauration. Votre fonction comprendra entre autre les tâches suivantes : * Accueil du client au Show-room et étude de ses besoins * Assurer le conseil de nos clients professionnels et particuliers en tenant compte des accords mets & vins * Participation à la préparation et au suivi des commandes clients * ...

Luogo di svolgimento del lavoro:
Fascia salariale:
Not provided
Offerto da:

Digital Communication Officer – Middle East & Africa Luxembourg - Marketing Apply for this job Data-driven, digitally fluent, our Marketing team is Talkwalker's brand awareness and lead generation machine. With team members across the world, we're the global voice of Talkwalker, keeping us ahead of the competition no matter where we are. Connecting consumers with our products and business-critical insights from social data. Fast-paced, innovative, creative - it's what makes us the best marketing team in the industry. Talkwalker is an online and social data analytics software company ...

Luogo di svolgimento del lavoro:
Fascia salariale:
Not provided
Offerto da:

Titre : Senior Media Buyer (m/f) Entité : DDITS Every big company starts small. What was once a small garage project is now one of the 35 most visited websites worldwide! Our teams have worked hard to get us here, and we’re looking for dynamic minds to keep pushing us forward. Join our #DoclerSquad and work with peers from over 30 different countries. Let’s tackle exciting projects together while having loads of fun and helping to shape the #LifeAtDocler. With Us You Will... * Acquire new business partners, handle the existing portfolio considering the main target of Media Buying * Negotiate ...

Luogo di svolgimento del lavoro:
Fascia salariale:
Not provided
Offerto da:

System / DevOps Engineer (m/f) 5+ years of experience The role is based in Luxembourg and foresees short missions abroad. Responsibilities / Main duties: You will contribute to design, build and maintain various IT infrastructures hosting OTT / Streaming Platforms (front and backend). You will deploy these infrastructures on hybrid cloud solutions by using automation and configuration management concepts. Experience and competences: * In-depth knowledge of Linux Infrastructure (RHCE or RHCSA appreciated) * Advanced skills with virtual and containerized environments * Advanced skills on ...

Luogo di svolgimento del lavoro:
Fascia salariale:
Not provided