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Crossing Nordic Borders

Datum događanja:
24 veljače 2022
Vrsta događanja:
Na internetu
Status registracije:

274 poslovi dostupni za ovo događanje

Dostupno za sljedeće događanje::

XL Gruppen is a restaurant group in the beautiful city Ålesund. We are in growth and are looking for skilled employees. XL-Gruppen have a group of individual restaurant concepts which are characterized by high quality and competence. Every restaurant has their own unique concept. ”XL Diner, Happy Elefante, Milk Bar & Longe, Kulinarisk Spiskammer, Foajé, Food Company Catering and Herold Seafood & Grillhouse” As a chef, we are looking for you who can create memorable moments with quality food for our guests. You are responsible, have a sence of structure and can deal with ...

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Dostupno za sljedeće događanje::

XL Gruppen is a restaurant group in the beautiful city Ålesund. We are in growth and are looking for skilled employees. XL-Gruppen have a group of individual restaurant concepts which are characterized by high quality and competence. Every restaurant has their own unique concept. ”XL Diner, Happy Elefante, Milk Bar & Longe, Kulinarisk Spiskammer, Foajé, Food Company Catering and Herold Seafood & Grillhouse” Waiter /bartender Number of posts: 2 Job description We are looking for a skilled and talented waiter and a bartender. Both roles will be vital together with the restaurant ...

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Dostupno za sljedeće događanje::

Scandic Fornebu is one of the largest meeting and conference hotels in Eastern Norway with conference facilities of over 1,100 sqm and a capacity of up to 1,350 people. Our restaurant has great views of Oslo fjord with a large terrace and outdoor seating in the summer. In our à la carte restaurant we serve our large breakfast buffet, as well as lunch, dinner and tasty drinks from the bar. It is also possible to arrange banquet dinners and other private events. The hotel offers a barception and 24-hour lobby shop, with a selection of light meals, snacks and beverages. Free WIFI in all rooms and ...

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Dostupno za sljedeće događanje::

Bike Brothers are the bicycle market leader in Rogaland with a total of 4 shops and at the moment we have 25 employees working in sales and workshops. We are mainly selling our own brand, BROS. In addition we stock brands such as Kalkhoff, Focus, Specialized, Cannondale among others. In addition to these brands, our workshops handle all kind of brands and types of bikes, also ebikes. We want to hire bike mechanics that mainly will work in the workshop with all types of bike services. Number of employees: 25 Bicycle Mechanic Reperation and maintance of various types of bicycles. We have road ...

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Dostupno za sljedeće događanje::

Avarn Security Aviation AS i Tromsø søker nye sikkerhet- og servicehelter Arbeidsgiver Avarn Security Aviation AS Stillingstittel Sikkerhetskontrollør Frist Snarest Ansettelsesform Fast Bli kjent med Avarn Security AS Vi ser etter deg som har teft for sikkerhet og årvåkenhet, og som møter mennesker på en servicevennlig og respektfull måte. Du har engasjement og evne til å skape trygge og hyggelige opplevelser for våre reisende. Du har gjerne erfaring fra sikkerhets- og/eller serviceyrker, men annen arbeidserfaring er også interessant. Vi ser etter personer i alle aldre og med forskjellig ...

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Dostupno za sljedeće događanje::

Etsimme yleislääkäriä kauttamme mielenkiintoiseen työhön terveysasemalle, jossa on mahdollista tehdä monipuolista vastaanottotyötä terveysasemalla sekä konsultaatioita ja reseptien uusintaa myös etänä. Työpaikka sijaitsee pääkaupunkiseudulla hyvien kulkuyhteyksien varrella. Työaika: 100% työaika 38h 15min viikossa, aikavälillä klo 8.00-16.30 Ensisijaisesti etsimme kokoaikaista työntekijää, mutta myös osa-aikaisuus 60-80% onnistuu myös. Etätyötä voi tehdä satunnaisia vuoroja silloin kun se työtehtävän kannalta on mahdollista, arviolta päivän viikossa. Saat työtehtävään ja työpaikkaan ...

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Dostupno za sljedeće događanje::

Koe Lapin yötön yö yleislääkärinä terveysasemalla Etsimme yleislääkäriä kauttamme mielenkiintoiseen työhön terveysasemalle, jossa on mahdollista tehdä monipuolista vastaanottotyötä sekä konsultaatioita ja reseptien uusintaa myös etänä. Työpaikka sijaitsee Pohjois-Suomen uniikeissa maisemissa. Työnkuva: Terveyskeskuslääkärin avovastaanottotyö Työaika: 8.-15.30/15.45, mieluiten kokoaikainen työ Etätyömahdollisuus: Noin 50% työajasta on mahdollista suorittaa myös etänä Työn aloitus: 20.6.2022 tai osa-aikaisesti jo 6.6.2020 Työn kesto: 30.7./ 30.8.2022 saakka Työnkuva sisältää 3-4 päivystysvuoroa ...

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Dostupno za sljedeće događanje::

We are currently looking for psyhiatric nurses to join our orgaization to provide care to the citizens of Dalarna. Are you passionate about working within the psychiatric field and want to make a difference in people’s lives? Are you a teamplayer who likes a challenge, to contribute to change and developement and to work towards a common goal? Then you should apply today! We are looking for you who are either a general nurse with experience from psychiatry or a specialized psychiatric nurse. With us you will get a meaningful job where you work with the patient as a whole aiming at getting the ...

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Dostupno za sljedeće događanje::

Restaurant Manager, Scandic Karasjok, heltid Arbeidsgiver Scandic Hotels Norge Stillingstittel Restaurant Manager, Scandic Karasjok, heltid Frist 20.03.2022 Ansettelsesform Fast The Stars work where the Northern Lights sleep and the Midnight Sun wakes up! Scandic Karasjok søker etter en Restaurant Manager som vil bidra til unike opplevelser for våre gjester. Vi leter etter en entusiastisk kandidat som vil fokusere på å gi topp service og gjesteopplevelser med et øye for detaljer. Som Restaurant Manager er du ansvarlig for å lede og organisere Restaurant på hotellet, Stor Gammen restaurant og ...

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Dostupno za sljedeće događanje::

We are looking for reception staff for the Norwegian Nature Centre in all or part of the season from 01. April -- 31. October 2022 We are looking for you with the following features · You have good communication skills · You like to be in contact with guests and provide great service · You are responsible, outcome-oriented and reliable · You can work independently as well as in a team · You are flexible regarding work tasks and working hours · You enjoy a hectic and international working environment Responsibilities: · Be the host and make our guests and groups feel welcome · Communicating and ...

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