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Vaissi Oy is finnish familycompany. We have three food indystry factories in middle of Finland Keuruu. Our main products pre cooced cabbage leaves, stuffed cabbage rolls and ready meals. 

We are seeking for workers for seasonal work to our cabbage leaf factory. The season starts end of july 2022 and ends january-february 2023. The work is in 2-shift and additional work is available. 

We demand that you speak and undestand english. You have or you are able to pass hygieniapassport test.

To our outher factory which manufacturers cabbagerolls and ready meals we seek employees that have work experience from food industry and also fluent english or finnish skills.

For both factories own car is mandatory because there is no public transport. We help you to provide accomadation but you will pay for it yourself. We pay by the food industry collective agreement.

Hot jobs

We are seeking for workers for seasonal work to our cabbage leaf factory. The season starts end of july 2022 and ends january-february 2023. The work is in 2-shift and additional work is available. 

We demand that you speak and undestand english. You have or you are able to pass hygieniapassport test.

To our outher factory which manufacturers cabbagerolls and ready meals we seek employees that have work experience from food industry and also fluent english or finnish skills.

For both factories own car is mandatory because there is no public transport. We help you to provide accomadation but you will pay for it yourself. We pay by the food industry collective agreement.

Szervezeti adatok
Elérhetőségek: send jobapplication. More info Maria Hanho +358408372139


Event participation(s)

16 február 2022
Részvétel: Online