MobiLab Solutions
About the organisation
We are a software engineering company built by engineers for engineers.
In pursuit of engineering excellence we combine Silicon Valley risk-taking pragmatism with German uncompromising reliability.
MobiLab was founded in 2011 out of a living room with a single purpose of making mobile payment possible through smartphones. We successfully secured major funding from Deutsche Telekom AG and METRO AG and soon found out that our idea was too early for the market to be accepted. But we had one big lesson as a key takeaway: we were pretty good at engineering robust software from backend to frontend and could close major customers in need of rock-solid software to support them in their digitization endeavors.
Throughout time we have developed our own products which support us as in our work: We have our own data integration platform enabling customers to have a shared understanding of their data. We have an archiving & backup platform called Archivum which easily allows customers to archive and backup their data on the cloud and reduce costs by using different storage tiers.