Please read the full text before applying. Job description: Our clients are globally active General and Subcontractors in various industrial categories ( Food and Beverage, Pharma, Maritime, Oil and Gas, Construction....) seeking Freelance Commissioning Engineers to come onboard urgently for temporary short/long term local and global projects and contracts hence your location can be anywhere. Application process: simply register on our marketplace, verify your email & ID ( Check your spam box! ) and follow the next step instructions you'll receive upon registration. Registration link: https:/ ...
É apaixonado por hotelaria, procura uma nova oportunidade profissional e ambiciona trabalhar num dos mais emblemáticos resorts do Carvoeiro. Junte-se à equipa do Tivoli Carvoeiro Algarve Resort e inicie o seu percurso profissional num dos maiores grupos internacionais do setor hoteleiro, com cerca de 530 hotéis e resorts em todo o mundo. Estamos a recrutar COPEIRO (M/F) com início de funções a partir de Março 2024 Se acha que tem o perfil adequado para esta função submeta a sua candidatura para: Na Minor Hotels, os nossos colaboradores são um dos nossos ativos ...
AREXIM ENGINEERING EAD is leading bulgarien manufacturer of precision technical plastic details with a tradition since 1991. The focus of the team is on continuous process and quality development. Simultaneously with the rapid pace of growth in recent years, the company has successfully developed and managed the entire process from the creation of the injection mould to the production of the finished part and its distribution. SAP ERP system as well as “Arqus”, an inhouse electronic quality management system, have been gradually implemented and developed. A machine park with high-tech ...
Energoinvest Reach Active are seeking to recruit an experienced Senior Quantity Surveyor to join our ever growing team. The Senior Quantity Surveyor is responsible for assisting in all Energoinvest Reach Active (ERA) commercial matters to ensure protection of the financial and contractual interests from the conception of a project through to final completion in line with commercial policy and defined procedures. The appointed person will provide professional advice and work effectively with the teams responsible for the project(s), to achieve a product of high quality but will minimise the ...
Mjesto rada:
Ireland, Various around Ireland - main office in Mullingar, Co. Westmeath
VETPROM AD is a company with over 65 years of presence in the bulgarian economy. VETPROM is one of the largest pharmaceutical manufacturers in Bulgaria of medicinal products (for human and veterinary use), food supplements and cosmetics. VETPROM manufactures products under its brand name, as well as for third parties under contract manufacture agreements. Our mission is constantly to expand our portfolio meeting the requirements and needs of the market. VETPROM is implementing cutting-edge technologies to meet the challenges of the global economy. Utilizing its internal synergies, VETPROM is ...
Please read the full text before applying. Job description: Our clients are local and globally active ( Hence your location can be anywhere! ) General and Subcontractors, representing a broad array of industries including oil and gas, shipping, defense, power generation, municipalities, construction and marine infrastructure, seeking ROV Technicians (Pilots) (Both Freelance and Company) accomplishing their projects. Application process: simply register on our marketplace, verify your email & ID ( Check your spam box! ) and follow the next step instructions you'll receive upon registration ...
Energoinvest Reach Active Ltd are looking for for enthusiastic persons to join our ever growing Overhead Lines teams. Work will involve walking and survey Overhead Lines, this will involve walking over various terrains in all weather conditions. Record information and perform visual inspections of all associated apparatus. Ensure the quantity of Overhead Lines surveyed are kept to the planned target. Ensure documents are compliant to the required standard in accordance with Health & Safety Regulations. Patrol and identify defects on Overhead Lines network and record in detail to the required ...
La risorsa sarà adibita alla modellazione e alla trasformazione di lavorazioni metalliche. La risorsa sarà addetta a: • L’interpretazione e la lettura dei disegni e dei progetti tecnici riferiti al lavoro da realizzare. • La rifinitura degli elementi metallici, che consiste nello sbavare, piallare, affilare, fresare e alesare i pezzi da lavorare • Il taglio delle parti in metallo. • La verniciatura dei manufatti metallici.
La risorsa si occuperà in forma esclusiva di garantire il funzionamento dei sistemi informativi ed informatici interni e, in particolare, di: • supportare il Responsabile per la Transizione al Digitale (RTD) nell’attività di coordinamento strategico dello sviluppo dei sistemi informativi, di telecomunicazione e fonia, in modo da assicurare anche la coerenza con gli standard tecnici e organizzativi comuni; • supportare il RTD nell’attività di indirizzo e coordinamento dello sviluppo dei servizi, sia interni che esterni, forniti dai sistemi informativi di telecomunicazione e fonia della società ...
La risorsa avrà il compito di impostare sulla base di disegni e/o istruzioni tecniche equivalenti particolari pre-assemblati di carpenteria, avvalendosi eventualmente di attrezzature di posizionamento. Completare la produzione di particolari di carpenteria. Principali responsabilità: • Impostare le apparecchiature in dotazione al fine di garantire una corretta esecuzione della saldatura. • Eseguire le saldature secondo le indicazioni tecniche di disegni o istruzioni equivalenti, realizzando il tipo di giunto specificato. • Garantire la qualità delle saldature. • Riparare/riprendere i cordoni ...