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NIRAS vækster massivt på hele forsyningsområdet, og som Danmarks største rådgiver for vandsektoren har vi brug for flere dygtige kolleger til at planlægge, forme og fremtidssikre Danmarks vandforsyning. Kunne det være dig? Til vores kontorer i hele landet søger vi dig, der har lyst til at arbejde med vandforsyningsanlæg og være med til, at sikre den danske vandforsyning fremadrettet. Derfor søger vi både dig som er vandforsyningsingeniør eller dig som er anlægsingeniør. Opgaverne dækker over alle faser af et projekt lige fra planlægning og dimensionering til projektering, udbud, byggeledelse ...

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Working in our experienced team of technicians and engineers, you will become responsible for the assembly and adjustment of complex mechatronic systems in the field of beamline instrumentation, high vacuum and optical research equipment, with highest demands on quality and precision. You assemble ultra-high vacuum systems, put them into operation and carry out functional tests of the systems for compliance with technical requirements and functional specifications before delivery. You coordinate the relevant technical, scheduling and logistical issues during the assembly process. You take ...

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Can you see yourself grow with us? We’re investing 13% of our profits over the next decade to lead in renewable energy consultancy. Welcome to #GREENsition We are looking for specialist within high voltage equipment who can participate in our GREENsition initiatives within Power. Green transformation of the world's energy systems requires actions, and at NIRAS we have named that GREENsition. We want to cooperate with you because the stakes are high, and the pace needs to be sped up. The position can be managed from various locations across the country. About the job Your tasks will include but ...

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Can you see yourself grow with us? We’re investing 13% of our profits over the next decade to lead in renewable energy consultancy. Welcome to #GREENsition We are looking for Power System Engineers who can participate in our GREENsition initiatives within Power. Green transformation of the world's energy systems requires actions, and at NIRAS we have named that GREENsition. We want to cooperate with you because the stakes are high, and the pace needs to be sped up. The position can be managed from various locations across the country. About the job Your tasks will include but not be limited to ...

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Can you ensure a high level within Process Utility in i.a. pharmaceutical production? Do you also want to advise our customers about the latest trends in the field? Then it is you, we would like to hear from. Our ambition NIRAS is Northern Europe's leading consulting engineering company. The Pharma and Life Science team at NIRAS is in rapid development. And so is the Pharma and Life Science industry. We are highly qualified consultants who help global Life Science companies in a wide range of process design and utility systems. We have an ambition that NIRAS Pharma and Life Science will grow ...

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Working in our engineering team you will become responsible for the development and realisation of complex mechatronic systems in the field of beamline instrumentation, high vacuum and optical research equipment, with highest demands on quality and precision. As project manager, you are coordinating all scientific, technical and logistics issues with our worldwide customers and the local team within the company to design and build state-of-the-art instrumentation within the given boundary conditions in time and budget. With the support of highly experienced physicist and engineers you are ...

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Can you ensure a high level of expertise in Process Engineering in an international context? Do you see sustainability as an important theme to integrate in project delivery? Would you like to work on projects inside and outside Denmark? Then you might be one of our new Process Engineers joining our team at NIRAS. We are looking for a Senior Process Engineering Consultant with 5-10 years of experience to join our successful team at NIRAS. About NIRAS NIRAS is one of Northern Europe's leading consulting engineering companies. The Food and Beverage area at NIRAS is in rapid development to ...

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På NIRAS’ lokalkontorer i Næstved og Holbæk er der travlhed, og vi søger derfor en person, der har lyst til at løse mange forskellige forsyningsopgaver. Opgaverne relaterer sig eksempelvis til projekter på renseanlæg med alt fra nybyg til renovering og optimering af eksisterende anlægsdele. Endvidere er der gode muligheder for at arbejde med kloakprojekter, hvor du selv skal styre og udføre projekterne med bistand fra kollegaerne på kontoret. Generelt er opgaverne meget varierede, og det typiske kundesegment er forsyningerne indenfor spildevand, vand og fjernvarme. Omfanget af projekterne er ...

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VVM Projektledere og specialister til miljøvurderingsområdet Brænder du også for natur og miljø og for den grønne omstilling? Her får du chancen for at komme med på holdet i en af Danmarks førende afdelinger inden for miljøvurderinger. Vi har en spændende hverdag, der byder på miljøvurderinger for bl.a.:  Helhedsplan Tangkrogen for Aarhus Vand og Aarhus Kommune – et ambitiøst projekt indeholdende et nyt stort og moderne renseanlæg, som bliver state of the art indenfor spildevandsbehandling En række solenergianlæg for forskellige developere i hele landet, og energiparker PtX-anlæg ...

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Working in our engineering team you will become responsible for the design and development of complex mechatronic systems in the field of beamline instrumentation, high vacuum and optical research equipment, with highest demands on quality and precision. The design of these mechatronic systems need to be supported by simulations, FEA as well as dynamic simulations. Testing and verifying the performance of those instruments in our facility and perform installations and final acceptance test on-site together with the final customer.

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