Developer (m/w/d) (Softwareentwickler/in)
We are an innovative family-owned software company in second generation already. Our success story has thrived in over 20 years of continuous growth in competency, one-of-a-kind technology expertise and a strong customer focus in smart IT solutions. For our well-known Customers in Germany and abroad we currently employ 70 staff.
Tasks (Job description)
Knowledge and Skills:
-Good practical programming experience with C#, ASP.NET/ASP.NET core as well as with HTML5, JavaScript and CSS.
Ideally, you have already gained experience with Blazor, TypeScript, Bootstrap, REST- Webservices, and SQL databases.
Kenntnisse und Fertigkeiten
Bezeichnung Ausprägung
HTML, XML, XHTML, XAML, XSLT Erweiterte Kenntnisse
HTML/CSS Framework Bootstrap Erweiterte Kenntnisse
Programmiersprache ASP.NET Erweiterte Kenntnisse
Programmiersprache C# Zwingend erforderlich
Programmiersprache JavaScript Erweiterte Kenntnisse