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Seize the Summer with EURES 2025 [20 March 2025]
Find your seasonal job in Europe! [02 April 2025]
Healthcare Recruitment in Ireland 2025 [08 April 2025]
INFO DAY: Connect with Spanish Companies in the R+D+i Sector [10 April 2025]
Work in Denmark [01 October 2025]
Job and Career in Latvia [09 October 2025]
Currywurst meets Frikandel 5.0 [15 October 2025]
Make it in Germany 2025 [20 February 2025]
Destination Norway [12 February 2025]
Currywurst meets Frikandel 4.0 [18 December 2024]
Work In Greece [16 December 2024]
Work@PL2024 [06 December 2024]
Work in Portugal 2024 [27 November 2024]
EURES Italy for Employers' Day 2024 [13 November 2024]
Building Ireland’s Future [07 November 2024]
Job and Career in Latvia [05 November 2024]
Online Job Summit: Where Talent Meets Opportunity [30 October 2024]
Swedish Day 2024 [24 October 2024]
Today's dream, tomorrow's reality [22 October 2024]
Work in Flanders - Match Made in Europe Event! [10 October 2024]
Finland Works [08 October 2024]
EURES ITALY for BSBF2024 [04 October 2024]
Work in Denmark – Destination West Zealand [02 October 2024]
Make it in Germany 2024 [27 September 2024]
Work in Lapland [04 September 2024]
Living in Denmark [20 June 2024]
Germany scores with North Rhine-Westphalia [11 June 2024]
Balance your Life on Sweden's West Coast [28 May 2024]
Boost your career with EURES! [23 May 2024]
Make it in Germany 2024 [07 May 2024]
Work Force in Flanders [26 April 2024]
Work in Greece II [15 April 2024]
Find your seasonal job in Europe! [04 April 2024]
Work IT in Flanders [26 March 2024]
Finland works [20 March 2024]
Tourism & Hospitality Jobs in Norway [13 March 2024]
Make it in Germany 2024 [29 February 2024]
Seize the Summer with EURES 2024 [21 - 22 February 2024]
Destination Norway [15 February 2024]
Work in Greece (Fiλoξeniα) [07 February 2024]
Work in Denmark - Destination Kalundborg [05 December 2023]
Building Ireland’s Future: Careers in Construction [30 November 2023]
EURES ITALY FOR EMPLOYERS' DAY 2023 - 7th edition [24 November 2023]
Work in Portugal 2023 [22 November 2023]
Make it in Germany 2023 [16 November 2023]
Work in SLOVEnia [14 November 2023]
Swedish Day 2023 [09 November 2023]
STEMployment [25 October 2023]
Job and Career in Latvia [18 October 2023]
Bienvenidos a Irlanda 2023 [10 October 2023]
Work in Helsinki-Uusimaa Region [04 October 2023]
Destination Norway [13 September 2023]
Work in Lapland [07 September 2023]
Currywurst meets Frikandel 3.0 [05 September 2023]
Make it in Germany 2023 [05 July 2023]
One click to The Netherlands [13 June 2023]
Building Ireland [11 May 2023]
Find your Beat in Gothenburg, West Sweden [09 May 2023]
Make it in Germany 2023 [04 April 2023]
Seasonal employment. Find your seasonal job in Europe! [03 April 2023]
Meat Industry Recruitment in Ireland [23 March 2023]
Finland Works [15 March 2023]
Seize the Summer with EURES 2023 [09 March 2023]
Work in Denmark: Life Science and Healthcare [07 March 2023]
Work in Flanders - Technicians & Engineers [28 February 2023]
Careers in Retail and Childcare [23 February 2023]
Work in Norway [16 February 2023]
Make it in Germany [07 December 2022]
WORK IN MALTA- ¡Bienvenidos a Malta! [01 December 2022]
Job and Career in Latvia [30 November 2022]
Your job in Germany [29 November 2022]
Work in Portugal 2022 [22 November 2022]
‘Bienvenidos a Irlanda’ 2022 [17 November 2022]
EURES Italy for EMPLOYERS’ DAY 2022 [15 November 2022]
Living and working in Baltic Countries [11 November 2022]
Austria is Calling! [09 - 10 November 2022]
Swedish Day 2022 [27 October 2022]
Work in Denmark: Life Science and Healthcare [26 October 2022]
Work@PL2022 [20 October 2022]
Work in Flanders 2022 - Lisbon [18 - 19 October 2022]
Find your Beat in Gothenburg, West Sweden [13 October 2022]
ICT Specialists for Norway and Sweden [12 October 2022]
Take a chance in France [11 October 2022]
Finland Works [05 October 2022]
Mulighetsdager Norge - Sverige (29 September 2022) [29 September 2022]
Industry & Technology in Denmark [22 September 2022]
Make it in Germany 2022 [15 September 2022]
Mulighetsdager Norge - Sverige (09 September 2022) [09 September 2022]
Mulighetsdager Norge - Sverige (08 September 2022) [08 September 2022]
Tourism and Hospitality Jobs in Norway [07 September 2022]
Working in Germany: From Temporary to Permanent [05 September 2022]
Work in Lapland [01 September 2022]
ICT & TECHNOLOGY - Austria is Calling together with Croatia, Italy, Slovakia and Slovenia [07 July 2022]
Green Jobs in Ireland [25 May 2022]
Health professionals, Veterinarians and Teachers for Sweden [19 May 2022]
Denmark Works [18 May 2022]
With EURES to Europe! [12 May 2022]
Work in Danish Restaurants and Hotels [28 April 2022]
Spotlight on jobs in Denmark [23 March 2022]
Seize the Summer with EURES 2022 [22 March 2022]
Currywurst meets Frikandel 2.0 [17 March 2022]
Chefs for Sweden [16 March 2022]
Jobs in Ireland 2022 – Hospitality, Construction & Transport [15 March 2022]
Un job dans les secteurs du tourisme ou des centres de contact en Belgique ou à l’étranger [11 March 2022]
Work in Flanders - joint industry [10 March 2022]
Finland Works - West Coast Finland [03 March 2022]
European Info Day: EURES Romania – EURES Ireland. Living and Working in Ireland [02 March 2022]
Crossing Nordic Borders [24 February 2022]
Lithuanian day [23 February 2022]
Finland works [16 February 2022]
Job search for science & tech professionals in Spain and Belgium [27 January 2022]
Norway is looking for ICT talents [06 December 2021]
Make it in Germany -Take your chance 2021 [03 December 2021]
EURES Italy - Employers' Day 2021 [02 December 2021]
JOB AND CAREER IN LATVIA [01 December 2021]
Currywurst meets Frikandel [30 November 2021]
UAlg Online Careers Fair 2021 [24 - 25 November 2021]
Healthcare Recruitment in Ireland [23 November 2021]
Meat Industry Recruitment in Ireland [17 November 2021]
Bienvenidos a Irlanda! - Irish Recruitment Day in Spain [04 November 2021]
OnEJob 2021: Graduate Online European Job Fair [28 - 29 October 2021]
Estonian Day [27 October 2021]
AUSTRIA IS CALLING [25 October 2021]
Swedish Day 2021 [21 October 2021]
Welcome, Willkommen, Vítejte to Germany and the Czech Republic! [19 October 2021]
Spotlight on the hospitality industry! [18 October 2021]
European Info Day EURES Spain - EURES Ireland. Living and Working in Ireland [15 October 2021]
Finland Works [05 October 2021]
Ready to go on 2021 - EURES TMS Edition [30 June 2021]
European Info Day EURES Spain - EURES The Netherlands. Living and Working in The Netherlands [10 June 2021]
Cyprus & EU Career Fair: tomorrow empowered [08 June 2021]
Your Career - Think Denmark [01 June 2021]
European Info Day EURES Spain - EURES Poland. Living and Working in Poland [27 May 2021]
Make it in Germany 2021 - Ihre Rückkehr nach Deutschland! [26 May 2021]
Job and Career in Latvia [25 May 2021]
Digit’allJobs moving Europe [20 May 2021]
European Info Day EURES Spain - EURES Portugal. Vivir y trabajar en Portugal [13 May 2021]
One click to Europe [06 May 2021]
Career in Lithuania [05 May 2021]
European Info Day EURES Spain - EURES Luxembourg. Living and Working in Luxembourg [29 April 2021]
Make it in Germany 2021 - Take your chance! [28 April 2021]
Help2Harvest2021 - Horticulture Recruitment Event – Ireland [22 April 2021]
Finland - Norway - Sweden Day [15 April 2021]
Slovenian Cross Border Online Job Day [08 April 2021]
Un job en Belgique ou à l'étranger dans le tourisme et l'hôtellerie? [23 March 2021]
Make it work in Denmark [18 March 2021]
European Info Day EURES Spain - EURES France. Vivir y trabajar en Francia [11 March 2021]
European Info Day EURES Spain - WORKINDENMARK. Living and working in Denmark [04 March 2021]
European Info Day EURES España - EURES Bélgica [25 February 2021]
European Info Day EURES Spain - EURES Malta. LIVING and WORKING IN MALTA [18 February 2021]
Finland Works [11 February 2021]
European Info Day EURES Spain - EURES Ireland. Living and working conditions in Ireland [04 February 2021]
Healthcare Recruitment in Ireland [28 January 2021]
Career in Bulgaria [12 January 2021]
Swedish Day [26 November 2020]
Finland Works [18 November 2020]
UAlg Online Careers Fair 2020 [12 November 2020]
International Career & Employers' Days! [10 - 11 November 2020]
Job and Career in Latvia [28 October 2020]
OnEJob 2020 – Graduate Online European Job Fair [27 October 2020]
BACK ON TRACK Hungarian Job Day [08 October 2020]
Make it in Germany 2020 - Take YOUR Chance! [07 October 2020]
Work in Flanders - Belgium 2020 [02 October 2020]
Lithuania is waiting for you! [01 October 2020]
Work in France for the Winter Season [21 September 2020]
Do I.T. in Denmark [08 September 2020]
Work in Lapland [01 September 2020]
Work in Estonia [31 August 2020]
Ready to go on - Pronti a ripartire! [08 July 2020]
Work in Flanders - Belgium [16 June 2020]
Make it in Germany 2020 [25 March 2020]
Finland - Norway - Sweden Day [11 March 2020]
Seize the Summer with EURES 2020 [04 March 2020]
Careers in Ireland 2020 [02 March 2020]
WORK IN BERLIN - Jobs In The Booming Online Industry [28 February 2020]
UAlg Online Careers Fair [28 November 2019]
EURES Italy for Employers’ Day 2019 - Special Edition for EURES 25th Anniversary [25 November 2019]
New Career in Hungary [20 November 2019]
Talent in Tech - Sophia Antipolis [14 November 2019]
Working in Gothenburg / West Sweden [13 November 2019]
WANTED: skilled workers and executives for Germany, Austria and Luxembourg! [06 November 2019]
Work in Portugal 2019! [30 October 2019]
Enter Estonia [23 October 2019]
The mountains are calling - Working in the Tyrolean Alps [22 October 2019]
Work In Flanders 2019 - Porto [15 - 16 October 2019]
Austria-Germany-Netherlands Day [10 October 2019]
Finland Works [09 October 2019]
Job and Career in Latvia 2019 [26 September 2019]
Make it in Germany - Take YOUR Chance! [25 September 2019]
European Job Day - Die Talente der Großregion! [19 September 2019]
European Online Job Day Sofia 2019 [17 September 2019]
Our region crosses borders - Jobs in Saxony, Lower Silesia and Bohemia [05 September 2019]
Work in Lapland [03 September 2019]
Discover Poland! Work with us. [29 May 2019]
Make it in Germany - Take YOUR Chance! 2019 [22 May 2019]
Work in Flanders 2019 - Volos [15 - 16 May 2019]
Ireland Recruitment Day in Madrid [09 May 2019]
New Destinations for French skills [24 - 25 April 2019]
Professionals and experts for Germany - Bavaria [12 April 2019]
European Job Day - Hospitality industry in Bavaria [11 April 2019]
FINDE.U Virtual University International Job Fair [09 - 10 April 2019]
Finland Works [04 April 2019]
Careers in Ireland [28 March 2019]
Work in Greater Region : Luxembourg (LU) / Lorraine (FR) / Province de Luxembourg (BE) / Saarland (DE) / Rheinland-Pfalz (DE) [19 March 2019]
Work in the heart of Sweden [06 March 2019]
Seize the Summer with EURES 2019 [13 February 2019]
Work in Berlin [11 February 2019]
EURES Italy for Employers' Day 2018 [18 December 2018]
Work in Portugal! [27 November 2018]
New Career in Hungary [20 November 2018]
Work in Estonia [16 November 2018]
Work in Flanders 2018 - Lecce [07 - 08 November 2018]
Dublin Jobs Fair [25 October 2018]
Austrian-German Day 2018 [18 October 2018]
Make it in Germany - Take YOUR Chance! [17 October 2018]
Work@PL - Work in Poland [10 October 2018]
Work in Luxembourg [09 - 10 October 2018]
Recruiting in Spain [03 October 2018]
Germany is looking for you! [26 September 2018]
European Online Job Day - Jobs at Rivers, Mountains and Valleys [21 September 2018]
European Online Job Day - Professionals and experts for the cross-border region of Bavaria and the Czech Republic [20 September 2018]
Work in Lapland II - Welcome to Finland [06 September 2018]
Work in Flanders 2018 - Lisbon [19 - 20 June 2018]
Make it in Germany - Take YOUR Chance [30 May 2018]
Your Language - Our Business Bilingual Jobs - European Online Job Day, Ireland [22 May 2018]
European Job Day Trier [09 May 2018]
Work in Norwegian in Europe [25 April 2018]
FINDE.U - Virtual University International Job Fair [16 - 18 April 2018]
Industry Finland [12 April 2018]
IT, sales and engineering - Work in Estonia! [28 March 2018]
European Job Day for Medical and Healthcare Jobs in Germany, Italy and Austria [22 March 2018]
European Online Job Day – Professionals and experts for the Munich Metropolitan Region [21 March 2018]
Arrive and Revive - Ireland. Careers in Hospitality & Tourism Sector [09 March 2018]
Welcome to Frankfurt! [07 March 2018]
Connect to your Future @ Hospitality & Catering Career Expo North West Region of Ireland [01 March 2018]
Seize the Summer with EURES 2018 [15 February 2018]
Jobs Without Borders [07 - 08 February 2018]
Realise Your Potential Abroad - UK EOJD 2018 [31 January 2018]
Work in Flanders 2017 - Athens [29 - 30 November 2017]
New Career in Hungary - Új Karrier Magyarországon [22 November 2017]
EURES Italy Employers' Day 2017 [22 - 23 November 2017]
European Job Day Farming and Gardening [08 - 09 November 2017]
Make it in Germany - Lisbon 2017 [07 - 08 November 2017]
The Silesia 2017 Online Job Day - Work in Poland [26 October 2017]
EURES Nordic - Baltic Job Day Madrid 2017 [25 October 2017]
Fast-track Career in the Baltics [20 October 2017]
Work in Flanders 2017 - Lisbon [18 - 19 October 2017]
European Job Day - Austrian - German Day 2017 [12 October 2017]
Work in Lapland – Welcome to Finland [27 September 2017]
Professionals and Experts for the Cross-border Region of Bavaria and the Czech Republic [26 September 2017]
Make it in Germany - Take YOUR Chance [24 August 2017]
Make it in Germany - Take YOUR Chance [01 June 2017]
French German online Job Day, branch of industry [30 - 31 May 2017]
Cork where IT is @......check IT out [04 May 2017]
European Online and Onsite Job Day Trier-Luxembourg [04 - 05 May 2017]
Work in Flanders 2017 - Madrid [26 - 27 April 2017]
Fach- und Führungskräfte für die Metropolregion Nürnberg [29 March 2017]
European Online Job Day - Jobs in Wasser, Berg und Tal [28 March 2017]
FINDE.U 2017 – Virtual University International Job Fair [21 - 24 March 2017]
European Online Job-Day - Make it in Germany 2017 [16 March 2017]
Seize the Summer with EURES 2017 [22 February 2017]
EJD Finland - Nordic perspectives [14 February 2017]
Work in Estonia [11 November 2016]
Venice 2016 EOJD - Maritime Jobs - Fuori di Banco [09 November 2016]
European Online Job Day - Make it in Germany [03 November 2016]
Work in Germany 2016 - Madrid [26 - 27 October 2016]
Katowice - Kraków On-line Job Day 2016 [20 October 2016]
Austrian-German Day - Rakúsko-Nemecký deň 2016 [13 October 2016]
European Job Day Belgium - Export Your Skills [08 October 2016]
Work in Flanders 2016 - Lisbon [29 - 30 September 2016]
Work in Transdanubia - Hungary [29 September 2016]
FINDE.U Virtual International Job Fair [30 May - 03 June 2016]
Work in Denmark - Lisbon [25 May 2016]
IT Needs U - Polish IT Sector Job Day [24 May 2016]
Canarian European Jobweek [26 - 28 April 2016]
Work in Flanders 2016 - Madrid [13 - 14 April 2016]
First Transnational Online Job Day [12 - 13 April 2016]
Hospitality Berlin European Spring Online Job Day [11 April 2016]
Tourism Mobility Job Day 2016 [07 April 2016]
South East Region European Job Day - Ireland [15 March 2016]
Scotland Online Digital Jobs Day [09 March 2016]
European Online and Onsite Job Day Finland 2016 [10 February 2016]
Online Hospitality Job Day [27 January 2016]
Nordic Jobday en España [16 December 2015]
European Job Day „Winter Seasoning“ - Osijek [24 November 2015]
European Digital Jobs Fair Madrid [20 November 2015]
Work in Flanders 2015 [05 - 06 November 2015]
New skills for new jobs [03 - 05 November 2015]
First EURES Online Job Days, Castilla y León [28 - 29 October 2015]
European Job Day - Poland 2015 [22 October 2015]
Career Day 2015 [21 - 22 October 2015]
European Job Day - Malmö [20 October 2015]
Rakúsko-Nemecký deň [15 October 2015]
Working abroad in a customer service: a springboard in your career [06 October 2015]
ICT - Lund, Autumn Event 2015 [24 September 2015]
Estonian Online Job Day for ICT and Engineering Professionals [18 September 2015]
UK Medical Professionals Recruitment Day [16 - 17 July 2015]
EURES Online Healthcare Job Day [11 June 2015]
Job Day Budapest [09 - 10 June 2015]
French Mobility Days [02 - 03 June 2015]
IE/NI European Online Job Day [28 May 2015]
Adriatic German Job Day [21 May 2015]
Engineers Mobility Days 2015 [20 - 21 May 2015]
Nordic Working 2015 [12 May 2015]
Lund, Spring Event 2015 [16 April 2015]
European Online Job Day Seize the Summer [05 March 2015]
The Job of my Life Germany: Online information days [08 January 2015]
Job Fair Malta [27 - 29 November 2014]
Norgeinformation online [26 November 2014]
The Job of my Life Germany: information days [24 - 27 November 2014]
EURES Jobweek in Canary Islands [18 - 21 November 2014]
EJD Opatija [11 November 2014]
International Career Day & European Job Days Genoa 2014 [05 - 07 November 2014]
Estonian ICT and Healthcare Mobility Day [24 October 2014]
Austrian-German Day in Bratislava [16 October 2014]
European Job Day Poznań 2014 [15 October 2014]
European Job Day - Malmö [15 October 2014]
Osez la Mobilité - EJD Reunion [13 October 2014]
Experience Abroad - Map your Skills! [02 October 2014]
Living and Working in Małopolska [02 - 09 October 2014]
Work in Flanders [29 - 30 September 2014]
ICT - Lund, Autumn Event [25 September 2014]
Living and Working in Dalarna Day [29 August 2014]
ICT Mobility Day - Amsterdam [25 June 2014]
European Job Days - Zaragoza [22 - 23 May 2014]
Engineers Mobility Days – Dias Europeus da Engenharia [21 - 22 May 2014]
ICT European Online Job Day, Ireland [09 May 2014]
European Job Day in Trier [09 May 2014]
ICT Event in Lund [24 April 2014]
European Job Day - Gdańsk [02 April 2014]
Healthcare Mobility Day - Lisbon [01 April 2014]
“Split the Jobs” - European Job Day in Split [21 March 2014]
European Job Days - Malta [20 - 22 March 2014]
European Job Day in Västerås [06 March 2014]
European Job Day - Copenhagen [20 November 2013]
European Job Days – Porto [29 - 30 October 2013]
European Job Days - Malmö [16 October 2013]
Nordic Working [10 October 2013]
European Job Days - Paris [03 - 04 October 2013]
Living and Working in Dalarna [06 August 2013]
Engineers Mobility Days [11 - 12 April 2013]
Level Up Your Career! [28 November 2023]
Accommodation and food service activities
--Camping grounds, recreational vehicle parks and trailer parks
--Holiday and other short-stay accommodation
--Hotels and similar accommodation
--Other accommodation
-Food and beverage service activities
--Beverage serving activities
--Event catering and other food service activities
--Restaurants and mobile food service activities
Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies
Activities of households as employers of domestic personnel
Activities of households as employers; Undifferentiated goods and services-producing activities of households for own use
-Undifferentiated goods and services-producing activities of private households for own use
-Undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of private households for own use
--Undifferentiated goods-producing activities of private households for own use
--Undifferentiated service-producing activities of private households for own use
Administrative and support service activities
-Employment activities
--Activities of employment placement agencies
--Other human resources provision
--Temporary employment agency activities
-Office administrative, office support and other business support activities
--Activities of call centres
--Business support service activities n.e.c.
--Office administrative and support activities
--Organisation of conventions and trade shows
-Rental and leasing activities
--Leasing of intellectual property and similar products, except copyrighted works
--Rental and leasing of motor vehicles
--Rental and leasing of other machinery, equipment and tangible goods
--Rental and leasing of personal and household goods
-Security and investigation activities
--Investigation activities
--Private security activities
--Security systems service activities
-Services to buildings and landscape activities
--Cleaning activities
--Combined facilities support activities
--Landscape service activities
-Travel agency, tour operator and other reservation service and related activities
--Other reservation service and related activities
--Travel agency and tour operator activities
Agriculture, forestry and fishing
-Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities
--Animal production
--Growing of non-perennial crops
--Growing of perennial crops
--Hunting, trapping and related service activities
--Mixed farming
--Plant propagation
--Support activities to agriculture and post-harvest crop activities
-Fishing and aquaculture
-Forestry and logging
--Gathering of wild growing non-wood products
--Silviculture and other forestry activities
--Support services to forestry
Arts, entertainment and recreation
-Sports activities and amusement and recreation activities
--Amusement and recreation activities
--Sports activities
Computer programming, consultancy and related activities
-Civil engineering
--Construction of other civil engineering projects
--Construction of roads and railways
--Construction of utility projects
-Construction of buildings
--Construction of residential and non-residential buildings
--Development of building projects
-Specialised construction activities
--Building completion and finishing
--Demolition and site preparation
--Electrical, plumbing and other construction installation activities
--Other specialised construction activities
Creative, arts and entertainment activities
-Educational support activities
-Higher education
-Other education
-Pre-primary education
-Primary education
-Secondary education
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
-Electric power generation, transmission and distribution
-Manufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous fuels through mains
-Steam and air conditioning supply
Financial and insurance activities
-Activities auxiliary to financial services and insurance activities
--Activities auxiliary to financial services, except insurance and pension funding
--Activities auxiliary to insurance and pension funding
--Fund management activities
-Financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding
--Activities of holding companies
--Monetary intermediation
--Other financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding
--Trusts, funds and similar financial entities
-Insurance, reinsurance and pension funding, except compulsory social security
--Pension funding
Gambling and betting activities
Human health and social work activities
-Human health activities
--Hospital activities
--Medical and dental practice activities
--Other human health activities
-Residential care activities
--Other residential care activities
--Residential care activities for mental retardation, mental health and substance abuse
--Residential care activities for the elderly and disabled
--Residential nursing care activities
-Social work activities without accommodation
--Other social work activities without accommodation
--Social work activities without accommodation for the elderly and disabled
Information and communication
-Information service activities
--Data processing, hosting and related activities; web portals
--Other information service activities
-Motion picture, video and television programme production, sound recording and music publishing activities
--Motion picture, video and television programme activities
--Sound recording and music publishing activities
-Programming and broadcasting activities
--Radio broadcasting
--Television programming and broadcasting activities
-Publishing activities
--Publishing of books, periodicals and other publishing activities
--Software publishing
--Other telecommunications activities
--Satellite telecommunications activities
--Wired telecommunications activities
--Wireless telecommunications activities
Manufacture of beverages
Manufacture of furniture
Manufacture of tobacco products
-Manufacture of basic metals
--Casting of metals
--Manufacture of basic iron and steel and of ferro-alloys
--Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metals
--Manufacture of other products of first processing of steel
--Manufacture of tubes, pipes, hollow profiles and related fittings, of steel
-Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations
--Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products
--Manufacture of pharmaceutical preparations
-Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products
--Manufacture of basic chemicals, fertilisers and nitrogen compounds, plastics and synthetic rubber in primary forms
--Manufacture of man-made fibres
--Manufacture of other chemical products
--Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, printing ink and mastics
--Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical products
--Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparations
-Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products
--Manufacture of coke oven products
--Manufacture of refined petroleum products
-Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products
--Manufacture of communication equipment
--Manufacture of computers and peripheral equipment
--Manufacture of consumer electronics
--Manufacture of electronic components and boards
--Manufacture of instruments and appliances for measuring, testing and navigation; watches and clocks
--Manufacture of irradiation, electromedical and electrotherapeutic equipment
--Manufacture of magnetic and optical media
--Manufacture of optical instruments and photographic equipment
-Manufacture of electrical equipment
--Manufacture of batteries and accumulators
--Manufacture of domestic appliances
--Manufacture of electric lighting equipment
--Manufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers and electricity distribution and control apparatus
--Manufacture of other electrical equipment
--Manufacture of wiring and wiring devices
-Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment
--Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgy
--Manufacture of cutlery, tools and general hardware
--Manufacture of other fabricated metal products
--Manufacture of steam generators, except central heating hot water boilers
--Manufacture of structural metal products
--Manufacture of tanks, reservoirs and containers of metal
--Manufacture of weapons and ammunition
--Treatment and coating of metals; machining
-Manufacture of food products
--Manufacture of bakery and farinaceous products
--Manufacture of dairy products
--Manufacture of grain mill products, starches and starch products
--Manufacture of other food products
--Manufacture of prepared animal feeds
--Manufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fats
--Processing and preserving of fish, crustaceans and molluscs
--Processing and preserving of fruit and vegetables
--Processing and preserving of meat and production of meat products
-Manufacture of leather and related products
--Manufacture of footwear
--Tanning and dressing of leather; manufacture of luggage, handbags, saddlery and harness; dressing and dyeing of fur
-Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c.
--Manufacture of agricultural and forestry machinery
--Manufacture of general-purpose machinery
--Manufacture of metal forming machinery and machine tools
--Manufacture of other general-purpose machinery
--Manufacture of other special-purpose machinery
-Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers
--Manufacture of bodies (coachwork) for motor vehicles; manufacture of trailers and semi-trailers
--Manufacture of motor vehicles
--Manufacture of parts and accessories for motor vehicles
-Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semitrailers
-Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products
--Cutting, shaping and finishing of stone
--Manufacture of abrasive products and non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.
--Manufacture of articles of concrete, cement and plaster
--Manufacture of cement, lime and plaster
--Manufacture of clay building materials
--Manufacture of glass and glass products
--Manufacture of other porcelain and ceramic products
--Manufacture of refractory products
-Manufacture of other nonmetallic mineral products
-Manufacture of other transport equipment
--Building of ships and boats
--Manufacture of air and spacecraft and related machinery
--Manufacture of military fighting vehicles
--Manufacture of railway locomotives and rolling stock
--Manufacture of transport equipment n.e.c.
-Manufacture of paper and paper products
--Manufacture of articles of paper and paperboard
--Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboard
-Manufacture of rubber and plastic products
--Manufacture of plastic products
--Manufacture of rubber products
-Manufacture of textiles
--Finishing of textiles
--Manufacture of other textiles
--Preparation and spinning of textile fibres
--Weaving of textiles
-Manufacture of wearing apparel
--Manufacture of articles of fur
--Manufacture of knitted and crocheted apparel
--Manufacture of wearing apparel, except fur apparel
-Manufacture of wood and of products of wood and cork, except furniture; manufacture of articles of straw and plaiting materials
--Manufacture of products of wood, cork, straw and plaiting materials
--Sawmilling and planing of wood
-Other manufacturing
--Manufacture of games and toys
--Manufacture of jewellery, bijouterie and related articles
--Manufacture of medical and dental instruments and supplies
--Manufacture of musical instruments
--Manufacture of sports goods
--Manufacturing n.e.c.
-Printing and reproduction of recorded media
--Printing and service activities related to printing
--Reproduction of recorded media
-Repair and installation of machinery and equipment
--Installation of industrial machinery and equipment
--Repair of fabricated metal products, machinery and equipment
Mining and quarrying
-Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas
--Extraction of crude petroleum
--Extraction of natural gas
-Mining of coal and lignite
--Mining of hard coal
--Mining of lignite
-Mining of metal ores
--Mining of iron ores
--Mining of non-ferrous metal ores
-Mining support service activities
--Support activities for other mining and quarrying
--Support activities for petroleum and natural gas extraction
-Other mining and quarrying
--Mining and quarrying n.e.c.
--Quarrying of stone, sand and clay
Oil & Gas
Other service activities
-Activities of membership organisations
--Activities of business, employers and professional membership organisations
--Activities of other membership organisations
--Activities of trade unions
-Repair of computers and personal and household goods
--Repair of computers and communication equipment
--Repair of personal and household goods
Professional, scientific and technical activities
-Activities of head offices; management consultancy activities
--Activities of head offices
--Management consultancy activities
-Advertising and market research
--Market research and public opinion polling
-Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis
--Architectural and engineering activities and related technical consultancy
--Technical testing and analysis
-Legal and accounting activities
--Accounting, bookkeeping and auditing activities; tax consultancy
--Legal activities
-Other professional, scientific and technical activities
--Other professional, scientific and technical activities n.e.c.
--Photographic activities
--Specialised design activities
--Translation and interpretation activities
-Scientific research and development
-Scientific research and development
--Research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering
--Research and experimental development on social sciences and humanities
Public administration and defence; compulsory social security
-Administration of the State and the economic and social policy of the community
-Compulsory social security activities
-Provision of services to the community as a whole
Real estate activities
-Buying and selling of own real estate
-Real estate activities on a fee or contract basis
-Rental and operating of own or leased real estate
Transportation and storage
-Air transport
--Freight air transport and space transport
--Passenger air transport
-Land transport and transport via pipelines
--Freight rail transport
--Freight transport by road and removal services
--Other passenger land transport
--Passenger rail transport, interurban
--Transport via pipeline
-Postal and courier activities
--Other postal and courier activities
--Postal activities under universal service obligation
-Warehousing and support activities for transportation
--Support activities for transportation
--Warehousing and storage
-Water transport
--Inland freight water transport
--Inland passenger water transport
--Sea and coastal freight water transport
--Sea and coastal passenger water transport
Veterinary activities
Water collection, treatment and supply
-Waste collection, treatment and disposal activities; materials recovery
--Materials recovery
--Waste collection
--Waste treatment and disposal
Water supply; sewerage; waste management and remediation activities
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
-Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles
--Retail sale in non-specialised stores
--Retail sale of automotive fuel in specialised stores
--Retail sale of cultural and recreation goods in specialised stores
--Retail sale of food, beverages and tobacco in specialised stores
--Retail sale of information and communication equipment in specialised stores
--Retail sale of other goods in specialised stores
--Retail sale of other household equipment in specialised stores
--Retail sale via stalls and markets
--Retail trade not in stores, stalls or markets
-Wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
--Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles
--Sale of motor vehicle parts and accessories
--Sale of motor vehicles
--Sale, maintenance and repair of motorcycles and related parts and accessories
-Wholesale trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles
--Non-specialised wholesale trade
--Other specialised wholesale
--Wholesale of agricultural raw materials and live animals
--Wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco
--Wholesale of household goods
--Wholesale of information and communication equipment
--Wholesale of other machinery, equipment and supplies
--Wholesale on a fee or contract basis
Vrsta zanimanja
Accounting and bookkeeping clerks
Accounting associate professionals
Administration professionals
Administrative and commercial managers
Administrative and executive secretaries
Administrative and specialised secretaries
Advertising and marketing professionals
Advertising and public relations managers
Aged care services managers
Agricultural and forestry production managers
Agricultural and industrial machinery mechanics and repairers
Agricultural technicians
Agricultural, forestry and fishery labourers
Air conditioning and refrigeration mechanics
Air traffic controllers
Air traffic safety electronics technicians
Aircraft engine mechanics and repairers
Aircraft pilots and related associate professionals
Ambulance workers
Animal producers
Animal producers not elsewhere classified
Announcers on radio, television and other media
Apiarists and sericulturists
Applications programmers
Aquaculture and fisheries production managers
Aquaculture workers
Architects, planners, surveyors and designers
Archivists and curators
Armed forces occupations
Armed forces occupations, other ranks
Artistic, cultural and culinary associate professionals
Assemblers not elsewhere classified
Astrologers, fortune-tellers and related workers
Athletes and sports players
Audiologists and speech therapists
Authors and related writers
Authors, journalists and linguists
Bakers, pastry-cooks and confectionery makers
Bank tellers and related clerks
Beauticians and related workers
Bicycle and related repairers
Biologists, botanists, zoologists and related professionals
Blacksmiths, hammersmiths and forging press workers
Blacksmiths, toolmakers and related trades workers
Bleaching, dyeing and fabric cleaning machine operators
Bookmakers, croupiers and related gaming workers
Bricklayers and related workers
Broadcasting and audiovisual technicians
Building and housekeeping supervisors
Building and related electricians
Building and related trades workers, excluding electricians
Building architects
Building caretakers
Building construction labourers
Building finishers and related trades workers
Building frame and related trades workers
Building frame and related trades workers not elsewhere classified
Building structure cleaners
Bus and tram drivers
Business and administration associate professionals
Business and administration professionals
Business services agents
Business services agents not elsewhere classified
Business services and administration managers
Business services and administration managers not elsewhere classified
Butchers, fishmongers and related food preparers
Cabinet-makers and related workers
Car, taxi and van drivers
Car, van and motorcycle drivers
Carpenters and joiners
Cartographers and surveyors
Cashiers and ticket clerks
Cement, stone and other mineral products machine operators
Chemical and photographic products plant and machine operators
Chemical and physical science technicians
Chemical engineering technicians
Chemical engineers
Chemical processing plant controllers
Chemical products plant and machine operators
Chief executives, senior officials and legislators
Child care services managers
Child care workers
Child care workers and teachers’ aides
Civil engineering labourers
Civil engineering technicians
Civil engineers
Cleaners and helpers
Cleaners and helpers in offices, hotels and other establishments
Cleaning and housekeeping supervisors in offices, hotels and other establishments
Clearing and forwarding agents
Clerical support workers
Clerical support workers not elsewhere classified
Client information workers
Client information workers not elsewhere classified
Coding, proof-reading and related clerks
Commercial sales representatives
Commissioned armed forces officers
Community health workers
Companions and valets
Computer network and systems technicians
Computer network professionals
Concrete placers, concrete finishers and related workers
Conference and event planners
Construction managers
Construction supervisors
Contact centre information clerks
Contact centre salespersons
Craft and related trades workers
Craft and related workers not elsewhere classified
Crane, hoist and related plant operators
Creative and performing artists
Creative and performing artists not elsewhere classified
Credit and loans officers
Crop farm labourers
Customer services clerks
Customs and border inspectors
Dairy-products makers
Dancers and choreographers
Data entry clerks
Database and network professionals
Database and network professionals not elsewhere classified
Database designers and administrators
Debt-collectors and related workers
Deep-sea fishery workers
Dental assistants and therapists
Dieticians and nutritionists
Dispensing opticians
Domestic cleaners and helpers
Domestic housekeepers
Domestic, hotel and office cleaners and helpers
Door to door salespersons
Drivers and mobile plant operators
Drivers of animal-drawn vehicles and machinery
Driving instructors
Early childhood educators
Earthmoving and related plant operators
Education managers
Education methods specialists
Electrical and electronic equipment assemblers
Electrical and electronic trades workers
Electrical engineering technicians
Electrical engineers
Electrical equipment installers and repairers
Electrical line installers and repairers
Electrical mechanics and fitters
Electronics and telecommunications installers and repairers
Electronics engineering technicians
Electronics engineers
Electronics mechanics and servicers
Electrotechnology engineers
Elementary occupations
Elementary workers not elsewhere classified
Employment agents and contractors
Engineering professionals (excluding electrotechnology)
Engineering professionals not elsewhere classified
Enquiry clerks
Environmental and occupational health and hygiene professionals
Environmental and occupational health inspectors and associates
Environmental engineers
Environmental protection professionals
Farming, forestry and fisheries advisers
Fashion and other models
Fast food preparers
Fibre preparing, spinning and winding machine operators
Field crop and vegetable growers
Filing and copying clerks
Film, stage and related directors and producers
Finance managers
Finance professionals
Financial analysts
Financial and insurance services branch managers
Financial and investment advisers
Financial and mathematical associate professionals
Fishery and aquaculture labourers
Fishery workers, hunters and trappers
Fitness and recreation instructors and program leaders
Floor layers and tile setters
Food and beverage tasters and graders
Food and related products machine operators
Food preparation assistants
Food processing and related trades workers
Food processing, wood working, garment and other craft and related trades workers
Food service counter attendants
Forestry and related workers
Forestry labourers
Forestry technicians
Freight handlers
Fruit, vegetable and related preservers
Fumigators and other pest and weed controllers
Fur and leather preparing machine operators
Gallery, museum and library technicians
Garbage and recycling collectors
Garden and horticultural labourers
Gardeners, horticultural and nursery growers
Garment and related pattern-makers and cutters
Garment and related trades workers
General and keyboard clerks
General office clerks
Generalist medical practitioners
Geologists and geophysicists
Glass and ceramics plant operators
Glass makers, cutters, grinders and finishers
Government licensing officials
Government social benefits officials
Government tax and excise officials
Graphic and multimedia designers
Hairdressers, beauticians and related workers
Hand and pedal vehicle drivers
Hand launderers and pressers
Hand packers
Handicraft and printing workers
Handicraft workers
Handicraft workers in textile, leather and related materials
Handicraft workers in wood, basketry and related materials
Handicraft workers not elsewhere classified
Health associate professionals
Health associate professionals not elsewhere classified
Health care assistants
Health professionals
Health professionals not elsewhere classified
Health services managers
Heavy truck and bus drivers
Heavy truck and lorry drivers
Home-based personal care workers
Hospitality, retail and other services managers
Hotel and restaurant managers
Hotel managers
Hotel receptionists
House builders
Human resource managers
Hunters and trappers
Incinerator and water treatment plant operators
Industrial and production engineers
Information and communications technicians
Information and communications technology installers and servicers
Information and communications technology operations and user support technicians
Information and communications technology operations technicians
Information and communications technology professionals
Information and communications technology sales professionals
Information and communications technology service managers
Information and communications technology user support technicians
Information technology trainers
Inland and coastal waters fishery workers
Insulation workers
Insurance representatives
Interior designers and decorators
Jewellery and precious-metal workers
Keyboard operators
Kitchen helpers
Labourers in mining, construction, manufacturing and transport
Landscape architects
Laundry machine operators
Legal and related associate professionals
Legal professionals
Legal professionals not elsewhere classified
Legal secretaries
Legal, social and cultural professionals
Legal, social and religious associate professionals
Legal, social, cultural and related associate professionals
Legislators and senior officials
Librarians and related information professionals
Librarians, archivists and curators
Library clerks
Life science professionals
Life science technicians (excluding medical)
Life science technicians and related associate professionals
Lifting truck operators
Livestock and dairy producers
Livestock farm labourers
Locomotive engine drivers
Locomotive engine drivers and related workers
Machinery mechanics and repairers
Mail carriers and sorting clerks
Management and organisation analysts
Managing directors and chief executives
Manufacturing labourers
Manufacturing labourers not elsewhere classified
Manufacturing managers
Manufacturing supervisors
Manufacturing, mining, construction, and distribution managers
Market gardeners and crop growers
Market-oriented skilled agricultural workers
Market-oriented skilled forestry, fishery and hunting workers
Material-recording and transport clerks
Mathematicians, actuaries and statisticians
Mechanical engineering technicians
Mechanical engineers
Mechanical machinery assemblers
Medical and dental prosthetic technicians
Medical and pathology laboratory technicians
Medical and pharmaceutical technicians
Medical assistants
Medical doctors
Medical imaging and therapeutic equipment technicians
Medical records and health information technicians
Medical secretaries
Messengers, package deliverers and luggage porters
Metal finishing, plating and coating machine operators
Metal moulders and coremakers
Metal polishers, wheel grinders and tool sharpeners
Metal processing and finishing plant operators
Metal processing plant operators
Metal production process controllers
Metal working machine tool setters and operators
Metal, machinery and related trades workers
Meter readers and vending-machine collectors
Midwifery associate professionals
Midwifery professionals
Mineral and stone processing plant operators
Miners and quarriers
Mining and construction labourers
Mining and metallurgical technicians
Mining and mineral processing plant operators
Mining and quarrying labourers
Mining engineers, metallurgists and related professionals
Mining managers
Mining supervisors
Mining, manufacturing and construction supervisors
Mixed crop and animal producers
Mixed crop and livestock farm labourers
Mixed crop growers
Mobile farm and forestry plant operators
Mobile plant operators
Motor vehicle mechanics and repairers
Motorcycle drivers
Musical instrument makers and tuners
Musicians, singers and composers
Non-commissioned armed forces officers
Numerical and material recording clerks
Numerical clerks
Nursing and midwifery associate professionals
Nursing and midwifery professionals
Nursing associate professionals
Nursing professionals
Odd job persons
Office supervisors
Optometrists and ophthalmic opticians
Other artistic and cultural associate professionals
Other arts teachers
Other cleaning workers
Other clerical support workers
Other craft and related workers
Other elementary workers
Other health associate professionals
Other health professionals
Other language teachers
Other music teachers
Other personal services workers
Other sales workers
Other services managers
Other stationary plant and machine operators
Other teaching professionals
Packing, bottling and labelling machine operators
Painters and related workers
Painters, building structure cleaners and related trades workers
Paper products machine operators
Paramedical practitioners
Pawnbrokers and money-lenders
Payroll clerks
Pelt dressers, tanners and fellmongers
Personal care workers
Personal care workers in health services
Personal care workers in health services not elsewhere classified
Personal service workers
Personal services workers not elsewhere classified
Personnel and careers professionals
Personnel clerks
Pet groomers and animal care workers
Petroleum and natural gas refining plant operators
Pharmaceutical technicians and assistants
Philosophers, historians and political scientists
Photographic products machine operators
Physical and earth science professionals
Physical and engineering science technicians
Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified
Physicists and astronomers
Physiotherapy technicians and assistants
Plant and machine operators and assemblers
Plastic products machine operators
Plumbers and pipe fitters
Police inspectors and detectives
Police officers
Policy administration professionals
Policy and planning managers
Potters and related workers
Poultry producers
Power production plant operators
Pre-press technicians
Precision-instrument makers and repairers
Primary school and early childhood teachers
Primary school teachers
Print finishing and binding workers
Printing trades workers
Prison guards
Process control technicians
Process control technicians not elsewhere classified
Product and garment designers
Product graders and testers (excluding foods and beverages)
Production and specialised services managers
Production clerks
Production managers in agriculture, forestry and fisheries
Professional services managers
Professional services managers not elsewhere classified
Protective services workers
Protective services workers not elsewhere classified
Public relations professionals
Pulp and papermaking plant operators
Railway brake, signal and switch operators
Real estate agents and property managers
Receptionists (general)
Refuse sorters
Refuse workers
Refuse workers and other elementary workers
Regulatory government associate professionals
Regulatory government associate professionals not elsewhere classified
Religious associate professionals
Religious professionals
Research and development managers
Restaurant managers
Retail and wholesale trade managers
Riggers and cable splicers
Rubber products machine operators
Rubber, plastic and paper products machine operators
Sales and marketing managers
Sales and purchasing agents and brokers
Sales demonstrators
Sales workers
Sales workers not elsewhere classified
Sales, marketing and development managers
Sales, marketing and public relations professionals
Science and engineering associate professionals
Science and engineering professionals
Scribes and related workers
Secondary education teachers
Secretaries (general)
Securities and finance dealers and brokers
Security guards
Senior government officials
Senior officials of special-interest organisations
Service and sales workers
Service station attendants
Services managers not elsewhere classified
Sewing machine operators
Sewing, embroidery and related workers
Sheet and structural metal workers, moulders and welders, and related workers
Sheet-metal workers
Shelf fillers
Ship and aircraft controllers and technicians
Ships' deck officers and pilots
Ships’ deck crews and related workers
Ships’ engineers
Shoemakers and related workers
Shoemaking and related machine operators
Shop keepers
Shop sales assistants
Shop salespersons
Shop supervisors
Shotfirers and blasters
Sign writers, decorative painters, engravers and etchers
Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
Social and religious professionals
Social welfare managers
Social work and counselling professionals
Social work associate professionals
Sociologists, anthropologists and related professionals
Software and applications developers and analysts
Software and applications developers and analysts not elsewhere classified
Software developers
Special needs teachers
Specialist medical practitioners
Sports and fitness workers
Sports coaches, instructors and officials
Sports, recreation and cultural centre managers
Spray painters and varnishers
Stall and market salespersons
Stationary plant and machine operators
Stationary plant and machine operators not elsewhere classified
Statistical, finance and insurance clerks
Statistical, mathematical and related associate professionals
Steam engine and boiler operators
Stock clerks
Stonemasons, stone cutters, splitters and carvers
Street and market salespersons
Street and related sales and service workers
Street and related service workers
Street food salespersons
Street vendors (excluding food)
Structural-metal preparers and erectors
Subsistence crop farmers
Subsistence farmers, fishers, hunters and gatherers
Subsistence fishers, hunters, trappers and gatherers
Subsistence livestock farmers
Subsistence mixed crop and livestock farmers
Supply, distribution and related managers
Survey and market research interviewers
Sweepers and related labourers
Systems administrators
Systems analysts
Tailors, dressmakers, furriers and hatters
Teachers’ aides
Teaching professionals
Teaching professionals not elsewhere classified
Technical and medical sales professionals (excluding ICT)
Technicians and associate professionals
Telecommunications and broadcasting technicians
Telecommunications engineering technicians
Telecommunications engineers
Telephone switchboard operators
Tellers, money collectors and related clerks
Textile, fur and leather products machine operators
Textile, fur and leather products machine operators not elsewhere classified
Tobacco preparers and tobacco products makers
Toolmakers and related workers
Town and traffic planners
Trade brokers
Traditional and complementary medicine associate professionals
Traditional and complementary medicine professionals
Traditional chiefs and heads of village
Training and staff development professionals
Translators, interpreters and other linguists
Transport and storage labourers
Transport clerks
Transport conductors
Travel attendants and travel stewards
Travel attendants, conductors and guides
Travel consultants and clerks
Travel guides
Tree and shrub crop growers
Typists and word processing operators
Undertakers and embalmers
Underwater divers
University and higher education teachers
Upholsterers and related workers
Valuers and loss assessors
Vehicle cleaners
Vehicle, window, laundry and other hand cleaning workers
Veterinary technicians and assistants
Visual artists
Vocational education teachers
Waiters and bartenders
Water and firewood collectors
Weaving and knitting machine operators
Web and multimedia developers
Web technicians
Welders and flamecutters
Well drillers and borers and related workers
Window cleaners
Wood processing and papermaking plant operators
Wood processing plant operators
Wood treaters
Wood treaters, cabinet-makers and related trades workers
Woodworking-machine tool setters and operators
Stupanj obrazovanja
Basic education
(Upper) secondary education
Post-secondary education (Vocational training)
University studies (Bachelor)
University studies (Master)
Advanced university studies (Doctorate)
Not specified
Trajanje radnog iskustva
Up to 1 year
Up to 2 years
Between 2 and 5 years
More than 5 years
Vrsta radnog mjesta
Internship / Traineeship
Total 0 jobs offered by "ARPAL Puglia-Ambito Territoriale BAT"
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