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Über uns:

ManpowerGroup is a multinational company recognized worldwide for making business more human. By choosing us, you are choosing to be part of a multicultural and dynamic team in a universe of projects with the best brands on the market. Come build your career with us! About The Role On the Customer Support team, your primary focus and passion will be working directly with customers via chat, email or phone, whilst also allowing time for regular team meetings, coaching's, company-wide learning and development opportunities. Responsibilities: Efficiently address & solve user issues primarily via ...

Portugal, Porto
  • German
  • Fluent
  • English
  • Good
Gehaltsspanne (Monatlich):
1271 - 1300 EUR (Gross pay)
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Über uns:

ManpowerGroup is a multinational company known worldwide for making business more human. By choosing us, you are choosing to be part of a multicultural and dynamic team in a world of projects with the best brands on the market. Come and build your career with us! THE ROLE We are looking for a technical support consultant (French speaking) to work in a relaxed environment and be part of a motivated and growing team. As a Technical Support Advisor, you will be responsible for handling all customer inquiries over the phone, in accordance with service standards and procedures, in order to provide ...

  • English
  • Good
  • French
  • Fluent
Gehaltsspanne (Monatlich):
968 - 1343 EUR (Gross pay)
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Über uns:

ManpowerGroup is a multinational company known worldwide for making business more human. By choosing us, you are choosing to be part of a multicultural and dynamic team in a world of projects with the best brands on the market. Come and build your career with us! THE ROLE We are looking for a technical support consultant (English speaking) to work in a relaxed environment and be part of a motivated and growing team. As a Technical Support Advisor, you will be responsible for handling all customer inquiries over the phone, in accordance with service standards and procedures, in order to provide ...

Portugal, Braga
  • English
  • Good
Gehaltsspanne (Monatlich):
968 - 1343 EUR (Gross pay)
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Über uns:

ManpowerGroup is a multinational company known worldwide for making business more human. By choosing us, you are choosing to be part of a multicultural and dynamic team in a world of projects with the best brands on the market. Come and build your career with us! THE ROLE We are looking for a technical support consultant (French speaking) to work in a relaxed environment and be part of a motivated and growing team. As a Technical Support Advisor, you will be responsible for handling all customer inquiries over the phone, in accordance with service standards and procedures, in order to provide ...

Portugal, Braga
  • English
  • Good
  • French
  • Fluent
Gehaltsspanne (Monatlich):
968 - 1343 EUR (Gross pay)
Für Veranstaltung verfügbar:
Über uns:

klīniskais psihologs Tavi ieguvumi: Konkurētspējīgs atalgojums: Alga 2,500 EUR bruto (plus valstī noteiktā piemaksa par darbu nakts stundās un svētku dienās). Veselības apdrošināšana: Veselības apdrošināšana pēc 3 mēnešu pārbaudes laika. Mūsdienīga darba vide: Darbs lieliskā birojā Rīgas centrā ar mūsdienīgām darba vietām, atpūtas telpa, PlayStation, galda teniss un daudz kas cits. Dinamiska vide: Pievienojies multikulturālai komandai ar atvērtu darba kultūru, kur visi uzrunā viens otru vārdā. Labbūtības priekšrocības: Regulāras augļu piegādes, bezmaksas dzērieni un pozitīva darba vide ...

Latvia, Latvia
  • English
  • Very good
  • English
  • Very good
Gehaltsspanne (Monatlich):
2500 - 2500 EUR (Gross pay)
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Über uns:

Klientu apkalpošanas speciālists ar angļu valodas zināšanām Tavi ieguvumi: Konkurētspējīgs atalgojums: Sākot no 1,380 EUR bruto. Pēc pārbaudes laika mēneša ienākumi var sasniegt līdz pat 1700 EUR bruto atkarībā no sasniegtā bonusa. Bonusi: Izbaudi pievilcīgus bonusus par darbu nedēļas nogalēs un valsts svētku dienās. Plus, rezultātos balstīts bonus pēc 3 mēnešu darba. Pārcelšanās atbalsts: Pārcelšanās atbalsts. Visaptverošas apmācības: Pilnībā apmaksāts apmācību periods, kas nodrošinās Tavu veiksmi. Veselības apdrošināšana: Veselības apdrošināšana pēc 3 mēnešu pārbaudes laika, kas iekļauj ...

Latvia, Riga
  • English
  • Very good
Gehaltsspanne (Monatlich):
1380 - 1700 EUR (Gross pay)
Für Veranstaltung verfügbar:
Über uns:

Dein Traumjob auf hoher See wartet! Bist du ein Sprachgenie mit Entertainment-Talent und liebst es, Menschen aus aller Welt zu begeistern? Dann komm an Bord von MSC Cruises, dem führenden Kreuzfahrtunternehmen Europas, und werde unser Internationaler Host (m/w/d)! Was dich erwartet: Abenteuer pur: Bereise die schönsten Orte der Welt und arbeite dort, wo andere Urlaub machen – im Mittelmeer, der Karibik und vielen anderen Traumdestinationen. Vielfalt ohne Ende: An Bord triffst du auf Menschen aus über 114 Nationen – eine einzigartige Erfahrung, die deinen Horizont erweitert. Gestalte ...

  • German
  • Good
  • English
  • Good
Gehaltsspanne (Monatlich):
1700 - 2200 EUR (Net pay)
Für Veranstaltung verfügbar:
Über uns:

Reisen ist deine Leidenschaft? Du liebst es, Menschen für neue Orte, Kulturen und Erlebnisse zu begeistern? Dann nutze die Chance und werde Teil eines der weltweit größten Kreuzfahrtunternehmen! Deine Mission: Als Ausflugs-Experte (m/w/d) bringst du unsere Gäste an den spannendsten Destinationen der Welt zum Staunen! Ob Geschichte, Kunst oder Kultur – du vermittelst dein Wissen mit Begeisterung und setzt dein Verkaufstalent ein, um unvergessliche Erlebnisse zu ermöglichen. Was dich erwartet: 🌎 Internationales Team: Arbeite mit Kolleg:innen aus über 70 Ländern in einem multikulturellen Umfeld ...

  • German
  • Good
  • English
  • Good
Gehaltsspanne (Monatlich):
1750 - 2000 EUR (Net pay)

Tutorials für Arbeitsuchende ansehen

Applying for a job and scheduling a job interview as a jobseeker
Registration for Jobseekers