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Na raspolaganju za događanje:

This vacancy is published only in Slovene since proficiency in the language is required. Smo tovarna leta 2022 in prvi slovenski industrijski center za biotehnologijo, ki izdeluje biološke zdravilne učinkovine za težko ozdravljive bolezni. Uporabljamo najsodobnejšo opremo z visoko stopnjo avtomatizacije.Smo najuglednejši delodajalec že tretje leto zapored. V Bioloških učinkovinah Mengeš želimo našo rastočo ekipo razširiti z novimi člani, ki bodo kot Tehniki v industrijskem centru za biotehnologijo sledili standardnim operativnim postopkom in v strukturiranem okolju uporabljali dobre proizvodne ...

Mjesto rada:
Jezične vještine:
  • Slovenian
  • Fluent
Raspon plaće:
Not provided
Na raspolaganju za događanje:

This vacancy is published only in Slovene since proficiency in the language is required. Če si želite stopiti v svet, kjer se vsak nov dan piše z nenehnim napredkom, vas vabimo v našo ekipo. Postanite Operater v naši proizvodnji farmacevtskih učinkovin v Mengšu. Poleg odličnih delovnih pogojev, nenehnega razvoja in možnosti osebnega napredka, boste postali del dinamičnega kolektiva, ki si deli cilje in vrednote. Vaše ključne odgovornosti: • Izvajanje operacij v proizvodnih procesih. • Odgovornost za pravočasno in točno pregledovanje in dokumentiranje evidenc o serijah. • Pravilno in pravočasno ...

Mjesto rada:
Jezične vještine:
  • Slovenian
  • Fluent
Raspon plaće:
Not provided
Na raspolaganju za događanje:

Would you be interested in joining the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) as an interim via Randstad Italia? If you have a good proficiency in English and previous experience in administrative roles this could be your chance to work in a multicultural and dynamic environment. We are looking for an Administrative Assistant to work in the Risk Assessment Logistics unit. Job responsibilities: Drafting documents in formal English; Ensure proper document management; Take care of meetings organisation; Gather and analyse data and information; Handle correspondence by managing functional mailboxes ...

Mjesto rada:
Italy, Parma
Jezične vještine:
  • English
  • Very good
Raspon plaće:
Not provided
Na raspolaganju za događanje:

Small company in the 'DESIGN AND PRODUCTION' sector ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT based in CASOREZZO (MI) NEAR N° 1 collaborator to be included in the position of: EXTERNAL ASSISTANCE TECHNICIAN with the following tasks: the resource will take care of assistance, maintenance and gym machinery repairs PLACE OF WORK CASOREZZO OFFERS Proposed conditions: Full-time Proposed contracts: Fixed with possibility of stabilization Piccola azienda del settore 'PROGETTAZIONE E PRODUZIONE APPARECCHIATURE ELETTRONICHE' con sede in CASOREZZO (MI) CERCA N° 1 collaboratore da inserire nella posizione di: TECNICO ...

Mjesto rada:
Italy, Milan (surroundings)
Jezične vještine:
  • Italian
  • Fluent
Raspon plaće:
Not provided

Ayrton Group are seeking a Safety Assurance Officer to join us on an ongoing project with a large utilities provider. This is a desk-based position, offering a hybrid model of working from home and in the client office. This is an initial 6-month contract role with the potential for extension. Key Responsibilities: Develop HSQE processes for hazard identification, risk assessment and control. Includes Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), Safe System of Work Plans (SSWP’s), Method Statements, and Permits to Works. Secure and compare information from multiple sources to identify business issues ...

Mjesto rada:
Ireland, Nationwide
Jezične vještine:
  • English
  • Fluent
Raspon plaće (Hourly):
25 - 35 EUR (Gross pay)

Ayrton Group have a requirement for an on-site Health and Safety Officer working on a school construction project in the Limerick region. This role will commence in early January. This is a 9 month contract role, with the potential for extension. Responsibilities: Conduct regular site audits/inspections to ensure Health and Safety compliance to Company and Client procedures/rules. Monitor works on-site and ensure all tasks are completed in adherence with safety regulations. Advise and instruct on various safety-related topics (noise levels, use of machinery etc.). Assist in the management of ...

Mjesto rada:
Ireland, Limerick
Jezične vještine:
  • English
  • Fluent
Raspon plaće (Hourly):
25 - 30 EUR (Gross pay)

Founded in 1859, we are an International Construction Company that strongly emphasises performance, quality, teamwork and a "hands-on” management approach to ensure client satisfaction. Family ownership for five generations has set the cultural tone for John Sisk & Son. We have been Building Excellence for over 150 years by building trust, certainty and value for our clients. Bid Manager Leading Ireland's future in construction our award winning team are delighted to be making the addition of a new Bid Manger to their existing team of 12, due to growth. The successful candidate(s) will join ...

Mjesto rada:
Ireland, Dublin
Jezične vještine:
  • English
  • Fluent
Raspon plaće (Mjesečno):
40000 - 60000 EUR (Gross pay)
Na raspolaganju za događanje:

Life is looking for animators to be included in the most renowned tourist resorts for the winter season 2023 and for summer season 2024. Immediate job offers for Greece, Spain, Portugal, Egypt, Zanzibar, Madagascar, Dubai, Switzerland and Italy, with the possibility of working annually. Excellent salary with company benefits and payment of salary every month at 100% on your account. The figures we are looking for are the following: -Leaders animation -Managers of the sector (mini clubs, sports, fitness. . ) -Animators mini club and joung club -Sports animators -Fitness -Choreographers - ...

Mjesto rada:
Jezične vještine:
  • English
  • Good
  • Dutch
  • Good
  • German
  • Good
  • Polish
  • Good
  • French
  • Good
  • Russian
  • Good
Raspon plaće:
Not provided
Na raspolaganju za događanje:

The Role: Your mission is to support our customers’ activities in the different countries. Your tasks will include: •Answer incoming queries from customers Register and follow Book of orders •Identify issues and provide solutions •Ensure high level of customer satisfaction •Record data in the CRM system (samples request, claims management, etc). If you consider that you have the right profile, challenge yourself and join-us! Send your CV to with the subject of: Customer Service ACF We are waiting for you…

Mjesto rada:
Portugal, Aveiro/Porto
Jezične vještine:
  • Dutch
  • Fluent
  • English
  • Very good
Raspon plaće (Mjesečno):
1400 - 1800 EUR (Gross pay)
Na raspolaganju za događanje:

PROGETTO STRONG Lo scopo del progetto è promuovere l’integrazione dei giovani svantaggiati di età compresa tra 18 e 29 anni che non frequentano percorsi di istruzione, lavoro o formazione (NEET) migliorando le loro competenze, conoscenze ed esperienze, nonché fornendo loro l’opportunità di fare nuove esperienze in Europa, per aiutarli a integrarsi nel mercato del lavoro e nella società. L'obiettivo è offrire a 20 giovani NEET l'opportunità di realizzare uno stage presso aziende straniere in Spagna e Malta della durata di 4 mesi, preceduto da una preparazione adeguata e personalizzata ...

Mjesto rada:
Jezične vještine:
  • Spanish
  • Basic
  • English
  • Basic
Raspon plaće:
Not provided

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