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Activités / Missions Au sein du département Private Banking Investments, l'équipe Portfolio Management est constituée de spécialistes en charge de la gestion des avoirs des clients en gestion discrétionnaire. En tant que Portfolio Manager - ESG Analyst, vous aurez les missions suivantes : • Contribution à la réflexion, à la définition et à la mise en œuvre des politiques d'ISR au sein de nos mandats. • Veille réglementaire et suivi de l'évolution des pratiques du marché en termes de finance responsable afin d'être en conformité avec la régulation. • Suivi des controverses et politiques ...
- English
- Fluent
Signal Processing Engineer. For more info please copy and paste this link into your browser: https://secure.etc.gov.mt/services/homedir/temp/SMC_SignalProcessingEngineer.pdf Other Remarks:Please quote the vacancy number in your email. Applicants must be Maltese/EU Nationals/other nationals who are entitled to equal treatment as EU Nationals with regards to employment due to EU legislation & treaty rights about the free movement of workers.
- English
- Very good
Miesto práce: Schwand im Innkreis Mzda: 1 700 - 1 800 € netto Náplň práce: - obsluha strojov pri výrobe paliet a debien - obsluha automatickej výrobnej linky - fyzicky náročná práca Požiadavky: - dobrá fyzická kondícia - znalosť nemeckého jazyka A2/B1 - presný a dôkladný spôsob práce - samostatnosť a spoľahlivosť - auto + vodičský preukaz potrebné Ponúkame: - dlhodobý pracovný pomer s možnosťou prevzatia pod firmu po 18 mesiacoch - nemecká pracovná zmluva - ubytovanie - vybavenie detských prídavkov
- German
- Good
Embedded System Engineer. For more info please copy and paste this link into your browser: https://secure.etc.gov.mt/services/homedir/temp/SMC_EmbeddedSystemEngineer.pdf Remarks:Please quote the vacancy number in your email. Applicants must be Maltese/EU Nationals/other nationals who are entitled to equal treatment as EU Nationals with regards to employment due to EU legislation & treaty rights about the free movement of workers.
- English
- Very good
Signal Processing Engineer. For more info please copy and paste this link into your browser: https://secure.etc.gov.mt/services/homedir/temp/SMC_SoftwareDeveloper.pdf Other Remarks:Please quote the vacancy number in your email. Applicants must be Maltese/EU Nationals/other nationals who are entitled to equal treatment as EU Nationals with regards to employment due to EU legislation & treaty rights about the free movement of workers.
- English
- Very good
Swedish Speaking Customer Support Agent. For more info please copy and paste this link into your browser: https://secure.etc.gov.mt/services/homedir/temp/LandL_SwedishCSA.pdf Remarks:Please quote the vacancy number in your email. Applicants must be Maltese/EU Nationals/other nationals who are entitled to equal treatment as EU Nationals with regards to employment due to EU legislation & treaty rights about the free movement of workers.
- English
- Very good
- Swedish
- Fluent
Miesto práce: Reichersberg Mzda: od 2 100 € netto Náplň práce: brúsenie, pílenie, stolárske práce, výroba okien a dverí, obsluha strojov Požiadavky: - kvalifikácia stolára, prípadne skúsenosti s výrobou okien, dverí - znalosť nemeckého jazyka A2/B1 - presný a dôkladný spôsob práce - spoľahlivosť - auto + vodičský preukaz potrebné Ponúkame: - dlhodobý pracovný pomer s možnosťou prevzatia pod firmu po 18 mesiacoch - rakúska pracovná zmluva - ubytovanie - vybavenie detských prídavkov - garantovaný 13. a 14. plat
- German
- Good
Swedish Speaking Sales Agent. For more info please copy and paste this link into your browser: https://secure.etc.gov.mt/services/homedir/temp/GCC7_SwedishSales.pdf Remarks: Please quote the vacancy number in your email. Applicants must be Maltese/EU Nationals/other nationals who are entitled to equal treatment as EU Nationals with regards to employment due to EU legislation & treaty rights about the free movement of workers.
- English
- Very good
- Swedish
- Fluent
Survey Interviewer. For more info please copy and paste this link into your browser: https://secure.etc.gov.mt/services/homedir/temp/NSO_SurveyInterviewer.pdf
Warehouse Assistant. For more info please copy and paste this link into your browser: https://secure.etc.gov.mt/services/homedir/temp/Lidl_WarehouseAssistant.pdf Other Remarks:Please quote the vacancy number in your email. Applicants must be Maltese/EU Nationals/other nationals who are entitled to equal treatment as EU Nationals with regards to employment due to EU legislation & treaty rights about the free movement of workers.
- English
- Very good