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À propos:

We are looking for somebody to help with cleaning, taking care of custommers, maintain the buildings and gardening work The houses are not so close to each other, car is needed. About Torsvag Sea adventure AS Torsvåg is a 1 hour drive from Tromsø, located on the idyllic and serene Vannøy island. The area offers great opportunities for hiking in the summer and skiing and snowshoeing in the winter. With almost no light pollution there are great spots to look out for the Northern Lights. Our unique location towards the open sea makes it perfect for reaching the best fishing spots. The summer here ...

Lieu de travail:
Norway, Vannareid
Compétences linguistiques:
  • English
  • Good
Fourchette salariale (Hourly):
200 - 250 NOK (Gross pay)
Proposé par:
Disponible pour l’événement::
À propos:

Are you a recent graduate with a bachelor's or master's degree, ready for an exciting start to your career? As a trainee in Helgeland, you will have the opportunity to explore diverse tasks and develop both professionally and personally in a dynamic workplace. We offer a one-year program filled with unique experiences and great career opportunities. With competitive conditions, company visits, courses in strength-based leadership, and exciting study trips, we ensure that you get to know both the business sector and the amazing experiences Helgeland has to offer. In addition, you will become ...

Lieu de travail:
Norway, Mo i Rana
Compétences linguistiques:
  • Norwegian
  • Good
  • English
  • Good
Fourchette salariale:
Not provided
Proposé par:
Disponible pour l’événement::
À propos:

Would you like to join our team at the Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) department in Sandnessjøen? Currently, we have a full-time senior specialist position available at the Helgeland Hospital, Sandnessjøen, which comprises approximately 70 beds across surgical, medical, maternity/gynecological, and rehabilitation wards. The ENT department functions primarily as an outpatient clinic and doesn't maintain its own dedicated bed allocation, instead utilizing beds within the day surgery department. For emergency admissions, surgical bed posts are allocated. Presently, the ENT department consists of ...

Lieu de travail:
Norway, Sandnessjøen
Compétences linguistiques:
  • Norwegian
  • Good
Fourchette salariale (Mensuellement):
109000 - 109000 NOK (Gross pay)
Proposé par:
Disponible pour l’événement::
À propos:

Are you a gynecologist looking for a job tailored to your needs? Are you tired of shifts? We are flexible in finding a work schedule that suits your preferences. If you are a specialist in gynecology dreaming of a different everyday life in one of the most spectacular landscapes in Norway, we have the right position for you. The gynecology and maternity department is part of the surgical clinic. We have a progressive and innovative profile. We prioritize quality for patients and well-being for staff. We are currently seeking a gynecologist for a senior consultant position at the gynecology ...

Lieu de travail:
Norway, Mo i Rana and Sandnessjøen
Compétences linguistiques:
  • Norwegian
  • Good
Fourchette salariale (Mensuellement):
112000 - 112000 NOK (Gross pay)
Proposé par:
Disponible pour l’événement::
À propos:

Are you our new radiologist? Helgelandssykehuset is seeking a specialist in radiology with MRI expertise for a full-time position. You have the option to choose your workplace in Sandnessjøen or Mo i Rana. Brønnøysund and Mosjøen may also be considered. The units offer modalities including general radiography, fluoroscopy, CT, ultrasound, and MRI. In addition, we have a mammography unit that is subordinate to the Breast Diagnostic Center in Bodø. The clinic has a total of 11.2 full-time equivalent positions for physicians, with 3 being residency positions. We have established a radiological on ...

Lieu de travail:
Norway, Mo i Rana and Sandnessjøen
Compétences linguistiques:
  • Norwegian
  • Good
Fourchette salariale (Mensuellement):
116000 - 116000 NOK (Gross pay)
Proposé par:
Disponible pour l’événement::
À propos:

Are you our new specialist who works in a combination of home office and on-site presence? Or, do you want to move to Norway and settle down in beautiful Helgeland? Helgelandssykehuset is now looking for: 100% permanent position as a child and adolescent psychiatrist in Mosjøen. Helgelandssykehuset offers flexibility, allowing you to work in a combination of home office and on-site presence, with a distribution to be agreed upon. We have extensive experience using digital tools like Teams and Whereby, which allow you to conduct patient treatments, attend meetings, and provide guidance. We are ...

Lieu de travail:
Norway, Mosjøen
Compétences linguistiques:
  • Norwegian
  • Good
Fourchette salariale (Mensuellement):
120000 - 120000 NOK (Gross pay)
Proposé par:
Disponible pour l’événement::
À propos:

Ved Demenslaget i hjemmebaserte tjenester er det ledig; 100% fødselsvikariat for sykepleier i perioden 01.03.2025 til og med 31.12.2025 Hjemmebaserte tjenester er en døgntjeneste der vi legger til rette for at hjemmeboende pasienter i alle aldersgrupper skal være mest mulige selvhjulpne og kunne bo hjemme så lenge som mulig. Demenslaget er et avdelingsovergripende team som yter tjenester til hjemmeboende med uttalt kognitiv svikt/ demenssykdom. Vi har mange spennende faglige utfordringer og stiller høye krav til kvalitet på tjenesten. Arbeidsområde / arbeidsoppgaver: Pleie og praktisk bistand ...

Lieu de travail:
Norway, Mo i Rana
Compétences linguistiques:
  • Norwegian
  • Very good
Fourchette salariale:
Not provided
Proposé par:
Disponible pour l’événement::
À propos:

Hei, vil du bli vår nye kollega?Ved sykehjemmene i Rana er det ledig flere faste helgestillingerstillinger, fra dags dato. Vi søker fortrinnsvis etter deg med interesse og/eller erfaring fra eldreomsorg, eller bakgrunn fra påbegynt eller fullført helsefaglig utdanning, som ønaker fagbrev innenfor helsefag. Vår visjon er å tilrettelegge for livsutfoldelse i trygge omgivelser. Vi skal sørge for at Rana Kommunes innbyggere med behov for heldøgns pleie, mestring og omsorg mottar et best mulig tilbud. Vi arbeider kontinuerlig med økt kvalitet i tjenesten, fagutvikling og innovasjon, for å møte ...

Lieu de travail:
Norway, Mo i Rana
Compétences linguistiques:
  • Norwegian
  • Very good
Fourchette salariale:
Not provided
Proposé par:
Disponible pour l’événement::
À propos:

Interessante Apotheker-Stelle in Deutschland! Für unsere modernen Apotheken im Westen von Deutschland suchen wir eine/n Apotheker/in (m/w/d)! Die Apotheke Köster ist ein Familienunternehmen mit drei Standorten in Menden und Iserlohn (Nordrhein-Westfalen). ▸ In unseren Apotheken arbeiten über 60 Mitarbeiter (m/w/d). ▸ Die Apotheken sind sehr modern mit Kommissionierautomaten (Rowa) ausgestattet. ▸ Wir bezahlen mindestens nach dem deutschen Tarifvertrag für Apotheken (mindestens 3895 Euro/Monat) - je nach Position auch darüber ( ...

Lieu de travail:
Germany, Menden, Iserloh
Compétences linguistiques:
  • German
  • Fair
Fourchette salariale:
Not provided
Proposé par:
Disponible pour l’événement::
À propos:

Karriere mit Herz und Hightech Wir suchen Assistenzärzte (m/w/d) in Weiterbildung zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt. Die Klinikum Lippe GmbH ist Träger der beiden Schwerpunktkrankenhäuser Detmold und Lemgo sowie einer Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie am Standort Bad Salzuflen. Als Teil des Universitätsklinikums Ostwestfalen-Lippe der Universität Bielefeld versorgt das Klinikum Lippe in rund 30 Kliniken und Kompetenzzentren mit 1.224 Planbetten jährlich ca. 100.000 ambulante und rund 50.000 stationäre Patienten. Der Lehr- und Forschungsbetrieb der Medizinischen Fakultät OWL wird im Wintersemester 2021 ...

Lieu de travail:
Germany, Detmold
Compétences linguistiques:
  • German
  • Very good
Fourchette salariale:
Not provided

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