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Spawacz MIG-MAG zajmuje się łączeniem elementów metalowych za pomocą spawania łukowego w osłonie gazów. Metoda MIG (Metal Inert Gas) wykorzystuje gazy obojętne, natomiast MAG (Metal Active Gas) stosuje gazy aktywne. Spawacz odpowiedzialny jest za precyzyjne przygotowanie materiałów, ustawienie parametrów spawania, a także za jakość wykonanych spoin, dbając o zgodność z normami technicznymi. Wymaga to znajomości różnych materiałów, technik spawania oraz umiejętności obsługi urządzeń spawalniczych.

  • English
  • Fair
Fizetési tartomány (Hourly):
30 - 40 PLN (Net pay)
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Join our team as a Welder at Siemens Mobility in Munich, where you'll play a crucial role in assembling steel components for rail vehicles using Metal Active Gas (MAG) welding. We are looking for experienced welders skilled in various welding positions, including flat, horizontal, overhead, and vertical welding. You'll work with a range of weld types, such as fillet welds, I-joints, and V-joints, ensuring high-quality and precise workmanship. This is an excellent opportunity to contribute to the production of cutting-edge rail vehicles in a dynamic and supportive environment. If you have a ...

Germany, Munich
  • English
  • Basic
Fizetési tartomány (Havonta):
2240 - 2525 EUR (Net pay)
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We are searching for locksmiths to join our team at our customer Siemens Mobility in Munich for the assembly of steel components for rail vehicles according to specifications and drawings. The role requires proficiency in reading and understanding technical drawings, including interpreting numbers and symbols. Key responsibilities include tack welding, angle grinding, and flame straightening to ensure precise and high-quality work. You will be expected to work efficiently with steel structures, following detailed instructions closely. This is an excellent opportunity for skilled professionals ...

Germany, Munich
  • English
  • Basic
Fizetési tartomány (Havonta):
2240 - 2525 EUR (Net pay)

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