Swedish Day
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Sweden needs you, don’t miss this opportunity!
Apply for posted jobs in advance!
- We advise you to apply for published job vacancies. Please make sure the job is genuinely interesting to you and you match the requirements listed in the advertisement.
Chat with us!
- Our representatives will be waiting for you on the event day under CHAT WITH EXHIBITORS at the times indicated below.
- For the companies available for the chat before the event starts, please go to the (Chat) link next to the company name.
Anicura Kalmarsund - 13:00 - 16:00
Arbeta tillsammans-project - 11:00 -16:00
Black Box - 11:00 - 16:00
Bnear IT AB - 11:00 - 16:00
City of Malmö - 12:30 - 16:00
Distriktsveterinärerna - 11:00 - 12:00 and 13:00 - 16:00
Eures Chef Sweden - 11:00 - 16:00
Eures Crossboarder Öresund - 13:00 - 15:00
EURES engineering jobs - 11:00 - 16:00
Eures Health Sweden - 11:00 - 16:00
Eures Sweden ICT - 11:00 - 16:00
Eures Teachers Sweden - 12:00 - 15:00
Eures Veterinarians Sweden - 12:00 - 15:00
Evidensia Djursjukvård - 13:00 - 15:00
Gränsetjänsten - 11:00 - 16:00
Internationella Engelska Skolan - 11:00 - 12:30
Italy - 11:00 - 16:00
Karolinska University Hospital - 10:00 - 12:00 (Chat for Biomedical Scientis/Laboratory Technicians) and 12:00 - 14:00 (Chat for Nurses Neurology)
Kaunis Iron - 11:00 - 15:00
LKAB - 11:00 - 16:00
Öresunddirekt - 12:00 - 13:00 and 14:00 - 15:00
Redoxis - 12:00 - 15:30
Region Dalarna - 08:00 - 09:00 (Chat) , 10:00 - 10:30 (Chat) and 14:30 - 15:00
Region Jönköpings län - 09:00 - 16:30 (Chat)
Region Kalmar - 12:00 - 14:00 and 15:00 - 16:00
Region Sörmland - 11:00 - 16:00
Sahlgrenska University Hospital - 15:00 - 16:00
Spain - 11:00 - 16:00
Svar Life Science - 11:00 - 12:00 (Chat) and 13:00 - 14:00
Sweden - 11:00 - 16:00
Targeted Mobility Scheme/YFEJ - 11:00 - 16:00
The Netherlands - 11:00 - 16:00
Anipova - Unfortunatly we are not able to chatt today. If you want to get in contact with us, please send us an email
Luminator Technology group - Unfortunatly we are not able to chatt today. If you want to get in contact with us, please send us an email
Region Östergötland - Unfortunatly we are not able to chatt today. If you want to get in contact with us, please send us an email
This is your chance to take your career to the next level and challenge yourself to a new career path!
EURES Sweden by Arbetsförmedlingen is arranging an online recruitment event to provide you with the chance to find job opportunities in our country.
During the Swedish Day recruitment event on November 26th, 2020 between 11am and 4pm (CET), you will have the chance to meet employers from a variety of sectors:
- Education: Compulsory school teachers with a university degree - Sweden could be the next chapter of your life.
- Licensed veterinarians: Broaden your experience and expertise when working with animal care in Sweden
- Health sector (medical specialists, nurses and other regulated professions) - take care of your career and make a healthy move!
- ICT: professionals (programmers, coders, web specialists) - turn the byte into a job!
- Engineering: Professionals (mechanic, automation, process, maintenance, electrical, automotive, chemistry)
- Make Sweden to your next project! - Hospitality: Chefs - add some Nordic flavors to your life!
- Life Science within pharma, food and e-health: - develop and research, make the future healthier!
- Metal: Metalworkers (welding, CNC, machinery) - make a precise move to cut yourself a new career path!
- Mining: (among other engineers and geologists) - get a golden opportunity!
Start exploring how you can take your personal and work life in a new, positive direction. Join the event, register, submit your
application, chat with employers, interview and get a job.
As well as the job opportunities on offer, anyone who registers will receive useful information on living and working in the
different regions in Sweden.
To join us on November 26th, 2020 at Swedish Day, you must register in advance!
Don’t miss this opportunity to find out how you can become a part of our family.
For employers:
This event is the perfect opportunity to promote your recruitment needs in different sectors throughout Europe.
You’ll have the chance to meet a wide range of jobseekers who are highly motivated and have the relevant qualifications and
The event is targeted to employers from all over Sweden.
We are looking forward to your registration and participation.
Jobseekers toolkit for Sweden
Jobseekers toolkit for Sweden
Do you want to work in Sweden?
If you live in another EU/EEA country you can get certain help from our EURES advisers if you want to work in Sweden. Here is some information about living and working in Sweden.
Sweden - More about Sweden and the Swedish culture
Swedish taxation
Taxes – The Swedish Tax Agency about taxes in Sweden
Social Insurance
Social Insurance – The Swedish social insurance
Regulated professions – Regulated professions and your qualifications in Sweden
Working in Sweden
Working in Sweden – Your Guide to working or running a business in Sweden
Forms of employment - Different forms of employment and self-employment
Statistics on average salaries - Statistics on average salaries in Sweden by profession are available on Statistics Sweden’s website
Learning the Swedish language
Swedish Institute – Learn Swedish
Swedish for all – How to begin learning Swedish
Extra information
Work permit – General information for citizens in EU/EEA countries and Switzerland as well as non-EU/EEA citizens
The Swedish Migration Agency – Information about work permits in Sweden
Information for Jobseekers
Dear Participant,
Thank you for joining the Swedish Day, taking place online on the 26th of November.
In order to get the most of this event, you should:
- Improve your profile / CV
Pay attention to your language, technical or soft skills, as well as educational fields. You can add your picture and, if you have one, your Skype account ID. If you haven’t done so yet, we strongly advise you to have your CV uploaded in English or have it retrieved from the EURES portal. You can as well add your LinkedIn profile or any online portfolio.
Watch the video
- Apply for jobs & confirm your attendance to interviews
There will be plenty of jobs waiting for you in the platform. Browse through these vacancies and apply as soon as possible to those matching your skills and expectations. Uploading your CV is not enough, the employer can only view your profile/ CV when you apply for their jobs.
Companies may also invite you for one or more online interviews, to take place on the event day.
In case you are pre-selected, you will get a notification by the employer(s) on possible timeslots for the interview, to which you should answer as quickly as possible.
If you have already applied, you might have some invitations pending your confirmation. Please check on a regular basis.
Watch the video
- Prepare for the interview(s)
In order to better prepare, you should thoroughly research available information on the participating companies, their main projects and recruitment needs. Select the companies you want to approach, or who have invited you for an interview, identify the questions you may want to ask and try to anticipate possible questions from the employer.
A cared personal look is important (even if the interview is online) and a good level of English combined with a positive attitude, will prove highly beneficial.
Please make sure, ahead of the day of an online interview, you have access to:
- PC, laptop, tablet / iPad or another mobile device plus a headset with a microphone and a webcam;
- a stable internet connection;
- a Skype account .
If you have an interview time slot confirmed – the employer will contact you on the time agreed upon by contacting your Skype id.
- If you don't have any pre-set interviews...
On the event day, you can still make exploratory contacts with employers and get advice with info points on different services supporting your job search or mobility project by contacting available info points or companies through chat with exhibitors which will activate on the day.
- If you are not an EU/EEA or Swiss citizen
Please bear in mind that, while you may participate in this event and use the www.europeanjobdays.eu platform for job search and meeting employers, you will still have additional legal obligations and administrative procedures to go through to get access to the European labour market.
We advise you to check beforehand for additional information:
- the basic EU labour market accessing principles for different non-EU country nationals,
- the EU Immigration Portal
You should also be aware that employers may decide not to go through your application, due to the expected length of immigration procedures related to your hiring.
- Still having some doubts?
Contact us via helpdesk@europeanjobdays.eu or for further info, visit the event website (on permanent update).
We look forward to meeting you online on November 26th, and wish you luck for your job search!
Information for Exhibitors
Swedish Day eventet är ett ypperligt tillfälle i den rådande situation som vi alla befinner oss i att på ett säkert och effektivt sätt möta kvalificerade kandidater. Denna rekryteringsmässa är riktad till bristyrkesbranscher såsom hälsa, veterinärer, teknik/IT/industri, gruvnäring, life science, pedagogik, säsongsjobb och turism där arbetsgivare möter arbetssökande online från Sverige och andra EU/EES-länder.
Swedish Day https://www.europeanjobdays.eu/en/events/swedish-day anordnas av Eures by Arbetsförmedlingen på vår online-plattform European Online Job Day.
På European Online Job Day är arbetsspråket engelska.
Här kan du se instruktionsfilmer gällande:
Registrera nytt konto: https://youtu.be/PobxwCdu8DI
Du som redan har ett konto och önskar registrera dig till Swedish Day: https://youtu.be/n1hniFDyHtg
Med start i slutet av september kommer vi att öppna registreringen för arbetssökande som vill delta på eventet. Dessa sökande kan sedan börja söka de lediga tjänster som är registrerade på eventsidan. De kan också välja att endast delta i programmet som sänds under själva eventdagen för att därefter söka tjänsterna som publicerats.
Om din organisation består av flera avdelningar som vill delta på vår mässa rekommenderar vi att varje avdelning registrerar var sitt konto. På så sätt exponeras varje avdelning för sig och det blir lättare att hantera ansökningar. Dessutom får varje avdelning planeringsverktyg för intervjuer och chattkanal som är deras egna.
Det som är viktigt att komma ihåg för ett lyckat resultat är att matchningen sker utifrån annonserna, att annonserna bör publiceras tidigt, helst redan nu under september och på engelska. Det går bra att registrera en Samlingsannons.
I annonseringen har du möjlighet att hänvisa sökande till din egen karriärsida men notera att vår plattform är uppbyggd utifrån att sökande ska söka tjänsterna genom plattformen, vilket innebär att de allra flesta gör det. Därför är det viktigt att du kontinuerligt går in och ögnar igenom dina annonser för att fånga upp kandidaterna.
Här kan du se filmen om annonsering: https://youtu.be/WDIyUr68hsQ
Om du kör fast och vill ha hjälp, skicka annonserna till NAMN@arbetsformedlingen.se så hjälper jag dig.
Bokad online-intervju:
Nästa steg handlar om kandidater som har sökt dina lediga tjänster och som du är intresserad av och vill intervjua online. Under eventdagen 26 november erbjuder vi 15-minuters slots från kl 08.00 till kl 17.00 där du väljer vilka slots du vill göra tillgängliga för kandidater.
Exempel: Kandidat 1 kl 10. 00-10.15, paus 10.15 – 10.30, kand. 2 10.30- 10,45, osv.
För att genomföra online intervjuer på vår plattform, behöver du ett giltigt Skype-konto (inte Skype för företag!). Du anger ditt Skype-ID antingen när du registrerar ditt konto eller senare när du går till "Edit my organisation" i din "Dashbord".
Det kommer sedan att visas i avsnittet "CHAT WITH EXHIBITORS" under eventdagen den 26 november. Det är viktigt att du är inloggad på ditt Skype-konto så att arbetssökande kan nå dig.
Här kan du se filmen om online-intervjuer; https://youtu.be/FFcYADGhmUQ
För att hitta denna information går du till Job applications/Interviews i din Dashboard och klicka på knappen Contact jobseeker under eventet.
Observera att du kan välja eller tillåta kandidaterna välja andra kommunikationsverktyg såsom Google Meet, WhatsApp, Messenger, telefon och andra valfria verktyg för intervjuer som kan hållas under eventdagen eller vid andra tidpunkter. Se till att informera sökande om alternativa kontaktverktyg/-appar i din annons.
I detta fall utför du dessa planerade intervjuer utanför portalen.
Spontana intervjuer under eventdagen:
Alla slots/tider som du har gjort tillgängliga men inte nyttjas till planerade online-intervjuer blir tillgängliga för spontana kontakter från deltagare på eventet.
Genom att lägga planerade intervjuer till andra tider kan du nyttja ditt Skype-konto på portalen till spontana intervjuer under hela eventet.
Behöver du hjälp?
Kontakta: NAMN@arbetsformedlingen.se
Spela in en kort film:
Sist men inte minst rekommenderar vi att du spelar in en film där du informerar om företaget, vilka tjänster du söker personal till och hur kandidater kan kontakta er. Filmen sänder vi under eventdagen. På så sätt når vi alla som deltar, även de som kan ha missat dina publicerade lediga tjänster. De sökande kommer att kontakta dig på portalen för en spontanintervju. Saknar du filmkamera? Filma gärna med din mobil och inte längre än 3–4 minuter. Skicka den till NAMN@arbetsformedlingen.se så ser jag till att den sänds.
Du kommer få sändningsprogram ca en vecka innan eventdagen, då vet du när just din film sänds och kan vara med och chatta/promota ditt företag i sändningsfönstret allmän chattfunktion.
Vi ser fram emot att hjälpa dig i rekryteringen av specialistkompetens!
Vänliga hälsningar
Eures Sweden by Arbetsförmedlingen
Covid 19
Covid-19 situation changes daily. Below you will find links to information on how to travel, what is possible, as well as, what are the restrictions concerning travel to and from Sweden.
Public Health Agency of Sweden
Protect yourself and others from spread of infection
Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Sweden
Q&A about travelling and Coronavirus
Swedish Border guard
Companies that join the event:
- ensure compliance with the latest national legislation due to Covid 19
Please check the guidelines in your country. Situation regarding Covid-19 is in flux and guidelines change.