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What do you think about when you think of the Netherlands? Is it Amsterdam, Johan Cruijff, Vincent van Gogh? Or maybe tulips or wooden shoes? Fortunately Dutch people do not wear wooden shoes anymore so you do not have to worry about sore feet. 

The Netherlands is a small country that dreams big! The Netherlands lays claim to countless business successes and is therefore home to major multinationals and cutting-edge startups. It has a culture that welcomes innovation and collaboration. Dutch people can be described as friendly, open-minded and interested. Furthermore, 90% of the people speak English.


  • The Netherlands is a small country with an area of 41,540 km2, of which 27% is below sea level.
  • The Netherlands is a democratic kingdom in which power is shared between the king, ministers and parliament.
  • The Netherlands is co-founder of the European Union (EU)
  • The country is divided into 12 provinces. Each province has its own representatives and administrators.
  • There are about 17 million inhabitants, that makes it one of the most densely populated countries in the world.
  • The official language is Dutch. Many people also speak English.
  • The Netherlands has an open economy that ranks among the top 20 largest economies in the world.
  • In the Netherlands, many people work part-time or with a temporary employment contract.

EURES the Netherlands can help you find out more about the Netherlands and specifically about working in the Netherlands.

Read more about EURES and its services:

Finding a job in Europe - a guide for jobseekers: 

Recruiting in Europe - a guide for employers: 



Gdje su dostupna radna mjesta?

Job opportunities can be found in the following industries on all kinds of level:

- Hospitality (waiters, cooks, hotelreceptionists)

- Healthcare (nurse, physiotherapist, Care assistants, Social Workers, Veterinarians)

- Agriculture (greenhouse workers, fruit pickers, workers for tree nurseries)

- Industry (mechanical engineers, pipefitters, welders, electricians, Instalation mechanics, Service Technicians)

- Transport & Logistics (logistic worker, truckdriver, transportplanning)


Gdje su dostupni radnici?

A large part of the available workforce in the Netherlands are registered as jobseekers with the UWV and/or have a CV on the public website 


Kratak pregled tržišta rada:

The Dutch labour market has an overall shortage

Hot jobs

Software developers, data analysts, engineers

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