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Bauindustrie Tehas OÜ house factory manufactures high-quality wooden element houses.

Bauindustrie Tehas OÜ manufactures high-quality wooden element houses. Our first houses were completed in 2005.

Today, building a house form factory-made elements is one of the most preferable building methods. It's easy for a client - after finding a suitable house project, it takes a couple of months to complete the house. We make product drawings for the desired project, assemble and produce house elements. The factory is finished with exterior and interior walls, interiors, floors, and roof elements. The elements consist of different layers - insulation, moisture and windproof layers, and, if necessary, lining boards are installed. Elements are fitted with electric rings, cabinets and other necessary and marked. Finally, the items are packaged and delivered to a suitable place at the appropriate time. As a rule, the kit also includes windows and doors.

Quality and speed are considered as an advantage for element houses. The quality is achieved with an efficient manufacture method, including inconvenient and time-consuming work on the site, is done indoors in the factory. Each of the last angles is easily visible and accessible to the item maker, and none of the four seasons affect the production process. The elements are made as ready as possible in the factory so that they can be then quickly assembled into a house at the site. This, in turn, reduces the effect of bad weather on the erection, allows for better planning time, and ultimately reduces the number of bad "surprises" and "uncertainties" that normally dampen the customer's wallet.

From the elements, almost all buildings can be built: private houses, apartment buildings, production buildings, ancillary buildings, cottages. We produce element houses in a different degree of completeness, exactly as our customer desires. All houses are special, even those that are made according to a typical project, because everything is customized according to customer preferences. The only thing we do not compromise is constructional standards and quality.

Construction starts from a dream, a need, a wish. When implementing our dreams, we should not forget that wood is a healthy, breathable and warm material that has surrounded us for millenniums.

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