Chefs for Sweden
Informazioni su questo evento
Sweden needs cooks and chefs!
We have a range of different job openings for trained cooks and chefs with some years of experience. An opportunity to learn the Nordic kitchen and introduce your own knowledge.
EURES Sweden Arbetsförmedlingen is arranging an online recruitment event to provide you with the chance to find job opportunities in our country.
During the European online Job Day, Chefs for Sweden, between 1 and 3 pm (CET), you will have the chance to meet employers recruiting for restaurants and hotels around Sweden. Employers offer seasonal and permanent jobs.
You will also be able to chat with EURES Sweden Arbetsförmedlingen during the event day:
- Questions regarding job openings and the labour market for chefs in Sweden EURES Sweden Chefs | EURES - European Job Days
- Questions regarding general living and working conditions in Sweden Sweden | EURES - European Job Days
Join the event, register, submit your application, chat with employers, get to interviews and get a job.
As well as the job opportunities on offer, anyone who registers will receive useful information on living and working in gastronomy in Sweden.
To join us on March 16th, at Chefs for Sweden, you must register in advance!
For employers:
This event is the perfect opportunity to promote your recruitment needs of cooks and chefs throughout Europe.
You’ll have the chance to meet candidates who are highly motivated and have the relevant qualifications and experience. Last date for registration is March 1.
The event is targeted to employers in the gastronomic sector in Sweden.
We are looking forward to your registration and participation.
Please note, that for the best possible outcome it’s essential that you post your vacancies on the event site as soon as possible!
If you want more information or if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at chefs@arbetsformedlingen.se
Information till utställare
Chefs for Sweden är ett online-rekryteringsevent där ni som arbetsgivare erbjuds möjlighet att, helt kostnadsfritt, träffa och etablera kontakt med kvalificerade kockar från hela EU/EES området. Kockar som kanske blir era nya medarbetare!
Chefs for Sweden anordnas av Eures Sweden Arbetsförmedlingen
Ni erbjuds följande:
-Annonsera era lediga tjänster, som kan ses av kvalificerade kandidater i hela Europa
-Intervjua kandidater. Kandidater som sökt en ledig tjänst hos er kan ni välja att intervjua direkt under eventdagen.
-Chatta med kandidater som vill veta mer om er verksamhet och de lediga tjänster ni erbjuder.
Låter det intressant och vill ni medverka? Följ då dessa steg:
Registrera er medverkan senast 1 mars
Registrera nytt konto: https://youtu.be/PobxwCdu8DI
Har ni ett konto sedan tidigare och vill registrera er till Chefs for Sweden: https://youtu.be/n1hniFDyHtg
Om er organisation består av flera avdelningar som önskar delta i eventet rekommenderar vi att varje avdelning registrerar var sitt konto. På så sätt exponeras varje avdelning för sig och det blir lättare för er att hantera ansökningarna. Dessutom får varje avdelning planeringsverktyg för intervjuer och chattkanal som är deras egna.
För att ni ska få bästa möjliga genomslag i marknadsföringen av era lediga tjänster är det viktigt att annonsera dessa på eventsidan så snart som möjligt!
Matchningen av kandidater sker utifrån annonserna och för ett lyckat resultat är det viktigt att vara tydlig i beskrivningen av tjänstens innehåll och krav på kvalifikationer. Kom ihåg att skriva annonstexten på engelska. Erbjuder ni flera tjänster inom olika yrkeskategorier går det bra att registrera en samlingsannons.
I annonseringen har ni möjlighet att hänvisa sökande även till er egen karriärsida men observera att event-plattformen är uppbyggd för att sökande ska söka tjänsterna genom just plattformen, vilket innebär att de allra flesta gör det. Därför är det viktigt att ni fortlöpande tittar igenom era annonser för att fånga upp kandidaterna.
Film som beskriver annonsering: https://youtu.be/WDIyUr68hsQ
Boka online-intervjuer
Ni har möjlighet att boka in online-intervjuer där ni kan möta kandidater som visat intresse för era lediga tjänster. Under eventdagen den 24 februari har ni tillgång till 30-minuters intervju"slots" från kl 08.00 och över hela dagen (fram till 23.59) där ni väljer vilka "slots" ni vill göra tillgängliga för kandidater.
Onlineintervjuerna genomförs genom ett audio-video chat verktyg som heter Jitsi. Ni behöver varken installera programvara eller anpassa ert system/firewall.
Här kan ni se filmen om online-intervjuer: https://youtu.be/FFcYADGhmUQ
Funktionen online intervjuer finner ni i ert "Dashboard" under "Job applications/Interviews".
Chatta med kandidater under eventdagen
Genom att vara inloggad på erat exhibitorskonto kan ni chatta med kandidater under dagen.
Tänk på att lägga planerade intervjuer till andra tider än under eventets öppettider så kan ni nyttja tiden till spontana intervjuer under hela eventet.
Vill ni veta mer? Kontakta oss på mail: chefs@arbetsformedlingen.se
Information to visitors
Dear Participant,
Thank you for joining Chefs for Sweden, taking place online on the 16th of March 2022
In order to get the most of this event we recommend you to:
Improve your profile / CV
Pay attention to your language, technical or soft skills, as well as educational fields. You can add your picture and, if you have one, your Skype account ID. If you haven’t done so yet, we strongly advise you to have your CV uploaded in English or have it retrieved from the EURES portal. You can as well add your LinkedIn profile or any online portfolio. Watch the video
Apply for jobs & confirm your attendance to interviews
There will be plenty of jobs waiting for you on the platform. Browse through these vacancies and apply as soon as possible to those matching your skills and expectations. Uploading your CV is not enough, the employer can only view your profile/ CV when you apply for their jobs.
Companies may also invite you for one or more online interviews, to take place on the event day.
In case you are pre-selected, you will get a notification by the employer(s) on possible timeslots for the interview, to which you should answer as quickly as possible.
If you have already applied, you might have some invitations pending your confirmation. Please check on a regular basis.
Prepare for the interview(s)
In order to better prepare, you should thoroughly research available information on the participating employers page, their main projects and recruitment needs. Select the companies you want to approach, or who have invited you for an interview, identify the questions you may want to ask and try to anticipate possible questions from the employer.
A professional appearance is important (even if the interview is online) and a good level of English combined with a positive attitude, will prove highly beneficial.
Please make sure, ahead of the day of an online interview, you have access to:
- PC, laptop, tablet / iPad or another mobile device plus a headset with a microphone and a webcam;
- a stable internet connection;
- If you have an interview time slot confirmed – the employer will contact you on the time agreed
On the event day, you can chat with employers and info points regarding job possibillities and other related issues.
If you are not an EU/EEA or Swiss citizen
Please bear in mind that, while you may participate in this event and use the www.europeanjobdays.eu platform for job search and meeting employers, you will still have additional legal obligations and administrative procedures to go through to get access to the European labour market.
We advise you to check beforehand for additional information:
- the basic EU labour market accessing principles for different non-EU country nationals,
- the EU Immigration Portal
You should also be aware that employers may decide not to go through your application, due to the expected length of immigration procedures related to your hiring.
We look forward to meet you online on the 16th of March 2022, and wish you good luck on your job search!
Targeted Mobility Scheme, TMS
Targeted Mobility Scheme Sweden makes it easier to move, work and to recruit in Europe. The mobility scheme provides both mobility services and financial support!
Jobseekers interested to take part in TMS must contact a EURES Adviser or a Public Employment Officer to get mobility support services, such as:
- information on labour market and living conditions in EU countries
- job search
- job matching and contact with potential employers
- preparing for job interview, taking up a job abroad etc
It is obligatory to receive mobility services from EURES/PES in order to apply.
Are you:
- A national and legal resident of an EU Member State, Norway or Iceland?
- Willing to relocate for a job in another EU Member State, Norway or Iceland for at least 6 months?
- Aged 18+
If yes, our EU mobility scheme can make it easier for you to relocate! You may be eligible for financial support to cover some of your costs for:
- A job interview (contribution towards travel and accommodation costs depending on the distance from EUR 100-350, as well as a daily subsistence allowance to cover meals, local transport, telecommunications and other sundries. If the actual costs for travelling etc. is substantially lower, then the support may be reduced accordingly)
- Relocation for you & your family (EUR 700-1400 depending on the destination country, per person relocating)
- The Relocation support if you are relocating to Sweden is EUR 1200
- Language course (reimbursement of max EUR 2000)
- Recognition of qualifications (may include for example translations and fee for the licence to practice, max EUR 400)
For more information and how to apply: www.yourfirsteuresjob.se
Are you:
- A business with a maximum of 250 employees?
- Based in an EU country, Norway or Iceland?
- Willing to recruit from another EU country, Norway or Iceland?
- Able to offer employment for at least 6 months?
- Willing to establish a recruitment cooperation with EURES
If yes, our EU mobility scheme can make it easier for you to recruit. You may also be eligible for financial support if you offer an integration programme to your newly recruited worker(s) relocating from another EU country, Norway or Iceland.
- The financial support is a flat rate (EUR 810-2000) per recruited candidate varying according to type of integration programme (Basic or comprehensive) and country where the company is located.
- For Swedish employers the flat rate for the Basic integration training EUR 1390 and the comprehensive integration training EUR 1740
For more information and how to apply: www.yourfirsteuresjob.se
Funded by the European Commission, Targeted Mobility Scheme combines tailor-made employment assistance with financial support. In collaboration with EURES (EURopean Employment Services), the aim is to match skilled candidates across Europe with employers with hard to fill vacancies, including mobility services and various financial supports.
Toolkit for visitors
Job seekers toolkit for Sweden
Do you want to work in Sweden?
If you live in another EU/EEA country you can get certain help from our EURES advisers if you want to work in Sweden. Here is some information about living and working in Sweden.
Sweden - More about Sweden and the Swedish culture
Sweden Abroad - Information about Sweden. The official website of the Swedish embassies and consulates.
Swedish taxation
Taxes – The Swedish Tax Agency about taxes in Sweden
Social Insurance
Social Insurance – The Swedish social insurance
Regulated professions – Regulated professions and your qualifications in Sweden
Working in Sweden
Working in Sweden – Your Guide to working or running a business in Sweden
Forms of employment - Different forms of employment and self-employment
Statistics on average salaries - Statistics on average salaries in Sweden by profession are available on Statistics Sweden’s website
Learning the Swedish language
Swedish Institute – Learn Swedish
Swedish for all – How to begin learning Swedish
Extra information
Work permit – General information for citizens in EU/EEA countries and Switzerland as well as non-EU/EEA citizens
The Swedish Migration Agency – Information about work permits in Sweden
Covid 19
Covid-19 situation changes daily. Below you will find links to information on how to travel, what is possible, as well as, what are the restrictions concerning travel to and from Sweden.
Public Health Agency of Sweden
Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Sweden
The Government’s work in response to the virus responsible for COVID-19
Swedish Border guard
Companies that join the event:
- ensure compliance with the latest national legislation due to Covid 19
Please check the guidelines in your country. Situation regarding Covid-19 is in flux and guidelines change.