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Sport 2000, The strength of a network present throughout France

The SPORT 2000 France network consists of 550 stores, 240 of which are located in the different ski resort on all mountain ranges (Alps, Jura Pyrenees and Massif Central). We are specialists in ski rental and sale of ski equipment and Outdoor business.

Sport 2000, La force d’un réseau présent partout en France

Le réseau SPORT 2000 France, c’est 550 magasins dont 240 situés en montagne sur tous les massifs (Alpes, Jura Pyrénées et Massif Central). Nous sommes les spécialistes de la location de ski et la vente de matériel ski et Outdoor.

Hot jobs

For the next winter season, Sport 2000 recruits some SKIMANS, SALESMEN, SALESWOMEN and STORE MANAGERS.

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Event participation(s)

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