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Az állásajánlat leírása

Small historic hotel in the mountains of Norway is looking for a breakfast chef/ waiter/ assistant chef position for the period of 1.6. to 31.10.

Main task is preparing and serving breakfast for up to 40 guests, extra tasks can be waitressing day/evening and/or assisting our chefs in some evenings. 

We look for persons with experience from breakfast chef positions at similar places.

We offer simple logding and food. 

Munkaköri követelmények

Experience from similar positions. Fluent english, nice with a scandinavian language, but not required

Important to check our situation. You have to be interested in outdoors, like hiking ao. No village/ neighbours, just nature. 


Wonderful situation for nature lovers. Perfect for hiking in free time. 

Állás részletei
Foglalkozási terület:
Education field:
Szakmai tapasztalat:
Work experience is required
Munkatapasztalat időtartama:
Up to 1 year
  • English
  • Fluent
Required skills:
cleaning techniques, communicate with customers, use cooking techniques
Fizetési tartomány (Havonta):
31000 - 33000 NOK (Gross pay)
Date of expiry:
Link for more information:

About organisation

The small historic Hindsæter Hotel is situated along the touristic road over Valdresflya at 950 masl with a stunning view over the valley and Jotunheimen National Park, just 15 km from Besseggen / Gjende.Our kitchen philosophy is based on the new nordic kitchen. Sustainability and local ingredients are our work focus, especially reindeer from the local reindeer company. No convenience. We… További információ
