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Az állásajánlat leírása

Stavern is a lovely, busy village summertime surroundet by beaches, summer-houses and sites for caravan. Only 140 km. 

We have two restaurants in Stavern. One with different grill dishes like meat and fish and one based on Street Food like fresh made tacos, burgers, loaded fries.

This job is both hectic and rewarding, and allows you to get to know many new people. We have customers in different segments such as events, weddings, festivals, catering and restaurants. Therefore the work tasks is very much varied!

Munkaköri követelmények
  • Language: Norwegian, Swedish, Danish or English
  • Service- and result orientated
  • Motivated by giving the customers the best experience
  • Desire to develop your competences in our exciting concept
  • Manage stress and HIGH working tempo
  • 20 years of age or more
  • Driving licence B (advantage, but no demand)
Állás részletei
Foglalkozási terület:
Education field:
Szakmai tapasztalat:
Work experience is not required
  • English
  • Good
Fizetési tartomány (Hourly):
190 - 230 NOK (Net pay)
Date of expiry:

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About organisation

EURES is a cooperation network designed to facilitate the free movement of workers within the EU-27 countries plus Switzerland, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.In practice EURES provides its services through the portal and through a human network of around 1000 EURES advisers that are in daily contact with jobseekers and employers across Europe.The purpose of EURES is to provide… További információ
