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Disponible pour l’événement::
À propos:

Ingeniería eléctrica alemana de desarrollo de proyectos de Baja Tensión en hospitales y en el sector ferroviario, con 300 empleados. La empresa tiene sedes en Alemania, USA y China. Este puesto está en Leipzig. El horario es flexible y se puede teletrabajar por la tarde. Tareas: Gestión de proyectos- Planificación de presupuestos, recursos técnicos y humanos, plazos Dirección del equipo Relación con los clientes para seguimiento de los proyectos Elaboración de documentación de los proyectos

Lieu de travail:
Germany, Leipzig
Compétences linguistiques:
  • German
  • Very good
Fourchette salariale (Mensuellement):
50000 - 70000 EUR (Gross pay)
Proposé par:
Disponible pour l’événement::
À propos:

Durchführung wiederkehrender Haupt- und Abgasuntersuchungen von Kraftfahrzeugen Sicherheitsprüfungen an Anhängern und Lkw Beurteilung des Fahrzeugzustands und der Verkehrssicherheit Zuständig für Änderungsabnahmen gemäß § 19.3 StVZO Prüfung technischer Modifikationen an Fahrzeugen Erstellung von Prüfberichten und technischen Gutachten Dokumentation von Prüfergebnissen Betreuung der Leasingfahrzeugrückgaben Überprüfung des Fahrzeugs vor Rückgabe Dokumentation von Schäden und Abnutzungen Kommunikation mit Leasinggesellschaften

Lieu de travail:
Compétences linguistiques:
  • German
  • Very good
Fourchette salariale:
Not provided
Proposé par:
Disponible pour l’événement::
À propos:

Conduct periodic main and emissions inspections of motor vehicles Perform safety inspections on trailers and trucks Assess vehicle condition and roadworthiness Responsible for modification approvals according to § 19.3 StVZO Examine technical modifications to vehicles Prepare inspection reports and technical assessments Document inspection results Manage leasing vehicle returns Inspect vehicles prior to return Document damages and wear Communicate with leasing companies

Lieu de travail:
Compétences linguistiques:
  • German
  • Very good
Fourchette salariale:
Not provided
Proposé par:
Disponible pour l’événement::
À propos:

Konzeptionierung, Projektierung und Inbetriebnahme von HIL-Systemen Inbetriebnahme von kundenspezifischen Schaltungen Umsetzung der Kundenanforderungen durch Auswahl passender Hardware-Komponenten Erstellen von Schalt- und Aufbauplänen mit EPLAN P8 Hardware-Inbetriebnahme gemeinsam mit unseren nationalen und internationalen Kunden Unterstützung des Vertriebs in der Angebotsphase von HIL-Systemen Projektmanagement

Lieu de travail:
Compétences linguistiques:
  • German
  • Very good
Fourchette salariale:
Not provided
Proposé par:
Disponible pour l’événement::
À propos:

Conceptual design, project planning and commissioning of HIL systems Commissioning of customised circuits Realisation of customer requirements by selecting suitable hardware components Creating circuit and layout diagrams with EPLAN P8 Hardware commissioning together with our national and international customers Supporting the sales department in the quotation phase for HIL systems Project management

Lieu de travail:
Compétences linguistiques:
  • German
  • Very good
Fourchette salariale:
Not provided
Proposé par:
Disponible pour l’événement::
À propos:

Expedia Group brands power global travel for everyone, everywhere. We design cutting-edge tech to make travel smoother and more memorable, and we create groundbreaking solutions for our partners. Our diverse, vibrant, and welcoming community is essential to driving our success. Why Join Us? To shape the future of travel, people must come first. Guided by our values and leadership agreements, we foster an open culture where everyone belongs, differences are celebrated, and we know that when one of us wins, we all win. We provide a full benefits package, including exciting travel perks, generous ...

Lieu de travail:
Spain, Madrid
Compétences linguistiques:
  • French
  • Fluent
  • English
  • Very good
Fourchette salariale:
Not provided
Proposé par:
Disponible pour l’événement::
À propos:

Expedia Group brands power global travel for everyone, everywhere. We design cutting-edge tech to make travel smoother and more memorable, and we create groundbreaking solutions for our partners. Our diverse, vibrant, and welcoming community is essential in driving our success. Why Join Us? To shape the future of travel, people must come first. Guided by our Values and Leadership Agreements, we foster an open culture where everyone belongs, differences are celebrated and know that when one of us wins, we all win. We provide a full benefits package, including exciting travel perks, generous ...

Lieu de travail:
Spain, Madrid
Compétences linguistiques:
  • German
  • Fluent
  • English
  • Very good
Fourchette salariale:
Not provided
Proposé par:
Disponible pour l’événement::
À propos:

Are you a recent graduate with a bachelor's or master's degree, ready for an exciting start to your career? As a trainee in Helgeland, you will have the opportunity to explore diverse tasks and develop both professionally and personally in a dynamic workplace. We offer a one-year program filled with unique experiences and great career opportunities. With competitive conditions, company visits, courses in strength-based leadership, and exciting study trips, we ensure that you get to know both the business sector and the amazing experiences Helgeland has to offer. In addition, you will become ...

Lieu de travail:
Norway, Mo i Rana
Compétences linguistiques:
  • Norwegian
  • Good
  • English
  • Good
Fourchette salariale:
Not provided
Proposé par:
Disponible pour l’événement::
À propos:

Ved Demenslaget i hjemmebaserte tjenester er det ledig; 100% fødselsvikariat for sykepleier i perioden 01.03.2025 til og med 31.12.2025 Hjemmebaserte tjenester er en døgntjeneste der vi legger til rette for at hjemmeboende pasienter i alle aldersgrupper skal være mest mulige selvhjulpne og kunne bo hjemme så lenge som mulig. Demenslaget er et avdelingsovergripende team som yter tjenester til hjemmeboende med uttalt kognitiv svikt/ demenssykdom. Vi har mange spennende faglige utfordringer og stiller høye krav til kvalitet på tjenesten. Arbeidsområde / arbeidsoppgaver: Pleie og praktisk bistand ...

Lieu de travail:
Norway, Mo i Rana
Compétences linguistiques:
  • Norwegian
  • Very good
Fourchette salariale:
Not provided
Proposé par:
Disponible pour l’événement::
À propos:

Objective Manage the appointment and training policy for implementation work on components of high-voltage infrastructure in the open domain of projects both domestically and internationally. Organization Position Service Manager (SGS) Installation Responsible Areas of Responsibility Service and Maintenance Activities Supervise compliance with service contracts, safe working practices, and the safe operation of electrical installations. Conduct periodic inspections of tools and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Monitoring Establish the appointment policy and determine tasks, authorities ...

Lieu de travail:
Netherlands, almere
Compétences linguistiques:
  • Dutch
  • Good
  • English
  • Very good
Fourchette salariale (Yearly):
80000 - 100000 EUR (Gross pay)

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