Mobile Developer Location: Eindhoven, the Netherlands
The use of mobile telephones and tablets has risen explosively. The use of mobile applications requires that both the functionality and the experience of the user are important. Alten in Netherlands develops, through its service Go Mobile, applications for all the popular brands of mobile platforms, such as Android, iPhone/iPad, Windows Phone 7 and Blackberry. We are primarily concerned with the development of complex applications. Do you have experience with the development of mobile applications for these platforms and are you looking for interesting technical challenges?
Main requirements:
- Minimum 1-2 years of professional experience in mobile software development with C/C++in combination with C#, .NET and/or Objective C
- Knowledge and experience of developing of mobile applications
- Development under Android, iOS, Phone 7 and or Blackberry
- Excellent social and communications skills, result-oriented, analytical and creative
- Very good knowledge of the English language, both written and oral.