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12 Januar 2021
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186 Stellen auf dieser Veranstaltung verfügbar

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You are enthusiastic and adventurous person? Are you ready for new challenges? If your answer is YES – then here is a role for you– join the leader of the BPO sector TELUS International Europe! As a First level RUSSIAN Speaking Support you will be a part of a great team and all together will: Deliver outstanding client service Achieve great customer experience and satisfaction Identify and understand user needs Assist with general inquiries, product support and troubleshooting via phone, e-mail and chat As a candidate you do not need to have experience in a similar role but you should be ...

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You are enthusiastic and adventurous person? Are you ready for new challenges? If your answer is YES – then here is a role for you– join the leader of the BPO sector TELUS International Europe! As a First level ITALIAN Speaking Support you will be a part of a great team and all together will: Deliver outstanding client service Achieve great customer experience and satisfaction Identify and understand user needs Assist with general inquiries, product support and troubleshooting via phone, e-mail and chat As a candidate you do not need to have experience in a similar role but you should be ...

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Do you want to get into the Fashion Industry, be part of the Fashion World and represent one of the fastest growing eCommerce companies in Europe? If your answer is YES – join the leader of the BPO sector TELUS International Europe! We are looking for an enthusiastic person to join our NEW team in Sofia. As a Customer Service Advisor you will be a part of a great team and all together we will: Handle and respond to fashion queries including order taking, product information, tracking deliveries, returns by email and tickets only Support our clients at every step during the shopping process ...

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Are you ready to take the next step in your career and to achieve your next challenge? If your answer is YES – join the leader of the BPO sector TELUS International Europe! As a German Customer Support Specialist you will be a part of a great team and all together will: Work for a famous international rent-a-car company Communicate and assist customers by answering various requests for creating new reservations or modifying existing ones via phone and e-mail Achieve great customer satisfaction, focusing on clients’ needs, offering the best possible reservation/solution Actively and creatively ...

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Founded in 1996 in Magdeburg, today more than 5.000 employees work in the company in Germany, Austria and Bulgaria. regiocom is the largest full service provider in the field of energy and telecommunications in German and Austrian markets. We offer customer excellence through our employees and innovative solutions. In Bulgaria we have developed our business since 2006 and we are already successful in 5 Bulgarian cities – Sofia, Varna, Ruse, Veliko Tarnovo und Burgas. In Sofia and Varna we have concentrated on software development for leading energy companies. For our IT department in Sofia we ...

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regiocom Veliko Tarnovo sucht kommunikative Teamplayer! Und du kannst mitspielen - unsere Kunden begeistern, den besten Service bieten und gute Angebote machen als deutschsprachigen Kundenberater. Wir machen dich in einer professionellen Schulung fit in allen Fragen zu Verträgen und Rechnungen unserer Bestandskunden individuellen Lösungen zu Telefon- und Internettarifen spannenden und zu den Kunden passenden Optionen und Upgrades kundenorientiertem Beraten und Verkaufen Mitzubringen brauchst du nur Lust auf Kunden und Kommunikation gute Deutschkenntnisse Erfahrung im Umgang mit dem PC ​ Ran ...

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Die regiocom Story in Bulgarien bekommt ein neues Kapitel. DU kannst von Anfang an die Geschichte mitgestalten. W1R suchen für unser neues Service Center in Burgas gute Mitarbeiter mit guter Laune und viel Leidenschaft. Dein Potential entwickeln wir weiter - Kundenberater werden zu Paten, Coaches, Teamleitern, Trainern, Qualitätsassistenten. DU willst etwas GROßES, NEUES, KREATIVES? Bitte schön! Deine Aufgaben individuelle Lösungen zu allen Fragen unserer potentialen und Bestandskunden finden spannende und zu den Kunden passende Optionen und Upgrades anbieten kundenorientiertes und ...

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#guteleutegutelaune #sogehtteamwork regiocom Varna sucht für deutsche Energieunternehmen kommunikative Teamplayer! Und du kannst mitspielen - unsere Kunden begeistern, den besten Service bieten und gute Angebote machen als Berater für deutsche Kunden in der Energiebranche. Ran ans Telefon, demm wir bieten dir ein überdurchschnittlich festes Gehalt und attraktive Erfolgsprämien einen unbefristeten Arbeitsvertrag in Vollzeit oder in Teilzeit flexible abgestimmte Arbeitszeitgestaltung persönliche Einarbeitung und Betreuung durch Coaches, Trainer und Führungskräfte 24 Tage geplanter Urlaub im Jahr ...

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Търсим партньори, които с малка инвестиция да стартират веднага и да надграждат своя успешен собствен бизнес! Търсим мотивирани хора, готови да следват вече установените бизнес модели на компанията, за да развият своя успешен бизнес! Търсим партньори, готови да са част от франчайзинг модел с дух на семеен бизнес - разпределен в множество малки обекти. Всеки партньор на ВИТ – Борсата за матраци преминава през специално мултибрандинг обучение и получава готова методология за обучение на персонала на търговските обекти. ВИТ – Борсата за матраци предлага широк набор от инструменти за бизнеса и ...

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Bon Marine was founded in 1990 in Varna and for 30 years became one of the leaders in the Bulgarian shipping industry sector. Its activity includes ship agency, freight forwarding, chartering, logistics of infrastructure projects on and offshore handled by company’s’ own office network in Varna, Sofia, Burgas and Plovdiv. Due to the company expansion, Bon Marine Ltd is currently looking to employ Head of Air Department. Requirements: Education: University degree - Transport and Logistics; Economics; Sales & Marketing; Sales experience; Experience in the field of air freight is a must; Fluent ...

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