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EURES Jobweek in Canary Islands

Datum događanja:
18 - 21 studenog 2014
Vrsta događanja:
Na internetu / Na fizičkoj lokaciji
Status registracije:

124 poslovi dostupni za ovo događanje

Dostupno za sljedeće događanje::

DIFERENTES PUESTOS PARA TRABAJAR EN EL SECTOR DE HOSTELERÍA DURANTE LA TEMPORADA DE INVIERNO EN AUSTRIA. ENTREVISTAS DURANTE LA SEMANA EURES DE CANARIAS. PUESTOS OFERTADOS: Rezeptionist/in (2 post) Sommelier/e Küchengehilf(e)in (2 post) Zimmermädchen/-burschen (2 post) Stubenmädchen/-bursch Kellner/in (3 post) Servierstubenmädchen/-bursch Gastgewerbliche Hilfskraft (m./w.) Chefs de rang (m./w.) (3 post) Restaurantleiter/in Patissier(e) (Hotel- und Gastgewerbe) Kosmetiker/in Jungkoch/-köchin U Tournant/e (2 post) Chef de partie (m./w.) Barkellner/in (2 post) Commis de rang (m./w.) ...

Država u kojoj je posao:
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Not provided
Dostupno za sljedeće događanje::

Diplomados/as en Enfermería – Referencia “Nurses DSG” Nuestra compañía fue fundada en el 2006 y emplea a 1500 trabajadores.Nos ocupamos del cuidado de personas mayores. Nuestras 19 residencias están repartidas en 6 regiones diferentes. Actualmente nos encontramos en un proceso de crecimiento en un sector en alza, y es por ello que buscamos enfermeros /as a tiempo completo para que se unan a nuestro equipo. Los requisitos son los siguientes: · Diplomatura/Grado en Enfermería · Deseable poseer conocimientos previos de alemán · No es necesaria experiencia previa · Motivación para trabajar con ...

Država u kojoj je posao:
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Not provided
Dostupno za sljedeće događanje::

ALTEN, the European leader in engineering and technology consulting, provides support for its clients’ development strategies in the fields of innovation, R&D and it systems. Its 15,800 top engineers carry out studies and conception projects for the technical and information systems divisions of large corporate clients in the industrial, telecommunications and services sectors. Java Developer Currently, we give support to ALTEN on European level in searching of candidates, mainly for IT/ Telecom and Engineering positions. For one of our clients from automotivesector based in Stuttgart, Germany ...

Država u kojoj je posao:
Raspon plaće::
Not provided
Dostupno za sljedeće događanje::

ALTEN, the European leader in engineering and technology consulting, provides support for its clients’ development strategies in the fields of innovation, R&D and it systems. Its 15,800 top engineers carry out studies and conception projects for the technical and information systems divisions of large corporate clients in the industrial, telecommunications and services sectors. Wire Harness Design Engineer Currently, we give support to ALTEN on European level in searching of candidates, mainly for IT/ Telecom and Engineering positions. For one of our clients from automotive sector, based in ...

Država u kojoj je posao:
Raspon plaće::
Not provided
Dostupno za sljedeće događanje::

ALTEN, the European leader in engineering and technology consulting, provides support for its clients’ development strategies in the fields of innovation, R&D and it systems. Its 15,800 top engineers carry out studies and conception projects for the technical and information systems divisions of large corporate clients in the industrial, telecommunications and services sectors. Vehicle Electrical Engineer Currently, we give support to ALTEN on European level in searching of candidates, mainly for IT/ Telecom and Engineering positions. For one of our clients from automotive sector based in the ...

Država u kojoj je posao:
Raspon plaće::
Not provided
Dostupno za sljedeće događanje::

ALTEN, the European leader in engineering and technology consulting, provides support for its clients’ development strategies in the fields of innovation, R&D and it systems. Its 15,800 top engineers carry out studies and conception projects for the technical and information systems divisions of large corporate clients in the industrial, telecommunications and services sectors. Thermodynamics Development Engineer Currently, we give support to ALTEN on European level in searching of candidates, mainly for IT/ Telecom and Engineering positions. For one of our clients, the company that works in ...

Država u kojoj je posao:
Raspon plaće::
Not provided
Dostupno za sljedeće događanje::

ALTEN, the European leader in engineering and technology consulting, provides support for its clients’ development strategies in the fields of innovation, R&D and it systems. Its 15,800 top engineers carry out studies and conception projects for the technical and information systems divisions of large corporate clients in the industrial, telecommunications and services sectors. Senior Java Developer Currently, we give support to ALTEN on European level in searching of candidates, mainly for IT/ Telecom and Engineering positions. For one of our clients, a leader in providing solutions for ...

Država u kojoj je posao:
Raspon plaće::
Not provided
Dostupno za sljedeće događanje::

ALTEN, the European leader in engineering and technology consulting, provides support for its clients’ development strategies in the fields of innovation, R&D and it systems. Its 15,800 top engineers carry out studies and conception projects for the technical and information systems divisions of large corporate clients in the industrial, telecommunications and services sectors. RAMS Engineer Currently, we give support to ALTEN on European level in searching of candidates, mainly for IT/ Telecom and Engineering positions. For one of our clients from railway sector based in Brussels, Belgium, we ...

Država u kojoj je posao:
Raspon plaće::
Not provided
Dostupno za sljedeće događanje::

ALTEN, the European leader in engineering and technology consulting, provides support for its clients’ development strategies in the fields of innovation, R&D and it systems. Its 15,800 top engineers carry out studies and conception projects for the technical and information systems divisions of large corporate clients in the industrial, telecommunications and services sectors. Mechanical Engineer Currently, we give support to ALTEN on European level in searching of candidates, mainly for IT/ Telecom and Engineering positions. For one of our clients, based in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, we are ...

Država u kojoj je posao:
Raspon plaće::
Not provided
Dostupno za sljedeće događanje::

ALTEN, the European leader in engineering and technology consulting, provides support for its clients’ development strategies in the fields of innovation, R&D and it systems. Its 15,800 top engineers carry out studies and conception projects for the technical and information systems divisions of large corporate clients in the industrial, telecommunications and services sectors. ERTMS Engineer Currently, we give support to ALTEN on European level in searching of candidates, mainly for IT/ Telecom and Engineering positions. For one of our clients from the railway sector based in Brussels ...

Država u kojoj je posao:
Raspon plaće::
Not provided