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À propos:

ABOUT US LKAB is an international mining and mineral group supplying sustainable iron ore, minerals and specialty products. We are leading the transition of the iron and steel industry and our plan is to develop carbon-free processes and products by 2045. With more than 4,500 employees in 12 countries, we have constantly evolved through unique innovations and technical solutions since 1890. The LKAB Group had sales of approximately SEK 34 billion in 2020. ABOUT THE POSITION Here do you have a opportunity to do a spontaneous application! We recommend you to keep updated on our ...

Pays du lieu de travail:
Fourchette salariale:
Not provided
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À propos:

LTV aicina darbā komunikācijas speciālistu/-i. Galvenie pienākumi: Līdzdarboties LTV satura un korporatīvās komunikācijas stratēģiju veidošanā un īstenošanā. Nodrošināt LTV satura un korporatīvās komunikācijas aktivitāšu plānošanu, īstenošanu un uzraudzību, sadarbojoties ar iekšējiem un ārējiem satura producentiem, veidojot un uzturot attiecības ar medijiem, nodrošinot kvalitatīvas, precīzas un operatīvas informācijas komunicēšanu publiskajā telpā, kā arī plānojot un veidojot publikācijas dažādām platformām, piem., sabiedrisko mediju portālam Uzraudzīt LTV interneta mājas lapas satura ...

Proposé par:
Pays du lieu de travail:
Fourchette salariale (Mensuellement):
1400 - 1400 EUR (Gross pay)
Disponible pour l’événement suivant::
À propos:

Klientu apkalpošanas speciālists ar angļu valodas zināšanām Galvenie pienākumi: Izpratne par reklāmdevēja profiliem un vajadzībām Eksperta līmeņa atbildes uz reklāmdevēju jautājumiem Svarīga loma uzņēmuma biznesa mērķu realizēšanā Klientu apkalpošana izejošo zvanu, e-pasta un čata formātā Mēs meklējam: Labas komunikācijas prasmes latviešu valodā Teicamas komunikācijas prasmes angļu valodā gan rakstiski, gan mutiski Pieredze darbā ar tiešajiem patērētājiem, B2C vidē; B2B, Precizitāte un atbildīga attieksme pret darbu Efektīvs komandas spēlētājs, kurš spēj strādāt arī patstāvīgi Spēja risināt ...

Pays du lieu de travail:
Fourchette salariale (Mensuellement):
1380 - 1380 EUR (Gross pay)
Disponible pour l’événement suivant::
À propos:

Klientu apkalpošanas speciālists ar krievu valodas zināšanām Galvenie pienākumi: Izpratne par reklāmdevēja profiliem un vajadzībām Eksperta līmeņa atbildes uz reklāmdevēju jautājumiem Svarīga loma uzņēmuma biznesa mērķu realizēšanā Klientu apkalpošana izejošo zvanu, e-pasta un čata formātā Mēs meklējam: Labas komunikācijas prasmes latviešu valodā Teicamas komunikācijas prasmes krievu un angļu valodā gan rakstiski, gan mutiski Pieredze klientu apkalpošanā, B2C un B2B vidē Spēja risināt problēmsituācijas Klientu apkalpošanas prasmes: uz risinājumiem vērsta domāšana, izpalīdzīgums Pieredze online ...

Pays du lieu de travail:
Fourchette salariale (Mensuellement):
1380 - 1380 EUR (Gross pay)
Disponible pour l’événement suivant::
À propos:

M&E Global Resources is a defence contractor undertaking services on complex military equipment and aircraft for UK and US contractors. We have a fantastic opportunity for a Recovery Mechanic to join our team. The role Based in Mannheim, Germany you’ll get to work alongside our dedicated workforce on a US Military base. Prior experience of vehicle maintenance experience or vehicle recovery and Maintenance will be required, although additional training will be provided on site. This role is a fantastic chance for you to further develop your skills as a Recovery Mechanic, servicing and ...

Proposé par:
Pays du lieu de travail:
Fourchette salariale (Mensuellement):
2399 - 2399 EUR (Net pay)
Disponible pour l’événement suivant::
À propos:

M&E Global is a defence contractor undertaking services on complex military equipment and aircraft for UK and US contractors. We have a fantastic opportunity for a Labourer to join our team. The role Based in Dulmen or Mannheim, Germany you’ll get to work alongside our dedicated workforce on a US Military base. This role is a fantastic chance for you to further develop your skills as a labourer, working in an exciting environment. Essential duties and responsibilities To perform this job successfully, you must be able to fulfil each essential duty: Cut grass, using walking-type or riding ...

Proposé par:
Pays du lieu de travail:
Fourchette salariale (Mensuellement):
1663 - 1663 EUR (Net pay)
Disponible pour l’événement suivant::
À propos:

M&E Global Resources is a defence contractor undertaking services on complex military equipment and aircraft for UK and US contractors. We have a fantastic opportunity for a Recovery Mechanic to join our team. The role Based in Mannheim, Germany you’ll get to work alongside our dedicated workforce on a US Military base. Prior experience of vehicle maintenance experience or vehicle recovery and Maintenance will be required, although additional training will be provided on site. This role is a fantastic chance for you to further develop your skills as a Recovery Mechanic, servicing and ...

Proposé par:
Pays du lieu de travail:
Fourchette salariale (Mensuellement):
2399 - 2399 EUR (Net pay)
Disponible pour l’événement suivant::
À propos:

M&E Global is a defence contractor undertaking services on complex military equipment and aircraft for UK and US contractors. We have a fantastic opportunity for a Labourer to join our team. The role Based in Dulmen or Mannheim, Germany you’ll get to work alongside our dedicated workforce on a US Military base. This role is a fantastic chance for you to further develop your skills as a labourer, working in an exciting environment. Essential duties and responsibilities To perform this job successfully, you must be able to fulfil each essential duty: Cut grass, using walking-type or riding ...

Proposé par:
Pays du lieu de travail:
Fourchette salariale (Mensuellement):
1663 - 1663 EUR (Net pay)
Disponible pour l’événement suivant::
À propos:

M&E Global is a defence contractor undertaking services on complex military equipment and aircraft for UK and US contractors. We have a fantastic opportunity for an HGV Driver to join our team. The role Based in Mannheim, Germany you’ll get to work alongside our dedicated workforce on a US Military base. Prior HGV Driving experience will be required, although additional training will be provided on site. This role is a fantastic chance for you to further develop your skills as an HGV Driver, working in an exciting environment. Essential duties and responsibilities To perform this job ...

Proposé par:
Pays du lieu de travail:
Fourchette salariale (Mensuellement):
2011 - 2011 EUR (Net pay)
Disponible pour l’événement suivant::
À propos:

M&E Global Resources is a defence contractor undertaking services on complex military equipment and aircraft for UK and US contractors. We have a fantastic opportunity for an Electrician (Maintenance) to join our team. The role Based in Dulmen or Mannheim, Germany you’ll get to work alongside our dedicated workforce on a US Military base. Prior experience as an electrician will be required, although additional training will be provided on site. This role is a fantastic chance for you to further develop your skills as an electrician, working on a diverse range of equipment in an exciting ...

Proposé par:
Pays du lieu de travail:
Fourchette salariale (Mensuellement):
2368 - 2368 EUR (Net pay)

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