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Az állásajánlat leírása

about the job

As an assistant nurse, you have a wide range of job offers available in many areas. Finding offers that suit you is therefore not always so easy. The process of finding the next opportunity in life can unfortunately be a very time-consuming process. Loads of advertisements must be read and applications must be written. Once you have found something that seems interesting, it must then be negotiated and most often it does not turn out exactly as you wish. Many end up with the boring choice of either accepting an offer they don't feel fully satisfied with, or starting the same demanding process all over again.

Munkaköri követelmények

Nurse, in Sweden, is a person who works with practical nursing in healthcare, home healthcare, elderly care and home care. Internationally, there are equivalents in the form of healthcare personnel with less extensive healthcare training than a nurse.

Assistant nurse refers to a person who has completed the secondary school's national health and care program or similar and/or older education through, for example, the county council.

Állás részletei
Foglalkozási terület:
Education field:
Szakmai tapasztalat:
Work experience is not required
  • Swedish
  • Good
Required skills:
health care system
Fizetési tartomány (Havonta):
27000 - 28000 SEK (Gross pay)
Date of expiry:

About organisation

Norsjö MunicipalityThe best everyday life in the worldWhen the inhabitants of Norsjö have had to think for themselves why this region is so good to live, live and work in, one expression has come up again and again: The best everyday life in the world.A lovingly cocky expression that arouses curiosity and points to something very important: If the whole year - yes, the whole life - mostly… További információ
