Job and Career in Latvia
22 empleos disponibles para este evento
klīniskais psihologs Tavi ieguvumi: Konkurētspējīgs atalgojums: Atalgojums līdz 2,500 EUR bruto plus virs vidējā atalgojuma pakete. Veselības apdrošināšana: Veselības apdrošināšana pēc 3 mēnešu pārbaudes laika. Mūsdienīga darba vide: Darbs lieliskā birojā Rīgas centrā ar mūsdienīgām darba vietām, atpūtas telpa, PlayStation, galda teniss un daudz kas cits. Dinamiska vide: Pievienojies multikulturālai komandai ar plakanu organizatorisko struktūru un darba kultūru, kurā visi uzrunā viens otru vārdā . Labsajūtas priekšrocības: Regulāras augļu piegādes, bezmaksas dzērieni un pozitīva darba vide ...
- English
- Very good
- English
- Very good
Klientu apkalpošanas speciālists ar angļu valodas zināšanām Tavi ieguvumi: Konkurētspējīgs atalgojums: Atalgojums līdz 1,380 EUR bruto. Bonusi: Izbaudi pievilcīgus bonusus par darbu nedēļas nogalēs un valsts svētku dienās. Plus, rezultātos balstīts bonuss pēc 3 mēnešu darba. Visaptverošas apmācības: Pilnībā apmaksāts apmācību periods, kas nodrošinās Tavu veiksmi. Veselības apdrošināšana: Veselības apdrošināšana pēc 3 mēnešu pārbaudes laika. Mūsdienīga darba vide: Darbs lieliskā birojā Jaunajā Teikā ar mūsdienīgām darba telpām un daudz ko citu vienā no pievilcīgākajiem Rīgas rajoniem. Dinamiska ...
- English
- Very good
Klientu apkalpošanas speciālistu ar krievu valodas zināšanām Tavi ieguvumi: Konkurētspējīgs atalgojums: Atalgojums līdz 1,380 EUR bruto. Bonusi: Izbaudi pievilcīgus bonusus par darbu nedēļas nogalēs un valsts svētku dienās. Plus, rezultātos balstīts bonuss pēc 3 mēnešu darba. Visaptverošas apmācības: Pilnībā apmaksāts apmācību periods, kas nodrošinās Tavu veiksmi. Veselības apdrošināšana: Privāta veselības apdrošināšana pēc 3 mēnešu pārbaudes laika. Mūsdienīga darba vide: Darbs lieliskā birojā Jaunajā Teikā ar mūsdienīgām darba telpām un daudz ko citu vienā no pievilcīgākajiem Rīgas rajoniem ...
- Russian
- Very good
- English
- Very good
It’s pretty amazing being a part of Transcom. The world’s biggest brands have picked us to take care of their customers, and the experiences we deliver bring them to life. Right now, Transcom Latvia is looking for a Swedish-speaking Customer Service Representative for NETS, one of Europe’s most innovative, modern, and fastest-growing digital finance and payment solutions companies. This position presents you with an exciting opportunity to relocate to Latvia. Located just an hour's flight away from Stockholm, Riga, Latvia is a perfect match for you if you're looking for a relaxed and ...
- Swedish
- Fluent
It’s pretty amazing being a part of Transcom. The world’s biggest brands have picked us to take care of their customers, and the experiences we deliver bring them to life. Right now, we’re looking for a Finnish-speaking Customer Service Representative for Western Union, an industry leader in global money transfer and payment services. This position presents you with an exciting opportunity to relocate to Latvia. Located just an hour's flight away from Helsinki, Riga, Latvia is a perfect match for you if you're looking for a relaxed and affordable lifestyle. Relocating to Riga will skyrocket ...
- Finnish
- Fluent
- English
- Fluent
It’s pretty amazing being a part of Transcom. The world’s biggest brands have picked us to take care of their customers, and the experiences we deliver bring them to life. Right now, we’re looking for a Norwegian-speaking Customer Service Representative for Western Union, an industry leader in global money transfer and payment services. This position presents you with an exciting opportunity to relocate to Latvia. Located just an hour's flight away from Oslo, Riga, Latvia is a perfect match for you if you're looking for a relaxed and affordable lifestyle. Relocating to Riga will skyrocket your ...
- Norwegian
- Fluent
- English
- Fluent
It’s pretty amazing being a part of Transcom. The world’s biggest brands have picked us to take care of their customers, and the experiences we deliver bring them to life. Right now, Transcom Latvia is looking for a Swedish-speaking Customer Service Representative for NETS, one of Europe’s most innovative, modern, and fastest-growing digital finance and payment solutions companies. This position presents you with an exciting opportunity to relocate to Latvia. Located just an hour's flight away from Oslo, Riga, Latvia is a perfect match for you if you're looking for a relaxed and affordable ...
- Norwegian
- Fluent
It’s pretty amazing being a part of Transcom. The world’s biggest brands have picked us to take care of their customers, and the experiences we deliver bring them to life. Right now, we’re looking for a Danish-speaking Customer Service Representative for Western Union, an industry leader in global money transfer and payment services. This position presents you with an exciting opportunity to relocate to Latvia. Located just an hour's flight away from Copenhagen, Riga, Latvia is a perfect match for you if you're looking for a relaxed and affordable lifestyle. Relocating to Riga will skyrocket ...
- Danish
- Fluent
- English
- Fluent
It’s pretty amazing being a part of Transcom. The world’s biggest brands have picked us to take care of their customers, and the experiences we deliver bring them to life. Right now, Transcom Latvia is looking for a Danish-speaking Customer Service Representative for NETS, one of Europe’s most innovative, modern, and fastest-growing digital finance and payment solutions companies. This position presents you with an exciting opportunity to relocate to Latvia. Located just an hour's flight away from Copenhagen, Riga, Latvia is a perfect match for you if you're looking for a relaxed and ...
- Danish
- Fluent
Job description It’s pretty amazing being a part of Transcom. The world’s biggest brands have picked us to take care of their customers, and the experiences we deliver bring them to life. Right now, we’re looking for a Polish-speaking Customer Service Representative for Western Union, an industry leader in global money transfer and payment services. What's in it for YOU! 4-week training paid course. The training will take place at our office in Riga, Support with the whole relocation process and settling in, Health insurance after the probation period, Work experience that boosts your career ...
- Polish
- Fluent
- English
- Fluent