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Pronađite posao

Dostupno za sljedeće događanje::

Twoje zadania Prawidłowe przygotowanie towaru celem dystrybucji do marketów Kaufland w dziale artykułów chłodzonych. Kompletacja palet mieszanych Praca przy pomocy systemu słuchawkowego (wymagana znajomość cyfr 0-9) Odstawianie gotowych zamówień do strefy załadunku Praca przy pomocy systemu słuchawkowego przez 5 dni w tygodniu (pon. - piątek) Praca na maszynach do kompletacji o najwyższym standardzie

Država u kojoj je posao:
Raspon plaće: (Mjesečno):
17 - 20 EUR (Gross pay)
Dostupno za sljedeće događanje::

Deine Aufgaben Kommissioniere unsere gekühlten (+2 Grad) Lebensmittelprodukte (z.B. Milchprodukte oder Fleischprodukte) sowie Mischpaletten Erhalte die relevanten Informationen per Pick by Voice in Form von Zahlen (0-9) (Kommunikation per Headset oder deine Weste) und setze diese um Sortiere und packe Ganzpaletten um Befördere die versandfertigen Ganzpaletten auf die Bereitstellflächen zur Abholung

Država u kojoj je posao:
Raspon plaće: (Mjesečno):
17 - 20 EUR (Gross pay)
Dostupno za sljedeće događanje::

carrying out preparatory work in the rooms intended for guest services guest reception advising guests, helping them choose, accepting orders, promoting and accelerating the sale of dishes, drinks, desserts, helping with the organization of events, in accordance with the order of preparation and production of cold and hot drinks compliance with recipes and standards, serving guests, ensures the correct execution of cashier operations, responsibility for the cash register, goods, packaging, quality control and ensuring adequate hygiene and cleanliness of food, work surfaces and premises ...

Država u kojoj je posao:
Raspon plaće: (Mjesečno):
1400 - 1600 EUR (Gross pay)
Dostupno za sljedeće događanje::

preparing all kind of food of European and Mediterranean cuisine independent preparation of dishes; knowledge of European, Mediterranean cuisine; knowledge of modern food preparation procedures; knowledge of board- and alla carte food preparation; in accordance with the order, preparation of dishes compliance with recipes and quantitative standards rational use of raw materials for the preparation of dishes monitoring the amount of food, quality control, ensuring the suitability of food taking care of proper hygiene, cleanliness of food, work surfaces and premises points out the shortcomings ...

Država u kojoj je posao:
Raspon plaće: (Mjesečno):
1400 - 2200 EUR (Gross pay)

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