Tigers Childcare
Tigers Childcare provides high quality childcare solutions catering for children aged 4months to 12 years in the Dublin, Meath, Kildare and Cork. We offer high quality childcare that supports working parents who require flexible care and educational services that meet their needs from 7:30am until 6:30pm, 51 weeks per year.
Tigers has established itself as a provider of high quality early years and after-school care that is unparalleled in the market-place today. As a growing commercial enterprise, the company remains committed to evidence-based practice that ensures the best outcomes for children and families attending our service. Tiger’s only employ fully qualified and experienced staff and our workforce is committed to our vision, with many of our original staff remaining with the organisation.
We work closely with the County Childcare Committees, Better Start and Early Childhood Ireland to ensure high standards. We use both Síolta and Aistear as tools in supporting higher standards and a quality curriculum for children in our care. Our services are registered with and inspected by. With the use of ITERS and ECERS scales we strive not only to provide care to a basic Tusla standard, but also strive for best practise and excellence at all times.