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For more than 35 years has been the competent partner for software quality assurance comprising the complete life cycle of products and systems in complex and safety critical systems. Especially in the medtech, automotive, pharmacy and avionic branches is being recognized for their extensive knowledge as well as their reliability as a service provider.

We are primarily looking for applicants who dispose of experience in the software quality assurance field.

Still, graduates are very welcome as well. Thourough on the job training and certified schooling will guarantee fast adjustment to the given challenges.

Working for you will be envolved in the most innovative projects, making our "Brave New World" a bit safer every day. is proud of its respective and appreciative company spirit which can be seen in flexible carreer options, various social benefits and a healthy work-life-balance.

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Szervezeti adatok

Stephanie Kaiser recruiting
Fon: 09195-931-234

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