Living and Working in Dalarna Day
Informazioni su questo evento
The “Living and Working in Dalarna Day”, targets qualified and experienced jobseekers from all over Europe who are interested in moving to Dalarna and want to establish contact with the local labor market.
As a jobseeker, you will have the opportunity to be interviewed on the spot and/or online by employers.
If you’re an employer, you will be able to meet qualified jobseekers, onsite or online, who are looking for employment in Dalarna. You can also benefit from the help of EURES Advisers who have years of experience in matching jobseekers.
Come to the Living and Working in Dalarna Day or attend the event online on august 29th to give your prospects in Dalarna a boost!
The Living and Working in Dalarna Day is organized by EURES Sweden.
How to attend
The annual “Living and Working in Dalarna Day” gathers employers and EURES Advisers from the region to provide information and advice to jobseekers and conduct interviews on-the-spot.
There are two ways to attend the event: onsite and/or online.
Onsite visitor
- Register for the event as an onsite visitor and provide your CV, either by uploading a file, providing a link to your online profile, or retrieving your CV from the EURES website.
- Check the list of exhibitors that will be participating in the onsite event.
- Browse through the job offers and bookmark the ones you are interested in and which really fit your profile (by clicking the “Apply” button). This means that the related exhibitor (either an employer or EURES advisers) will be able to consult your CV up to 3 months after the event – and maybe, who knows, invite you for an interview.
- Please bear in mind that you will only be able to apply/bookmark a job vacancy if you’re registered on the website as a Visitor.
- View the instructions on how to get to the venue.
- Even if you have bookmarked some job vacancies, please bring some copies of your CV in English/Swedish to hand out to the employers and the EURES Advisers you will meet – as they might not have had the time to go through your CV online.
Online visitor
- Check the list of exhibitors that will be participating in the online event and verify their online availability times. During the event, you will be able to chat with them by clicking the “chat now” button. Make sure you are logged into the website when you start a chat session, so that your CV information will be automatically passed to the person you are chatting with.
- Browse through the job offers and bookmark the ones you are interested in and which fit your profile (by clicking the “Apply” button). This means that the exhibitor (either an employer or EURES advisers) will be able to consult your CV up to 3 months after the event – and maybe, who knows, invite you for an interview.
- Please bear in mind that you will only be able to apply/bookmark a job vacancy if you’re registered on the website as a Visitor.
- Please note that chat sessions cannot be pre-booked, you will be placed in a waiting queue until the employer or EURES Adviser is available to start the chat.
Need help?
If you are experiencing technical issues or have questions about the website or the event organization, please contact us here. Your input on this platform’s usability and navigability will also be welcome.
Our live helpdesk will be available to chat with you during the event from this page also.
Information för utsällare
Är ditt företag etablerat i Dalarna?
Letar du efter kompetenta personer till ditt företag?
Kan du tänka dig att anställa från EU/EES området?
Vill du komma i kontakt med arbetssökande från hela Europa?
Vill du ha stöd eller råd i urval och rekrytering?
Om ditt svar är ja då är ”LIVING and WORKING in DALARNA” rätt evenemang för dig.
Du är inbjuden att delta i dagen antingen på plats och/eller på nätet.
Plats: First Hotel Grand; Trotzgatan 9, Falun
Datum: 29: e augusti, 2014
Tid: 10:00 – 16:00
LIVING and WORKING in DALARNA, nu i sin 3:e upplaga, är en möjlighet för dig att träffa och få kontakt med kompententa jobbsökande från hela Europa.
Årets evenemang kommer också att ha en online-komponent, så du kommer att kunna delta oavsett var du befinner dig i Dalarna. Denna händelse kommer att erbjuda ditt företag, helt gratis, ett utbud av rekryteringsmöjligheter, både online och på plats. Du kommer att kunna skräddarsy din medverkan efter dina behov och möjligheter. Du kan:
- Publicera din företagsprofil (inklusive möjligheten att lägga till videoklipp) och rekryteringsbehov på nätet, via denna plattform;
- Samla ansökningar i förväg, antingen skärmad (med hjälp av en Eures-rådgivare) eller under företagets namn;
- Få full support och rådgivning i rekryteringen från ett annat europeiskt land;
- Välj att delta på plats eller via nätet eller i båda format;
- På plats med en egen monter
- Via nätet på chattalternativen eller med förbokade intervjuer via nätet
- Du har också möjlighet att lägga ut din företagspresentation
Registrera ditt deltagande nu (kostnadsfritt)! *
Efter din registrering kommer du att få ytterligare information om organisatoriska och logistiska detaljer om dagen.
Vi ser fram emot ditt deltagande!
* Tänk på att det finns begränsat antal platser tillgängliga för montrar på plats!
Information for visitors
Are you interested in moving to Dalarna?
Looking for a job in the region?
Would you like to be in direct contact with employers from Dalarna?
Do you need information and advice on looking/applying for a job and information on living and working in Dalarna?
If your answer is YES then the Living and Working in Dalarna Day 2014 is definitely for you!
Take part at the Living and Working in Dalarna in Falun onsite and/or online and meet employers from the region looking for your profile and skills.
Save the place and dates:
First hotel Grand
Trotzgatan 9, Falun
August 29th 2014
13:00 - 16:00
The Living and Working in Dalarna Day, now in its 3rd edition, is an opportunity for you and employers from the region to meet and make contact. This year’s event will also have an online component, so you will be able to participate no matter where you are.
You will be able to:
- Apply to, and/or bookmark, during the coming weeks, job vacancies which fit your profile, and maybe be pre-selected for an interview;
- Make first contact with employers at the stand, and/or via live chat;
- Benefit from (previously appointed) on-the-spot or online recruitment interviews with employers.
REGISTER NOW (free of charge)!
To get the most out of the event you should register online beforehand. Registration (though not compulsory) will give you access to a wide range of features on offer, as well as regular updates, regarding both the online and onsite events.
Looking forward meeting you on August 29th