Spotlight on jobs in Denmark
Informazioni su questo evento
Welcome to Spotlight on Jobs in Denmark
We are inviting active jobseekers to join our job fair Spotlight on jobs in Denmark on March 23rd 2022 (CET).
Register now! Participation is free of charge.
Workindenmark provides international job seekers and Danish employers with the information, guidance and tools to find each other.
Workindenmark is the national public employment service for qualified international candidates looking for a job in Denmark, and Danish companies searching for foreign candidates. Workindenmark is part of the Danish Ministry of Employment and a member of the European Employment Service (EURES).
Where are the Available Jobs?
Sectors with High Demand
The Danish job market is booming and many sectors are facing skills shortages. Therefore, there are many sectors with good job opportunities for both skilled and highly qualified candidates. Especially within the following sectors:
- Engineering
- Information and communications technology
- Life Science
- Business and Finance
- Medical and Healthcare Services
- Service and Hospitality
- Industry
- Transport and Logistics
- Construction
Find all job vacancies on www.workindenmark.dk
Short Overview of the Labour Market:
Denmark is the smallest as well as the most southerly and most low-lying of the three Scandinavian countries and consists of the peninsula of Jutland and an archipelago of more than 400 islands of which 72 are inhabited. Denmark borders Germany to the south, is connected to Sweden by a road and rail bridge and has a tidal coastline of 7,314 km.
Denmark’s main export partners are Germany, Sweden and the US, while its main import partners are Germany, Sweden and the Netherlands.
The Danish labour market is known for its high level of flexibility, a social welfare system and active employment policies. Together, these three components constitute what is known as the "Flexicurity Model" or "The Danish Model" which combines market economy with the traditional Scandinavian welfare state.
Flexicurity provides a dynamic labour market and high job mobility. A major reason for the high degree of mobility is that there are practically no barriers when changing jobs. Therefore, there are always interesting job openings.
Moving to a new job has no effect on pension entitlements or earned holiday time, for example.
Minimal Labour Market Legislation
In Denmark, labour market conditions are primarily regulated by collective agreements between social partners. This means that there are no legislations regarding minimum wages. There are minimum requirements set by law in some areas. Examples of these include: the Danish Holidays Act, the Danish Employment Contract Act, the Danish Act on Equal Treatment, the Danish Act on Allowance for Illness or Parental Leave, etc.
Job openings:
Visit Exhibitor to see job postings and chat with Workindenmark: Work in Engineering | EURES - European Job Days
Available for chat: 10:00-14:00
Communications Technology (ICT)
Visit Exhibitor to see job postings and chat with Workindenmark: Work in Information and communications technology | EURES - European Job Days
Available for chat: 10:00-14:00
Life Science
Visit Exhibitor to see job postings and chat with Workindenmark: Work in Life Science | EURES - European Job Days
Available for chat: 10:00-14:00
Business and Finance
Visit Exhibitor to see job postings and chat with Workindenmark: Work in Business and Finance | EURES - European Job Days
Available for chat: 10:00-14:00
Medical and Healthcare Services
Visit Exhibitor to see job postings and chat with Workindenmark: Work in Medical and Healthcare Services | EURES - European Job Days
Available for chat: 10:00-14:00
Service and Hospitality
Visit Exhibitor to see job postings and chat with Workindenmark: Work in Service and Hospitality | EURES - European Job Days
Available for chat: 10:00-14:00
Visit Exhibitor to see job postings and chat with Workindenmark: Work in Industry | EURES - European Job Days
Available for chat: 10:00-14:00
Visit Exhibitor to see job postings and chat with Workindenmark: Work in Construction | EURES - European Job Days
Available for chat: 10:00-14:00
Transport and Logistics
Visit Exhibitor to see job postings and chat with Workindenmark: Work in Transport and Logistics | EURES - European Job Days
Available for chat: 10:00-14:00
Danish EURES advisors will be available for chatting on the day of the event, and will be able to answer all the questions you might have.
Targeted Mobility Scheme (TMS)
If you are a citizen of EU, Norway or Iceland, you may receive financial support for a job interview or relocation from the EU
Job search in Denmark.
Did you already move to Denmark or are you thinking about it? Then it is time to prepare for your adventure and start looking for a job.
The best thing you can do to find a job is to target your application specifically to the company and job opening every single time. Let them know how you can help them, and why you are their best option.
Show the employer what you can accomplish, by researching the company thoroughly and pointing out the match between you and the job! Keep your reader in mind and provide the information he or she needs to know.
Is Danish a Requirement?
No! When a job is advertised in English, it is usually an indication that you will be able to cope with English in the workplace. But it is an advantage if you are willing to learn Danish. Some jobs will however require a good command of Danish. Generally speaking the more client/person contact you have in your job, the better your Danish needs to be. Knowledge of and fluency in other languages may be considered an extra plus.
Did you know that the Danish state provides Danish lessons for newcomers?
Lifeindenmark.dk: Danish language training
To give you an edge when looking for a job in Denmark, we have gathered some extra tips and tools for you that might be very useful when tapping in to the Danish job market.
Our best tips for your job search (workindenmark.dk)
E-learning, Tutorials and Webinars (workindenmark.dk)
Applying for a job
Focus on how your qualifications match the requirements mentioned in the job ad
Your job application should consist of your CV and a cover letter. Usually, you submit your CV and cover letter electronically – the company will contact selected applicants to be interviewed.
Thorough research is a must. The more you know about the company, and how your professional qualifications can contribute to their business, the better.
If you have graduated recently, it is a good idea to enclose a copy of your diplomas. If you have years of work experience, you should only enclose diplomas if requested in the job ad.
Most employers decide whether you are an interesting candidate within minutes. This means that both your application and CV must be well written and to the point.
We have gathered our best tips for you when applying for a job in Denmark. Learn how to create a great CV and cover letter, how to apply unsolicited and how to prepare for the job interview.
Your CV (workindenmark.dk)
Your Cover Letter (workindenmark.dk
Unsolicited Application (workindenmark.dk)
Preparing for the job Interview (workindenmark.dk)
Residence and work permit
Check if you need a residence and work permit before you start your job search
Prior to job searching, it is always a good idea to find out whether you need a residence and work permit to live and work in Denmark.
The Danish regulations on residence and work distinguish between three overall categories of citizenships:
• Citizens from Nordic countries
• Citizens from EU/EEA countries and Switzerland
• Citizens from countries outside the EU/EEA
Citizens from Nordic countries, EU/EEA and Switzerland do not need to apply for a residence and work permit.
Citizens from a country outside of the Nordic countries, the EU/EEA or Switzerland must apply for a residence and work permit. Also if you hold an EU Blue Card from another EU country.
Newtodenmark: Important registrations when you move to Denmark
ICS: International Citizen Service (borger.dk)
Prepare for your stay in Denmark, by reading our Workindenmark publications.
· Welcome to Denmark
Workindenmark’s guide, "Welcome to Denmark” contains information for New Citizens about Danish Society as well as useful information which can make it easier for you to settle into professional and private life in Denmark. The guide can be downloaded or ordered in paper via Workindenmark.
· Live and Work in Denmark
Do you want more information on living and working in Denmark? We have collected the most essential tips and information for you here.
· Make it work in Denmark
Meet 7 expats currently working and living in Denmark. They share their experiences about working and living in Denmark to inspire others who are considering relocating to Denmark.
Covid19 - Denmark
The covid-19 situation in Denmark changes all the time. You can find the latest updated information regarding travel to Denmark and restrictions here: